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Everything posted by wildtama

  1. I am so glad that those of you who have been on weren't on b/c you were in a fight at Walmart.
  2. We usually get some under $20 toys to give to charity. I used to get my Holiday Barbie every BF, but not anymore since they make so many of them.
  3. How true! I am just taking it for granted that GottaDeal has the info earlier than the rest of the mortals in the shopping universe! I was surprised that some of the heavy hitters hadn't been scanned yet. I guess it just makes for more antici pation!
  4. You may also want to consider a coronet (sp?). It's similar to a trumpet, but a bit smaller and a bit less expensive, i imagine. That's what I started with when I was a kid :)
  5. Goodness, just voting in this poll has made me feel old!
  6. Aaron - I think we are looking at level 1 and 2 hotels. This is our first year to reach silver status, so I am not real sure how it will all work out. If you have any insight, please share! :) And thanks for the input so far. I love reading it :)
  7. We live a good hour from any of the stores which will be running BF events. I floated the idea of staying Thanksgiving night in a hotel close to the prime shopping to my better half tonite. And I think we may actually do it. Would you consider staying the night at a hotel/motel in order to sleep in some and have a closer drive to the big events? We have enough points for either a free hotel night or can earn higher point values if we stay in a Marriott brand hotel. Anyone else pondering this? Good idea? Bad idea? Give me your feedback, please
  8. If they feel too good for getting a deal, so be it. That attitude probably carries over to more aspects of their life. I enjoy meeting ppl in line. It's amazing the folks who come from all over. Just like going to a concert, imo
  9. Thanks for posting this. I have had the exact same pondering lately.
  10. When we are in line and see this, we tell the latecomers that the line is waaaaaay back there. Then, we make sure to let folks behind us know that they are latecomers and to "assist" them to their place in line. Seems to work by giving your fellow early risers a heads up.
  11. That sounds like a neat idea :) I think a tree always looks a bit better if it's elevated some. And it clears up some space for more presents under it :)
  12. Agreeing that it's not only a good idea, but thoughtful. And the things that involve some thought are the best!
  13. My key is to grab exactly the "hot" buys I came for and head straight to a register. No dawdling. I focus on that register like a laser beam and head there. :) That seems to work out well for me.
  14. He could be right there with me, fending off the crowds, and *still* have no clue what we've bought. So he is as surprised as the kids come package-opening time. :)
  15. I am not sure how early we will go. I think it may well depend on the weather that night/morning. :)
  16. Hmm, that's a toughie. We would probably get her a little wooden playhouse for the backyard. She loves that sort of thing!
  17. What a great idea, to get a pic with Santa :) I love it! I like the fact that I am up before dawn, shopping done, and home by lunchtime :)
  18. My goodness! One would think that spending $100 would be easy, but it's really not. :) All the things that come to mind involve what I would do with it to bring a smile to a loved ones face. After some thought, I would spend the money on a web camera to use on the computer so that I could have sound and picture over the net with our relatives who live out of the country. :)
  19. Awesome :) It'll be nice to share with the little person in our house.
  20. I buy for xmas all year long. I am always on the lookout for a good deal :) So I may buy too much, but it's not really overspending. It just allows me to donate the stuff I don't have a recipient for, kwim?
  21. Oooh! Thanks for the tip. I hadn't tried these ones yet. And with a youngster who loves crayons, well.... :)
  22. Does anyone else get as excited as their kid(s) when looking at the Big Book? I love it!! Can't wait to see what mine wants from "Santa".
  23. Oooh! The toy deals look pretty good :) And a 10 buck card if you are one of the frozen flock.
  24. I am interested to see what they will do this year since they got out of bankruptcy and all. I hope to work off some turkey with a brisk walk around the store :)
  25. I do this all the time! I am glad to know that I am not the only one. I tried what zoomommy does with writing down where I put what. But I lose the paper. Or someone uses the notebook and throws the list out. I have a touch of amnesia too, it seems. Sometimes when I am finding things that I tucked away, I can't recall having bought them. Certainly little gift fairies aren't visiting me?
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