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Everything posted by stationchief

  1. FYI Brad, you should've waited a few more days so you could post the new thread on November 30th at 11:59pm. 'You all have exactly one minute to make the November 2018 post :p'
  2. I never thought it was such a bad little tree.
  3. In the words of Shang Tsung, 'It has begun!' Tote bags here we come!
  4. Congrats to all who won!
  5. Smart home devices aren't an option in the charts. But if you go to the Black Friday portion of the site, on the top right you can search for "Echo Dot" and several choices available in the ads will pop up.
  6. Just wanted to give the charts a bumpity to remind everyone about this wonderful tool to plan your strategy before you go to Black Friday war. We are finishing up adding the final batch of stores (including GameStop) so all of the charts should soon have every hot electronics items available for Black Friday. Happy shopping you crazy shoppers, good luck and and be safe out there! http://blackfridaycharts.com
  7. How about a GD swag box? Fill it full of shopping bags, string packs, hats, mouse pads, pens. Everything!
  8. Will start my SS shopping tomorrow. Should be interesting
  9. Best Buy and Walmart, then GameStop once it's leaked. Please/thank you.
  10. I was live yesterday with Phoenix's own Smart Shopper Daphne! https://smartshopperdaphne.com/one-stop-shop-for-finding-black-friday-doorbuster-deals-on-electronics/ Don't worry, I'll be upgrading that cheap 19" old-school flat screen on the right during Black Friday
  11. Idea is © len_mullen™, all rights reserved.
  12. I agree with announcing a new thread for the 2018-2019 season ASAP so the folks that leave right after Black Friday will hear about it. Happy shopping and stay safe everyone!
  13. Thought this deserves a bumpity-bump as there's been tons of products added to the charts all the way up to most recent ads that have leaked.
  14. Last I heard Dev is super busy with his film company. Hopefully he'll have time for us and the webcasts.
  15. Tomorrow we'll be looking into video chat or at least screen sharing so we can show the best deals in the ads while yapping with all you GD-ers.
  16. Here comes the avalanche of ads. Keep your fingers safe all you ad typers! Oh, and posting obligation completed
  17. Yummy! I go nuts over a good sugar cookie with the right frosting
  18. So who got the secret gift card in the coin pouch?
  19. I'll log in and hang around our Discord chatroom throughout the day. Arizona time, of course. Anyone needs me just give a shout.
  20. Not to mention all the live t-shirt contests
  21. He was fashionably late checking in for the webcasts last year but still did a few in November. Year before that I think it was jaymacfla that took over for him. Maybe jaymacfla or someone else can take over as a substitute webcaster until we hear from ol' BigJim. Last we heard from him his parents had just gotten ill. I really do hope things are okay. I saw him around Facebook throughout the year talking about his film company so I'll try hittin' him up on social media and say hi.
  22. Wish I could put half a dozen of those arcade machines in my apartment. I'm just not a big fan of going smaller. While we're on the subject of console replicas there are other options you can consider other than these minis with built-in games. Stone Age Gamer is a good place to go, especially for the RetroN5 (plays Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, Famicom, Super Famicom, Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, and Megadrive cartridges). Costs a bit more than the console minis and you need physical cartridges to play, but imagine a 9-in-1 system with HDMI and wireless controllers. Or if you really want to go all-out classic stand-up arcade machines, there's Northcoast Custom Arcades. Careful not to drool on your PC monitor once you see those. All sizes, including full-size stand-ups and the sit-down cocktail machines. A bit on the pricey side for pre-built (starting at about two grand) but you can get a cheaper do-it-yourself kit. One day I will make one. One day.
  23. Runs to go look inside coin pouches... both empty... GIFTCARD>
  24. Wait for a Sears Telegames classic or Magnavox Odyssey classic. Imagine the controllers on those things being bigger than the mini system itself! But as far as the PlayStation Classic Mini being a hot item, it's possible as this would be Sony's first Mini version of a classic console. But at only 20 games included? Hopefully the rumors about a N64 Classic Mini from Nintendo will be true and compete with them. It doubt it'll cause any drop in prices on their current console, the PlayStation 4. That didn't happen for Nintendo when the madness about the NES and SNES Classic Minis occurred. Any drop in the core system would likely occur because of the success of the PS4 Pro. But, it's Sony, so who knows.
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