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Everything posted by sas377

  1. I didn’t leave my house. Bought litter online at Petco and Chewy. The “sales” weren’t worth the effort of leaving my house. Going to do some small business shopping tomorrow.
  2. I feel like 80-90% of these ads will have already started. I’m just disappointed. BF used to be something I looked forward to and it’s lost it’s appeal.
  3. Well, that’s a little better than the first event as far as selection.
  4. Well, that was underwhelming. Lol
  5. I’m in this year. Let’s see if I remember. Lol
  6. I encourage everyone thinking of a recliner to go before Thanksgiving and sit on them. A few years ago I was eyeing one up there and once I sat on it, it was a no. Ended up with one from Sam’s and it has held up nicely and wasn’t much more.
  7. We need one too, but I’m prepared to wait months for it at this point.
  8. Yes!!! I’m there most years just for a new phone for one of us. And my dh always calls ATT and sweet talks them into crediting back the upgrade fee. Lol
  9. I was able to get the 42mm Apple Watch at 2205 because I totally forgot Walmart goes live earlier than others. Glad my dh wanted the bigger one as it didn’t seem to go as quick.
  10. I always first select to have everything shipped and then at the top of my checkout page there is always the offer for $5 with in store pick up.
  11. And placed a second order. I really need to go to sleep, but Brad’s email highlighting some deals drew me in... [emoji23]
  12. Got 4 pairs of boots for $60 after MOBILE25, plus $5 KC for picking some up in store, plus $15 KC. &10/pair after KC is a win to me. [emoji4]
  13. No, it seems to be a very limited amount of things from what I'm seeing. Some of the boots I want are on sale and some aren't.
  14. Let’s hope! I bought a membership just to get a new phone.[emoji4][emoji1360]
  15. Waiting on Kohl's as I just dropped $350 (shhh...don't tell dh) on boots and want to make sure they're not cheaper on BF!
  16. Checking in for April. The yucky yellow/green pine pollen is finally done here, so we're enjoying the beautiful weather with the windows open.
  17. Checking in for March. Nothing like waiting until the last minute.
  18. Checking in for February. Finally a day where it's not raining in Raleigh, NC! We can't handle much more rain down here and now we're in El Nino, so we expect more. Our inground pool is supposed to go in next week, but who knows with how wet our yard is. So ready for a dry, hot summer!
  19. It was 70 on Tuesday here and is supposed to be in the 20s tomorrow morning! Gotta love winter in the south.
  20. Ugh! It is supposed to snow here this weekend. I moved to the south to avoid PA winters!
  21. Thanks, Brad! Excited for a GD bag!
  22. The 12 degrees above freezing that we were all morning while it was raining!
  23. sas377

    Weighted blanket

    I’ve always had an odd love of the weighted smock they put on you when taking dental x-rays. Not sure why, but it’s comforting to me.
  24. For me, it’s not cheaper at $9.99. I regularly get the 14lb jugs for $2 or less using coupons during Super Doubles at Harris Teeter. This equates to $5 for a 35lb bucket, which is half the price PetSmart is charging. With 5 cats, litter deals are a must! [emoji81]
  25. Got DH his Oculus Rift. Still monitoring Amazon because I’d prefer to purchase there due to the having their CC and the % back.
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