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Everything posted by stationchief

  1. Here's the latest just in time for the live webcast tonite with BigJimSlade... The first items for 2014 are in the charts! One TV and one tablet from the Goody's chain of stores! Now that we've got our first items I've implemented some new features for 2014. The ability to sort the columns any way you want by click/drag, and hiding columns with info you're not interested in. So, you want to print out a chart with the prices first and hide all the techie mumbo-jumbo that's taking up all that space? You got it! You can make your chart the way you want. Still might be a lil' buggy with certain browsers, but go give it a try and lemme know what'ca think.
  2. Sadly, I won't be there on the Tuesday test casts (late work & school ) but I'll be around for the Saturday ones after
  3. Thanks again to all that have agreed to help out this year! While we're waiting for the first ad to come in for a landing, it got me thinking about what can be done to improve the charts this year. Other than, well, more charts that is. So what new feature or addition to the product charts would you like to see this year to make them even more helpful? A way to choose what details (columns) you want displayed for each chart? A way to sort those columns any way you choose? A mobile friendly site? Chime in if you will!
  4. I liked being able to call-in as well just to chat with ol' BigJim and help answer questions. And I'm sure everyone else liked lots of contests for BF t-shirts and goidies.
  5. What, no predictions yet as to when the first ad will land?
  6. Thanks to all who have contacted me thus far! We'll be starting very soon and we're still looking for a few more volunteers, so if you haven't already agreed to help out Brad with the site's ad work, let me know if you're interested in helping out with the charts.
  7. It's that time of year again. Time for the... (wait for it)... 2014 GottaDeal.com Black Friday Product Charts! I'm now making the official call for volunteers for this year's charts. If you'd like to volunteer please send me a PM and I'll set you up. It's pretty simple. As each ad comes in you'll be responsible for logging in to a special website where you'll enter detailed information (item's description, price, store, type, resolution, etc) for all the items of a particular product. Some are fairly easy, others may require more research and effort. It all depends on how much time you're willing to put in. We have a lil' community of volunteers who all help each other out every year so you won't be alone. Plus I'll be looking into adding a possible incentive for all your help These charts have been extremely popular among all Black Friday shoppers every year, and I expect them to be even more so this year so I'll need lots of help putting them together. This year's product charts will still be located at blackfridaycharts.com. Last year's charts, for comparison, are located at blackfridaycharts.com/previous/2013. What are these so-called charts, you say? Have a look at a tenth (yes it's been that long!) anniversary message with their past history, how they came to be, all mixed in with a lil' of me: blackfridaycharts.com/MyStory.html Let the Black Friday madness begin!
  8. Not this again Um... I mean... yay?
  9. Seems like all the links that give Brad credit in the Deals section of the forums are broken. I don't plan on shopping anytime soon so I don't mind
  10. Sunday. We knew thee well. Ye shall be missed. At least we're up and running again without too much trouble. Glad to hear tis place can take a licking and keep on ticking!
  11. All charts are now updated with all ads for this week's Black Friday (or Thursday) festivities. Hope everyone stays safe and enjoys their shopping week
  12. All charts are now updated with all the latest ads as of today. On behalf of all of us volunteering our time to do these things I feel I should say... WHEW!
  13. I got mine Thanks!
  14. I wasn't able to set up a chart for streaming media players, but if you go to http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/ and search for Roku a few will come up.
  15. Everything is now updated with the latest ads with the exception of laptops, which there are more than plenty of and will be updated in the next day or so. Thanks, Brad, for a wonderful avalanche of ads this week Sleep is so overrated, anyways! Now where'd I put my case of blue Monster energy drink?
  16. Only if you're live in line at Best Buy
  17. I said it was a blast from the past. My old bones weren't lyin', huh? Aww... shucks
  18. With the landslide of big ads this week updates will be sporatic day by day, but expect everything to be completed by this weekend.
  19. Charts have been updated to include all currently leaked ads as of today, 11/09. We'll be updating next when one of the major retailers release an ad. You're welcome
  20. Welcome dalekslayer and to all our newest members! Remember, even after Black Friday the GottaDeal community is year round!
  21. Giving everyone a heads up that the 2013 charts with all the current ads are coming. Tune in to BigJim's Black Friday Live webcast this Saturday for the scoop : http://forums.gottadeal.com/topic/201768-black-friday-webcast-this-saturday-112-7pm-ct/
  22. http://blackfridaych...om/MyStory.html Just a lil' something to pass the time while my volunteers and I work on the recent ads. A bit of the chronological history of the product charts mixed in with a little bit of me If you have the time, go and have a read.
  23. Please read haiku rules... Some have too many syllab'es... No t-shirt for you!
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