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Everything posted by stationchief

  1. Far as DVDs go, i'm hopin' Wal-Mart does their $4 grab-n-go bin again this year. That's where most of our christmas shoppin' is gonna be at, not to mention it's always a good way to build up your own personal movie collection.
  2. Yeah, we got those here and there across Phoenix as well. Seems to be a tad cheaper than Denny's, just that I don't like how much ours seems to attract the late-nite 'hell's angels' bikers an all the local 'hobos'. I prefer a much nicer and enjoyable environment to savin' a buck or two.
  3. There'll be plenty. Don't worry 'bout that.
  4. FYI ... Here's what last year's BF ads had to offer as far as Apple laptops/desktops, not including iPods: CompUSA was indeed the place last year for Apple stuff, however I've seen iBooks and iMacs at my local Best Buy before. But it looks like if you're hopin' for Apple 'puters this BF, 'ya should be anticipating the CompUSA ads.
  5. Good to see you're gettin' in the spirit of things as well, Ross!
  6. No they won't be the cheap doorbusters, but the previous places I mentioned (Best Buy, CompUSA, and/or Circuit City) should have the iPods and iBooks sale priced pretty decently. Get the 2005 BF items list and look into the places that had 'em last year.
  7. I like that animated one best thus far, but maybe it needs to be slowed down just a bit. Speed reading isn't my best talent.
  8. Now I wanna get a picture of our BF line all holdin' a 20' GottaDeal.com banner from end to end. What a front page pic that'd make for the site!
  9. Arranging it so both mine and the wife's paychecks are our spendin' cash. Gotta plan months before so all our bills are gonna be paid up. Won't exactly know 'till our paychecks come in a few days before BF, but our cash flow is expected to be well into the high three figures range. Am also expectin' hundreds in BBB from the McD's monopoly game.
  10. This year, the wife and I are gonna shop 'till we drop. Doin' all our personal shoppin' first (BB, FE, possibly WM), then comes our christmas shoppin' (off to WM). Expected return home: 4-5 pm.
  11. I would've been excited Other popular lines in my life were the premieres for the latest Star Wars movies.
  12. The apple store itself probably won't do anything for BF. However, if it's the Apple iPod Nano you're after, those should be on sale on BF at electronic stores like Best Buy or Circuit City. They may even be popular enough and the price lowered enough to be a limited quantity doorbuster for those willin' to wait in lines.
  13. Now that the McD's monopoly game is about to get underway, I'm startin' to become more curious as to what BB will have so I can possibly use those game piece bucks.
  14. So for rules and any/all questions we can go to that 'other' thread. Let's keep this thread open to discuss using 'em on BF, eh? Back on the BF forum topic, how many of y'all are planning on using the BBB on BF and how you plannin' on getting 'em? And don't forget to read those rules first, people. It specifically says what you can and can't use the BBB on. And alot of BB stores might flat out tell 'ya you can't use 'em on a sale item.
  15. Heck, I'll demonstrate my age for 'ya. I remember years ago (about '90-'91) when the Super Nintendo videogame system was the hottest thing anyone's ever seen. I was a young adult back then and had money saved from my first job ready to buy that thing. Apparantly, there was a major shortage by Nintendo sending units overseas. When thanksgiving came around and the day had arrived when the SNES was to be released, my goodness it was just like someone's worst BF morning. The first dozen or so people in lines at major retailers got their SNES, and the other several hundred folks got mad when they found out there wasn't any more. Later in the papers and around auction houses, people were selling SNES units for up to 4-5 times their cost. People were actual buying this thing for up to $1000 or more just so santa can being their kid one in time for christmas. I don't think I've ever seen one product cause such insanity like that before. Other than maybe the original release of 'Tickle-Me-Elmo' some years later. Oh, and I did get an SNES about six months later after I put my name on a waiting list. Didn't get it in time for christmas, but still had a happy ending.
  16. ::TAKES A GASP OF EXCITEMENT:: .... ... UNTIL :: GETS READY TO THROW MONITOR AT Frieked:: Um, maybe I should clarify. Please post legitimate rumors, either from word goin' around the store or whatnot. Try not to start rumors here.
  17. So ... While we're waitin' for the first bunch of ads to arrive, what's the buzz around the stores so far? Discuss any currently rumored BF sale items and doorbusters, or any inside info someone's willing to share. Once the first ads start to show up, a mod can delete this thread for something more appropriate. But 'til then, let's spread the rumors about what's coming. Anyone?
  18. Sorry Just that there were some BF specific people who did this last year. And I'd kinda like to know what limitations BB puts on these things on the day of BF, if it's different than any other day.
  19. I'll probably send for tons of mail-in game pieces this year. I could never eat that much in chicken strips and large fries. Those of y'all who sent in for mail-in game pieces last year, I assume 'ya just need boxes of two different sized envelopes (one small sized S.A.S.E. sent in a larger one mailed to the address on the rules) and enough stamps. That's standard 39-cent postage, right? Any specific advice 'ya might have? This'll be my first year tryin' anything like this.
  20. Actually, Novac, those banners are pretty good. I think you might've blown everyone away. If anyone needs to make those larger pics smaller, just use your favorite picture editor and 'ya can alter the size of those .PNG pics. You can even just use MS Paint.
  21. The people in charge of that WM vid were just completely unprepared for what was about to happen. Very sad. I didn't manage to get any pics of our WM line last year, but fortunately it wasn't as bad as that. We had security. :)
  22. Only the smart ones bundle up and prepare the night before. But smart or not, those are the ones gettin' all the computers and plasma TVs. Me too. None of us are in our right minds, eh?
  23. Yes, I am a wierdo and no, I would not go out in public in my pajamas . Not just cuz it's very cold weather, but jeez people, have some decency in public and slip on a pair of jeans and a dirty t-shirt before leaving the house. It takes about 30 seconds even though that's enough time for about half a dozen more people to get in line. And by wierdos, I mean not just the pajama people. For example, last year there were some teens who came up right behind us actin' like they just came from bein' at the bar all nite. Others were just 'tweekin' like they were doin' drugs earlier. That's about when security started monitoring the line. I'm crazy, but I ain't stupid.
  24. Here's the 'official' site for those who didn't find it in the other forum thread about the game. Sitge just demonstrates the game for now, but looks pretty cool. McDonalds Monopoly Game 2006
  25. Good to hear it's back. I remember last year tons of people redeemed hundreds in Best Buy monopoly game bucks for the laptops and computers and such on BF. But 'ya gotta eat tons of those large sized value meals to get that much. Man, if it wasn't for my ulcers and all those stomach problems. Just remember, some BB stores put a limit on how many you can redeem at a time. Check the rules for this year. BTW ... Everyone remember the winning ticket pattern for Mickey-D's monopoly game board (like the one rare ticket you hunt for to complete each colored monopoly)? I figured it out years ago and it's been around the net many times. They've used the same pattern since te game's conception years ago.
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