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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. This needs to be moved to the Black Friday fourm.
  2. everyone!
  3. I wouldn't BF anywhere else! :)
  4. It's pushing $3 here, at $2.99 but, no.. I'll still be going out. :)
  5. Nicee.. this is tomorrow. :)
  6. The only time I've ever been to Best Buy on BF, It wasn't that great of a trip. Circuit City is a great great place to go on BF, they know how to help just like you explained. Thanks for the story.
  7. Awwww man! Even though you don't have your sister, we'll be here to Guide you through Black Friday just fine. Also, welcome to the forums!
  8. Oh, I am counting down the days. Last year was great. I got some amazing things at the mall.. and I was in the front of the line, even after showing up just a few minutes before the doors opened. (I went to the back door of the Mall, that no one really went to..)
  9. Yeah, but they dont change EVERYTHING around. The computers will be still be there the computers are, right? I mean they'll just have some of the special items in the middle of the asiles
  10. Alot of stores have boxes of things that come packed from the manufactor, but then there is Wal*Mart. I think that they have some much of some things that they just ship all 10-15 things a pallet. Anyways, yeah-- if Pallets are labeled that would help
  11. The problem is that they stock 25/7... I mean, Wal*Mart has stores open 24/7-- which it would seem like their stuff would be better organized but it's really bad. You can be looking at CD's and find Wet Wipes, I just personally don't like Wal*Mart. Target is my place. Super Target, or Target Greatland.. PLEASEEE!
  12. That might be a good idea. Go to your local stores and get their FREE store maps, and map out where the things are, GREAT IDEA! :)
  13. Wal*Mart ALWAYS has pallets all over the store. That's just another reason why I love Target.. http://www.santamariatimes.com/content/articles/2004/11/27/news/local/news01.jpg Look at all the people, and NO pallets.
  14. This is a great resource if you're trying to compare prices to past years, etc. Thanks Brad!
  15. Aaron

    BF Forum is Open!

    Yeah, don't be a hater.
  16. Aaron

    BF Forum is Open!

  17. This item is Sold Out!
  18. I guess you don't pay attention to my posts..
  19. Gas Card would be cool.
  20. BTW, You have to be 18 to buy this... Well, atleast in Georgia you do. I tried to buy some and got carded.
  21. That will never happen.. Maybe Mod for a Month.. :)
  22. Any reviews on this product?
  23. This deal has already been posted, http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=13499
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