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Everything posted by nat77

  1. THANK YOU SO MUCH i was able to use the %25 off really thank you i was able to save $15
  2. I need a promo code for skechers sneakers please
  3. Ladies i am in FL and i have been to so many targets looking for sandals on clearance none .If anyone comes across girls size 7 or 8 sandals i will pay you for them plus shipping and extra .Pm me if you can help i really need them
  4. I am happy for my friend that is pregnant i was able to get the last calista travel system but sad for me i drove 30 mins to the store that had the booster seat that i wanted on clearance for $12.48 they had three of them but at this store it was not on clearance .Oh man why:( all that way for nothing and i really wanted that graco booster seat
  5. i saw that before but i think it will be to advance for her
  6. how old is your daughter i saw that dora one also pretty cute my daughter turned 2 last week 8/2
  7. If anyone happens to see any Disney princess dolls royal nursery on clearance i am missing Belle & Cinderella and my collection will be complete i will send you money paypal and extra for gas and shipping of course please let me know thanks
  8. oh good for that price oh ok then sorry i thought i got a deal that included shipping also
  9. No idea where to post this but i am very happy.Last year it was posted on here thru TRU mario party pre order for 39.00 i placed the order which was cancelled in January something about wrong price so i forgot about it .Last week i saw a notice item shipped and i paid no attention to it.Guess what came today Yes mario party 8 it took a while no idea how that came but thanks now all i need is to find the Wii
  10. Good day how canwe look up to see if an item # is available please advise thank you so much
  11. oh thank you guys i will wait still its for her xmas present so i still have time I also did not like the one target had
  12. thank you i was able to use the 20% 2 prs nike 1 for my toddler and the other for my 12 year cousin under 40$ yeah thanks
  13. wow i wish i could get that dress up dora other items
  14. I would like to get one for my son for xmas but i wanted to maybe wait until October since this will be a gift and i will not be opening it
  15. 1. my first doll house 2. 8 shake n go cars 3. 2 disney nursery dolls 3. 4 sets snap n style out fits ( i need to buy the dolls LOL) 4. 4 dress up dora outfits (i need the doll ) 5 3 sets dora coloring sets 6. dino doddle pro 7.cabbage patch outfit 8. cheer leader dvd set 9.2 dora jump ropes 10. remote control dubz car still looking for more items .but thank you so much for this
  16. any one find deals in south florida yet ???
  17. anyone seen any toy kitchen on clearance ??? i need one for xmas
  18. I need an really nice kitchen for my 2year old for xmas yes its early should i wait till closer for a deal or purchase now???
  19. I am also looking i need Ariel items bed, vanity, and table .I am going to the ones in my area tonight what are you looking for maybe if i see them i could get it for you and meet you 1/2 with them i am in hollywood.
  20. i have to say i love tis thread i may not post much but I love you guys . I finally found the mm juice 2 weeks ago and i have been stocking up on i since i am ashamed to say i use to buy them before at $3.99 per pack i am happy now
  21. Any one has a codes for discounts please advise
  22. i went last night after all the good deals i saw being listed 1. Aveeno lotion $1.43 2. Aveeno diaper creme $1.43 3. Baseball bat & ball set $1.48 4. Mens underwear was 11.00 down to $3.48 but my DH loves this kind i am upset since i bought him a 2 prs last week at full price I did notice the tents i will be going back tonight to get a refund on a carseat i bought so i will look some more .I love this thread i will try to post more often
  23. Thank you guys i will check out jcpenny tonight
  24. Thank you all for the good advice i am going with a timeshare tour our friends signed us up but its a great rate so its ok well will do the tour the 2nd day we get there .More money to spend at disney we are going 6/4-6/9
  25. Please if anyone knows about good deal please advise
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