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Everything posted by mom2monkiesx3

  1. I ordered two a few hours ago and they are already ready for pickup (walmart could take some pointers!!)
  2. I did not find one at my walmart (not on shelf and not shelf tag) but I grabbed a flyer to take around
  3. oh I am so going to head to Walmart and try this RIGHT NOW, thank you !!
  4. OH yes they had these in some of the Dallas stores. I agree they are VERY hard to read. When you have to squint and use your hand to shade the light to read them INSIDE it has got to be a bad design... I agree I don't like them for that reason. Although I have (not just at Kohls) gotten to the register with something I thought was supposed to be a sale but wasn't because an old ad sign was not removed....on good days I caught it BEFORE getting home and checking the receipt. So I guess these would help with that, if you can READ what it says :/
  5. My daughter got a zebra lava lamp today and got home and it didn't work, we had bought one as a gift and made the dreaded text...sure enough their didn't work either!! So embarrassed. Gonna take them both back next week....DD wants it BAAAAAAAAAAAD though so I am going to take them to service desk and plug them all in until we find one that works hopefully. I thought I'd post because I know alot of you bought the ones a few weeks ago that were marked down...if you haven't already CHECK THEM before its too late!! Not much new in markdowns today, which was expected since I was just there yesterday :/
  6. I got the 3pks girls underwear (boyshorts or bikini) for 1.78 today Been holding out. Random girls bras from 1.98-2.98. I got womans workout shorts/tops 70% off. Lavender bath salts 70% for gift basket fillers Several soda stream diet lemon lime for $1.78 too (expiration April 2013) There were lots of coloring books marked 70% today, I wish someone I knew needed them. There was several Disney "3-D" books that came with 3D glasses and a Disney HUGE coloring book (I have never seen one so big!) it was like 20 regular sized books put together...I did grab a book of dinosaur stickers marked 0.80 (70%) for my son's teacher since her room is dinosaur themed
  7. at mine they are only on the shoes..or are we talking about something different?
  8. I love that little girls dress and I DO have a girl but she will not wear anything "cute" (her words) Darn it! I wish he would have done the polka dot one keeping the red
  9. do you know what style/type she wants? For a teenager I am almost BETTING she is wanting something trendy/cutesy like Korral is offering.... I may be wrong and she might be an avid rider who knows. If she is looking for the cutesy/trendy/stylish Korral type boots I got the best deal at Cavenders, they do $20 off any pair of Korral regularly. I agree on not guessing on size though BUT Cavenders.com does free shipping AND FREE RETURNS on boots....so you could get the pair she wants in the size you think she wears and always return it if you need too (if you want the "suprise" factor with also the safety of not paying to return ship. I ordered mine Friday and they arrived yesterday When I ordered Cavenders beat the price of countryoutfitters
  10. they better be good upgrades, it has affected my shopping TWICE already...mostly the search function but other things too
  11. YES you can use your own wifi just make sure its turned on when your at home or someplace you can get it free
  12. Ok good I have AT&T and I am a longtime customer but if I CALL them and ask them to waive the activation fee or replace a SIM card for free they usually do.... no arm twisting required so it does not hurt to call and tell them you are interested in getting FOUR Iphones with a new contract IF they'd waive activation....I'd almost bet they would.....and even if they didn't it would only take a few minutes of your time to try
  13. I will be the THIRD person to mention the needed DATA PLAN, they are NOT cheap and they are billed for EACH smartphone...plus they add taxes and fees to everything.....Make very strict DO NOT GO OVER YOUR DATA rules...data overages are VERY expensive. DS 14 has an Iphone 4s (32GB) and he has done great with it, he does not go over data although I am mean and take his phone at 9pm every single night I recommend an otterbox defender..they are super cheap on Amazon for the Iphone 4...ds has one but took it off because it was "bulky" he now has a cracked screen. I have one on my new Iphone 5 and I dropped it down concrete bleachers from a JUMP and its just fine
  14. ME too! I was fixing to spend my kohls cash but I will hang onto it
  15. I got these http://www.amazon.com/Monster-NCredible-NTune-On-Ear-Headphones/dp/B006VJT1K4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1349275053&sr=8-1&keywords=monster+N+headphones for $49.98 not sure if I am keeping them or not yet.
  16. with me I could see two avatars stacked though...like original poster and most recent poster..weird
  17. I don't either, I think they are messing with us :/
  18. they also have a 4 peice mixing bowl set in bright colors for 8.88 if your looking to build a great gift http://www.amazon.com/Cook-Pro-piece-Mixing-Bowl/dp/B0039YQJL8/ref=pd_luc_bxgy_01_02_t_lh
  19. Love those I got some for me and some for MIL
  20. oh wait I see it, I see it
  21. Can you share what your having to drink with lunch? HAHA Just kidding, I wasn't here for the "change"
  22. I have been in that boat too...what helps me is taking some youngsters off our giving tree. If you able to do that it helps
  23. I have Tangerine and I LOVE IT, Keep an eye on Amazon and Kohls and sometimes you an score a great deal combined with a rebate for a pretty decent deal
  24. I did pretty good today Snowcone syrup 70% (cherry flavor only) (they were marking some sodastream 30% today too) kids full quilts on the kids aisles 19.98! (70%) Restore dorm super soft blankets TWIN XL only (not twin it has to be XL) 9.98 (50%) Sentry file fire/waterproof locking safe 14.98!!!! SCORE! lots of school left at 70% (any chance it will go 90%?) girls tights were 50% picked up quite a few of the colored footless ones.
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