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Everything posted by stacyk9

  1. I heard a commercial on my way into work about a Saturday sale this weekend. It was halfway through the commercial before I realized what they were talking about so the only item I heard them mention was a refurbished Nook Color for either $149 or $199. Can't remember now. Anyway, keep your ears open!
  2. Spice stacker Haan steam cleaner Wii storage tower (mostly because I can't stand seeing the games and controllers just thrown all over the place!) Crock pot and GCs to Kohl's, Target & B&N
  3. All my friends have gotten their books, but none for me yet. Guess I'll have to get the paper on Sunday.
  4. I'm not sure what they were called last year, but I remember Lowe's would put up an item and you had to be the first of so many to respond with your e-mail and then they would send you a confirmation if you received the deal. I got a great tool set for my dh last year. Anybody know if they'll be doing it this year? It was a lot of fun.
  5. Well, crap! I will definitely save them for Easter when we can be outside.
  6. Nothing in my Target today. Looks like it might be Nov. 1st after all. Despite that, I still found things to buy!
  7. ###081040698 Washable Colored Bubbles - $2.08 ea They had these in blue, green, yellow and pink. Not sure if I'll use them for stocking stuffers or save them for Easter!
  8. Heading to my Target over my lunch break today. I'll scope it out.
  9. Our family is pretty small, so we don't have too many places to go, but until last year it used to go something like this: Christmas Eve: Travel an hour and a half to my parents' house where we would have all of the extended family for a wonderful Christmas Eve get-together. We've been doing this ever since I can remember! I would help my Mom get things ready while my dh would take our ds up to see his siter's family and then meet back up with us in time for dinner. We would then drive all the way back home, usually late at night, so we could have Christmas morning at our house. Christmas Day: Get up early and open presents. I usually make breakfast in the crockpot and let it go all night. That way we're not rushing to make breakfast because we have to get back in the car, drive the hour and a half again to go to celebrate with dh's sister and her family during the afternoon and then back to my parents' house to open presents with just the immediate family. It made for an extremely long two days. Last year, however, it worked out perfectly!! Most of my extended family has either passed away (R.I.P.), moved or have gotten married and started their own families so it was the first year we didn't have our annual Christmas Eve get-together. DH's sister's family and in-law came to us instead and the only place we had to go on Christmas Day was my parents' house. Hoping it's the same way this year. All of the traveling used to stress me out to no end, but I came to the realization that it's only once a year and how many wonderful memories do I have from it all!
  10. I've already got mine and my son has been itching to start opening the windows!
  11. I always decorate the weekend before Thanksgiving, but it just doesn't feel like Christmas until all the TV specials start showing up. I make a calendar in Word and list when all the Christmas shows are coming on. Love It!
  12. Even all through college when I would come home on Christmas break, my mom would wait until my brother and I were asleep before she would put the presents under the tree. I loved it! Kept the magic of Christmas alive.
  13. Just showed these to my son and his eyes lit up! Guess I'll be looking for these.
  14. #1 - (Lady in the grey checkered shirt) I'm not carrying around an umbrella on Black Friday! I just go with a plastic bag to cover my hair! #2 - Just give them a thumbs-up and keep smiling boys. Maybe they won't notice we don't have any iPads!! #3 - Oy vey! I can't believe I did this willingly!
  15. Gorgeous tree! Thanks for the picture. I don't do well just trying to picture things in my head. I always like to see it with my own eyes.
  16. I've been wanting to get a white Christmas tree for quite a while now and I think I'm going to bite the bullet this year! I'm thinking red ornaments. Just wondering if any of you have a white tree and what color ornaments you decorate it with. Pictures to share?
  17. The schedule for the Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas is available. Frankly, I find it quite disappointing. Not many Christmas shows at all!! I guess it's something, though.
  18. I scower the internet looking for the latest schedule of Christmas TV shows. Do you have a specific site you use? My favorite is It's A Wonderful Movie. Do you have a favorite? I have set up a calendar in Word to keep track of all the shows I like to watch. I may be a little OCD about it!
  19. Luckily all our cats have ever done was sleep under it. However, I have a friend who's cat would knock all the ornaments and garland off from climbing up in it. They would fix the tree every night and the next day when they returned from work it would be a mess again. They lived in a tri-level and their tree was downstairs, but there wasn't a door to close while they were gone, so they built their own screendoor that just fit in the opening. This way they could still enjoy seeing the tree from the main floor, but it also kept the cat out.
  20. I see a couple of things on here my son would absolutely love, especially the Cars2 appmate. I would just have to talk my husband into letting our son run the car all over the screen of his iPad! :/
  21. stacyk9

    Where are the ads?

    Tomorrow is the last day of September. That has to mean that Wal-Mart will be sending out their CD letter and someone is going to send out their BF ad soon!!!
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