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Everything posted by stationchief

  1. BF ads! McDonald's Monopoly Game rules! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah! All this waiting is making me ... http://elouai.com/images/yahoo/a30.gif INSANE!!!
  2. Boy it's really crowded in here. Must be getitn' close to BF! Welcome all newbies! And don't forget to stick around!
  3. \ That's the thing that makes me even more excited about the cheap laptop deals for BF. There's lots of great deals goin' on now. So, if they're that good now, imagine what they're gonna have on BF!
  4. But I said it with 1/3 less effort! Just re-stating the main point.
  5. Keep in mind that BF lines all depend on your location and popularity. Some lines start thanksgiving morning, others don't really get goin' until a few hours before opening.
  6. Watch the rules, folks. Some of you are missing a few words.
  7. I already have a GottaDeal t-shirt, but I gotta say this is hilarious! You get to have fun AND win goodies!
  8. Yup, even their cheap one for under $200 had a 15-incher. I think their doorbuster deal this year would have at least a 17" LCD monitor. There'll be plenty of computer/monitor/printer deals, and maybe even a cheaper deal for just the computer by itself. Keep the fingers crossed!
  9. Those prices might happen. Every year prices drop bit by bit. But it's questionable by how much since old-style (non-LCD) tube TVs are still being produced and sold. Far as PC monitors, the 21-22" are becoming more popular and dropping in price as bigger monitors are released. 24" are out now and even bigger ones with VGA and digital inputs are arriving. I think the bare minimum people will accept these days is about 19" and those are going down into the $100-200 mark.
  10. 74 more days, or: 10 weeks + 4 days 1776 hours 106,560 minutes 6,393,600 seconds 'till midnite BF. The anticipation is maddening!
  11. True. The way monitor prices have been dropping lately we should see some pretty sweet widescreen LCD monitor deals this BF. Most 21"+ should be on sale around $200, but there might be a few for even within the $100 mark.
  12. I think last year was a trial run. From what I understand, it was quite successful. Plus I enjoyed putting a voice to the online name. Here's the thread abot it in last year's archive. I haven't heard anything, but I'm sure RossMAN will consider bringing it back for this year. I'm willing to help out this year as well. I can be 'on-call' during specific times for Ross to direct callers to me to help out with their BF electronics shopping.
  13. From the online users section: Ah, the memories.
  14. GottaDeal.com has really launched off the last few years. Last year was indeed a biggie for Brad and company far as the print and news media and online advertising. I think this year is gonna be even bigger once we get just a lil' closer to BF. Kinda makes you wonder just how many registered users this forum can handle. Really hope they battened down the hatches this year.
  15. For line waiting I take my portable DVD player, maybe a blaket, snacks, and pocket full of money. Maybe a can of mace cuz you never know what wierdos are around 'ya. Be careful out there, folks, and stay safe from theifs and predators.
  16. Those $900 ones previously discussed above are more towards the professionals and certainly not for the typical consumer. A good one would be any 7MP basic digital camera. People seem to lean towards HP or Kodak for ease of use. They'll be a big seller on BF, probably around $100 or so. The 8-9MP cameras are coming out nowdays and those are currently going for about $150-200 a pop. I gotta feeling it's gonna be a sweet BF for camera buffs.
  17. Recalls don't happen very often. Nevertheless, toys can get recalled suddenly and without much warning, like just before they go to the presses. They'll have to be on their toes and make last minute changes if another recall happens again.
  18. Yes they do. Think they also had the under $100 desktop as well. It's unfortunate they're not in every town. Here in AZ we got two. Lucky us, huh? Best Buy, CompUSA, and Circuit City are a few of the popular others that have some good cheap laptop deals. Wal-Mart used to but they changed their tactics to a pre-blitz day laptop sale last year.
  19. Hmm ... tummy full of turkey or a laptop? Decisions, decisions. Right now you're lookin' at about $350-400 just for the cheapest ones out there. For example, Wal-Mart has a nice Acer for $398 everyday. As for Tiger Direct and Newegg, you're probably still lookin' at just barely crossing the $400 mark. If you really need to keep it under that mark, then you could always spend time with the folks, have your turkey as early as possible, then soon as dinner is officially over run by a few stores and check out the lines. If the line at one is too long, go check out another. I'd say most lines at places like Best Buy would be reaching the 'no cheap laptop' mark around late afternoon, however it all depends on the neighborhood and which one you go to. Keep an eye out for weekly specials at Wal-Mart, Best Buy, CompUSA and such. It's either that, or prepare fror a long wait on BF.
  20. Some stores should. Not too many, though, as they're not quite as popular to common consumers but more towards the pros. For example: Last year a few stores had the Canon XTi Digital SLR for about $900. The stores that usually have 'em on BF are Best Buy, CompUSA, and Circuit City. Maybe some others but those are the biggies.
  21. Me too. I could go for a nice 21" widescreen monitor to replace my 19" 60-pound paperweight monitor. Anyone wanna buy me one?
  22. Alot of 'em will come with a CD burner/DVD reader nowdays. But I'd recommend a flash drive to store all your vacation photos instead. You get more storage than a CD for a fairly decent price. And don't forget the USB media card reader to transfer 'em over.
  23. Just about anything on the market today. Just about all of 'em brand new come with half a gig of memory, WiFi, and a big enough hard drive to store a ton of photos. All depends on what you plan on doing with it AFTER that. You need to think if that's all you plan on doing with it for as long as you have it, as it's very difficult to upgrade anything besides the memory and maybe the drives. The cheaper ones won't make for very good video editing/creating/burning for your home movie DVDs (believe me, I've tried) and they're fair for gaming but not for the gaming enthusiast. One more question like this and I might be forced to make a BF laptop FAQs.
  24. Here, lemme help: Acer Aspire 3680 . Currently online it says it's $428, but I've seen it at our local store for the $398 price tag. There's also the Everex NC1502 online for $398. And welcome to the community, Mel Jones of Central Texas.
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