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Everything posted by nat77

  1. Wow they would love this feature also the FM radio .What Kind of Zen do you have ?
  2. Guys i need big help i need to get one of these for my son 10 also my cousin 13 ..I am so lost trying to figure out which is better .So sorry but if anyone could give me so me advice
  3. Hello I need help if you can not sure where to post this .My son turned 11 on 11-4-08 and his top request for christmas is a shirt with Obama and the 11-4-08 date so he could have this .Please if anyone saw something like this let me know please i was shocked to see his list today out of 10 gifts 8 was items from this great Change .All the other items i found except this
  4. Oh thank you so much my little girl will be so happy
  5. I need a Barbie power wheels big item lol.I need ds with games also Wii games dvd player and a tv
  6. I have to say i ordered this on thursday 3 nascar cars they arrived today i love them
  7. oh ladies thanks so much that what i need things like the tire lamp etc now you guys helped me find the bedding
  8. Hello i would love help with this i need wall, art bed in the bag as well as other ideas. My 10year ds wants his room done over for his 11th bday help if you can .I have been looking for 2 days and nothing
  9. Oh guys thank you so much the comforter set i want i can only find it in the uk
  10. Hello all i need help i would like to do my dd room in tinkerbell and the other faires having a hardtime finding sheets,comforters,wall stickers etc .Please help if you can
  11. I have been trying for months now i would pay full price i just need them so bad
  12. 3t but i would take 4t also sorry
  13. If anyone can help me i need this for my daughter when its cold out .This is the only color her daycare will allow i have looked all over . Size 3t or 4t
  14. Can anyone help me please i need size 3t or 4t navy hanes jogging set .Please if you see this at target get if for me i will pay u what ever you ask i would love 2 sets.My daughter's school will only allow this when it's cold thank you in advance
  15. thank you so much
  16. please anyone
  17. Well thank you everyone for posting your finds here I am 6 targets later American idol 12.48 Verticon 6.24 *2 Playschool ball 2.48 Little tikes vacuum and cow? Dora vanity 20.00 Bratz mansion 22.00 Barbie throne 12.48 Barbie vanity 24.98 Barbie laptop 9.98 Vetch food thing 4.98 Mlp ice cream truck 4.98 Dancing Mlp 8.74 Race track set 12.22 Tonka truck 7.62 Butterscotch 62.48 Vetch camera 12.48 Disney pop up 4.98 Mall madness 7.48 Little mommy interactive 12.48 Barbie dress 4.98 Flapper dress 3.74 *3 Hsm game 3.24 Disney princess lip gloss Disney shoes 2.48 *3 Shopping cart 3.74 Disney purse 1.98 THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH
  18. I went at 830 am in Hollywood FL and its was great now i am mad i should have gotten more .I had to work i hope when i get off at 530 something i left oh boy.
  19. thank you i used this code and ordered 6 also
  20. If anyone can help me i need this for my son to play with his wii thank you so much
  21. Try Target i bought one friday pre lit not slim though .
  22. Still 50% here in Hollywood FL, gave up and bought the last 6 1/2 ft tree .
  23. They have good prices with the 70% off just not good quality it has no weight .
  24. A huge THANK YOU SO MUCH
  25. Thank you so much great deal on the foot spa
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