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Everything posted by nat77

  1. Any deals out there ?
  2. any one can help me with this ?
  3. Hi all i am in need of a good price on fly pen items. I have been to target ,but they have one price on the website ,i rush to the stores the items are there but not at the price .Any help i will be so greatful thank you all
  4. i ordered a 1gb and 2 gb i recieved only the 2gb and i lost my order number though so i guess i wont be able to get the 1gb i am pissed now
  5. Thank you
  6. I need Notebooks ,Ink Games please advise if any deals .Thank you all
  7. I want to say thank you i spent a good amount but i am happy i bought the bed ,sheet set and wall stickers .know all i need is towels lol but really guys thank you both
  8. I am looking for Little mermaid toddler bedroom items etc hamper dvd toys
  9. nat77

    ISO of IPOD info

    please guys my DH wants one and i am clueless please help
  10. Please guys my DH wants one and i am so clueless what to buy .What should i be looking for ? any deals ?
  11. I am in broward county and i was wondering the same thing since still people are without power ?
  12. yes 8/2 .Did you also recently give birth ??
  13. I am so excited i live for Black friday.This year i really have to look at the adsand plan i wont be able to stay out all day anymore since i have a newborn that will be 3mnths then .Ive missed you all since last year .I am looking for walmart ,target ,bestbuy,compusa. i really need good deals on dvds to burn with .Video games for my son and toys for my 3mnth old
  14. The things they had posted could is it thru 11/30 or just black friday
  15. My son also wanted a game cube i put one a layaway last week it came with 2 controllers and a game mario kart
  16. nat77

    Advice on Gamecube

    thank you all i feel so at home
  17. nat77

    Walmart BF Flyer

    Any news yet ??
  18. nat77

    Advice on Gamecube

  19. I purchased one last year from walmart for my fiancee while he was in Iraq.It made it back and still works well so if it made it through war hey its got my vote . LOL
  20. nat77

    Advice on Gamecube

    I am looking to get my 7year old son a gamecube any ideas or suggestions on this system.Or would playstation be a better choice? I dont see any deals on this
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