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Everything posted by stationchief

  1. Seat belts securely fastened and ready for the avalanche!
  2. Welcome back, my good sir! Looking forward to the webcasts this year! If there's anything you need me to help out with, lemme know So let's take a quick poll: When would folks like to have the regular webcasts (days/time)? I forget hat the days were last year, but as for myself my work schedule permits me anytime Tuesdays and/or weekends. Don't forget we also need one on the eve of each major ad released.
  3. It looks... 'prettier' than previous years I like it! Does it still say 'I've probably got your doorbuster' on the back? That's been a time honored gottadeal black Friday t-shirt tradition for years.
  4. What the hay, I'll join in on this whole Skype thing for Black Friday. Afraid I'm not very proficient when it comes to toys, but if anyone wants to talk tech about electronics or video games I'm game. Good thing I already have, use, and enjoy Skype!
  5. We'll be starting things up for the 2015 charts before you know it! Anyone who still wants to help out this year please send me a PM. The more, the merrier!
  6. It's that time of year again! Time for the... (wait for it)... 2015 GottaDeal.com Black Friday Product Charts! I'm now making the official call for volunteers for this year's charts. If you'd like to volunteer to help put the charts together this year please send me a PM. It's pretty simple. As each ad comes in you'll be responsible for logging in to a special website where you'll enter all the items with some detailed information (item's description, price, store, type, resolution, etc) for a particular product. Some are fairly easy, others may require more research and effort. It all depends on how much time you're willing to put in. We have a lil' community of volunteers who all help each other out every year so you won't be alone. Plus I'll be looking into adding a possible incentive for all your help! These charts have been extremely popular among Black Friday shoppers among this site and all around the country every year, and I expect them to be even more so this year so I'll need lots of help putting them together. This year's product charts will still be located at blackfridaycharts.com. Last year's charts, for comparison, are currently there until the 2015 ads start coming out when they will be moved to blackfridaycharts.com/previous/2014. What are these so-called charts, you say? Have a look at a tenth (yes it's been that long!) anniversary message with their past history, how they came to be, all mixed in with a lil' of me: blackfridaycharts.com/MyStory.html Oh, I almost forgot. Do you like taking quick looks at previous BF items? Then you'll enjoy the ability to select one of the many previous year's charts, going all the way back to the very first Desktop chart from 2005! Having trouble viewing the site on your mobile device? Then go to blackfridaycharts.com from your tablet, Kindle, iPad, iPhone, smartphone, or any portable device for the mobile-friendly version! Let the Black Friday madness officially begin!
  7. Present and accounted for!
  8. Tick tock, indeed!
  9. Enjoy your stay with the rest of us here at Deal Junkies Anonymous!
  10. And the final update to the 2014 Black Friday Product Charts has been posted. Hope everyone can use them to find the best deals out there this year. Everyone have a very happy Thanksgiving and stay safe out there in the Black Friday/Thursday/whenever crowds
  11. More TV time for the charts... Online chart lets you sort through holiday ads - ABC15.com Only about a minute and fifteen of fame, but it's still good media relations
  12. If anyone has access to ABC affiliate Channel 15 in the Phoenix AZ area, tune in to tonight's 6pm news for the Smart Shopper segment with Daphne Munro. The charts, and GottaDeal.com, are making another media appearance
  13. Another big update! Nearly all hot electronics items should be added in now and Kohls should be done shortly. Enjoy the charts while you camp out in line!
  14. Almost forgot to announce another HUGE update just in time for BigJim's webcast tonight! We're in the home stretch, folks. You know it's getting close when you've got just over 2,200 items in your charts!
  15. Sad (although a little funny) that everyone else would get their t-shirts before you do
  16. Got mine!
  17. What? Nobody knows about these charts? I really gotta work on my advertising... Let's make 'em a TV star! Web sites, tools to help find those Black Friday deals - ABC15.com You can just watch the first half and ignore the 'other' sites And why didn't she click again to buy that Element TV online?
  18. HUGE update this morning! As we are nearing the final stretch to Black Friday the charts will be updated more often. We should be nearly caught up with all of the most recent ads that have been released since last night. A few things still need to be added here and there, but we'll get 'em. And I'm aware that there's a slight problem with sorting the description columns properly. That should be fixed shortly. We've all been working hard to get this latest avalanche of ads entered into the charts. Thanks for all the kind words everyone
  19. I'll be doing the DVD and Blu-ray charts/lists myself this year. In fact, those will be updated shortly.
  20. Typically you'll find SIM card slots on tablets that support 3G/4G data service. The Samsung Galaxy Tabs do and some models of iPads, but other than those it's uncommon for a typical tablet to have that feature. Wi-fi is much more common.
  21. Thanks for all the kind words, everyone! That's the reason why we do this Another update as we've been bombarded with huge ads as of late. A lot of items' details are still pending but fear not. We're still working hard to get things ready for the weekend. Also, usually every year we have requests for a detailed text listing of all the DVDs and Blu-ray titles pictured in the ads. I'm going to do this in the DVDs and Blu-ray charts this year. Therefore, if you're interested in the movies and TV seasons that are available for Black Friday, go check out the product charts at blackfridaycharts.com!
  22. I knew this was such an awesome site, but so much that our awesomeness made the servers go all kablooey? Get well soon, GottaDeal!
  23. HUGE update with all of the ad items that rained on us this week. Enjoy and see you at BigJim's webcast!
  24. Be patient, folks. The storm of ads is on the horizon
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