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Everything posted by allshoppedout

  1. YES! Good News. I'll watch this Spring too and see if they put them on clearance. . . I stood there and contemplated buying one for my sister--as a gift. That way if she had a big event she could borrow mine--giving her 2 to use, and then I could borrow her's sometimes if I had an occasion to. . . But she doesn't love getting appliances for gifts-if it does clearance out a few months from now, I am definitely getting her one then. *Glad your mom got the last one becca
  2. I looked at this recipe yesterday and wanted to try making some for desert today. When I was shopping I looked at a grocery store and DH was shopping elsewhere and I asked him to check as well. Neither of the stores we shopped at had any Butter Pecan Cake mix --there was no spot for it at all on the shelf. I was sooo bummed. Sounded simple wanted to have some.
  3. I think that is what alot of people in my "neck of the woods" refer to as Buckeyes. because we dip them about 3/4 the way, leaving the peanutbutter showing at the top, like a BUCKEYE. These are soooo good. I know people put Rice Krispies in them too, but I like the regular..
  4. THANK YOU, very MUCH for your reply :) I am going to try some of the stainless mixing bowls I have and see if they will fit to my pots tomorrow when kids are at school.
  5. 1 Black Friday! 2 St Nicholas (goodies in the shoes 3-Patty Duke 4 Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas 6 Lively and quick.
  6. WAIT -- number 2 I get it is a trick isn't it? It isn't a song...it is The movie A CHRISTMAS CAROL -by dickens ???
  7. WOW! I wish I had one near me! I'd love to have the Rudolph R.N. Reindeer and SC is Coming to Town for that price!
  8. Ok I know little about GH --any of them, but I did buy one for my son (PS2 version) My question is, if I get GH Aerosmith- Do I need another guitar, or may I use the guitar that came with my bundle for ANY other GH PS2 game?
  9. I too wish my Dollar Tree was closer, but I save $ because I spend less, as I go there less often. I have an Idea, How about an EXPRESS Gift... they have these new games--second row on page-> http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=clue+express+sorry+express&x=0&y=0 called Express games. Express Battleship, Clue, Monopoly etc. I saw them In TARGET today for 9.99 and 10.99 I'd pick one that you can't recall seeing at their house. It is like a little travel game, some got good reviews. Then you'd have 15 $ left to spend. Maybe you can find the movie Polar EXPRESS, I think I got it somewhere last year for X-mas. So now that is about 15 total And maybe an American Express gift card for $10 (if they come in that denomination). Or maybe a gift card for an Asian restaurant like Oriental Express or Panda Express ? ..
  10. I think I will --and I WILL be smart and get their name...but I want to know have you ever done this, had them say "yes" on Wed. . . and then you go in Friday for example and they say "sorry don't know who told you that, but nope, no way, we don't do that!" I have had that happen regarding other things (not a T-giving sale and not Kmart, but I am just saying..)
  11. I am in Pittsburgh, home of the Steelers . (I don't know where your town is.) Do you want mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes
  12. Thanks, I am even more enthused about using it now. How about I whip something up and you can all come over for some dinner in a few hours..? .
  13. Thank you all very much for your suggestions. I was 98% sure I was doing the garland and bows. Infact I was looking at the lighted garland that Target had on sale...but decided to wait, thinking I could get a better deal. When going over to Walgreens I found these SNOWFLAKE lights on a string of 9 feet -should be PERFECT length, one on either side of the fence that faces the street. (I am not going all the way around the entire fence) The boxes say there is 1 snowflake per string that hangs down and they are at varying lengths. *This is the box in the Walgreen ad http://walgreens.shoplocal.com/walgreens/Default.aspx?action=browsepagesingle&storeid=2560503&rapid=612845&pagenumber=12 (bottom right side of page under pink box) When my kids are at school tomorrow I am going to open them and try putting on the fence and see how it looks (although I'd rather see them at night). Not sure what to attach with.... If they look good it'll have only cost me $15 dollars, probably less than the lighted garland and bows. If I don't like it, I am going with garland and bows.
  14. I got the Buffet server today, it has 3 little compartments with clear lids...it was advertised in the ad for $33 Anyone ever used/had one of these? I have not unwrapped and explored yet, but sure looks good on the box. I have seen these type of servers for waaay more at B B And Beyond. They seemed very popular last year. My target had about 6 of them ( I got there 90 min. after they opened.)
  15. my halloween stuff was 90% off but not a single good thing there! No good appliance/or MM juice:( but I did get a pink spatula for 30 % off (I think)-my kitchen is white, black and pink (hello Kitty!) and happily I got everything else I went for that was a regular sale (and the buffet server thing.Anyone have/try one of those? I walked the entire perimeter of the store and saw nothing good..Stuff was either 1-not cheap at all (15% What??) or 2- if there was one desirable thing, it was opened/destroyed.
  16. Oddly enough, I got an email saying my order has shipped--the 3 2oz. lotions the set BOGO for $8.00 but I received the other order --it is ok, just so I receive the others... eventually .
  17. Will you come over and help me do it :stir:pleeeeeeaaase ? Wasting time is bad enough, but when you consider the cost of the ingredients...and you have to throw them out... .
  18. First of all for your delicious recipes everybody I am over here and looking forward to trying so many of them. I just have a ? I don't have a double broiler--not because of the cost but I have very small kitchen and try not to buy appliance/pots, etc unless they are something I'd use at least 3 times a week. So I have read many recipes that say to microwave the chocolate. I have tried this at least 10 times. Guess I am a real goober. I can't seem to do it without the chocolate burning. I do it very slooooowwly. Stop and stir, 15 more seconds, or just 10, stir again, etc, but it never seems to melt until many many stops and starts--and by then it smells/looks/IS burned. Any suggestions?
  19. Thanks for letting us know. I got "Nuthin'" in my mailbox today-again. DH is stopping after work to get a newspaper, perhaps we'll be lucky...
  20. ANYONE get these gift sets yet? I ordered these on Nov 4. On Nov 5 I ordered the bigger lotions/shower gels. Today I got this order. I ordered 2 Apple and 2 Vanilla and they smell very very nice.
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