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Everything posted by booga12345

  1. I was at WalMart tonight. Full pallets of thre Rubbermaid containers, vacuums, and ride on cars left. They were all still marked at the bf prices. I didn't go through the entire store, so there may have been more bf stuff elsewhere as well.
  2. For me, I was able to get all my must haves online. This was the first year I dont need to go out at all and I'm happy with that
  3. I just left WalMart and the mens sweats and pajama bottoms rang up at the bf prices. Idk what other items will but may be worth checking.
  4. Woohoo I got the game table this morning I literally only need the 2 $29 prepaid phones left on my black friday lists. This will be the first year I have been able to do almost all of my shopping online. Do you think Walmart will add those to the online list sometime throughout the day or is whats on there it?
  5. My in store lists keep getting smaller minute by minute thanks to all the great deals ive found online As of now, all I need are 2 of the $29 phones from walmart and the game table.
  6. Awesome Deal and no lines! lol Thank you
  7. Dang it! I just ordered from Best Buy earlier today also. Would have rather saved the sales tax but good deal either way.
  8. Only one left on my list is Victorias Secret
  9. Yay!!! Ive been totally disappointed in the ads so far, but I see almost everything I need in this one I'm happy
  10. Normally we put it up on Thanksgiving weekend, but with Thanksgiving being so late this year, we will put our up the weekend before Thanksgiving. I think it will be kinda nice to go shopping and come home to a pretty tree all done anyway
  11. Grandma got ran over by a reindeer
  12. Same here, our thanksgiving paper has always been the price of our Sunday paper.
  13. I would go and call their bluff. I find it hard to believe they really will go to that extreme for $3.xx. and if they do decide to, and once they see u didn't get em, throw a fit with the manager maybe they will offer u a gift card or something for waisting your time.
  14. Is it better to go first thing in the morning for the toy clearance or later in the afternoon after they have had time to mark everything?
  15. Just bought one... who's coming to help decorate it? -
  16. Got the winter oreos and peppermint oreos for $0.84 and the chocolate dipped Ritz crackers for $0.81 yesterday. They were not marked at all, they just looked " Christmasy" so I scanned em and sure enough.
  17. Ours was still 50% today and just junk left ;/
  18. Wow none in NM ... that really surprises me, especially that the Kmart's aren't on the list. There is never anybody there lol
  19. The ipad 3 is coming out Feb 24th. If he could wait it might drop the price of the ipad 2?
  20. I went into a Kmart a few weeks ago for the first time in years. All clearance toys were 50% off. They had them all on tables with a sign by the front doors. I got a few Lego sets and a scooter. Went to pay... 2 Lego set didn't ring u right, had to wait for a manager to override it. The scooter didn't ring up right, the front csm said it wasn't on sale, it was a sporting good. I showed her the table where 6 of them were, she said nope sorry they must have accidentally put them there. Asked for a manager, they called him he refused to give it to me at 50% off. That was a good reminder to me why I hadent been there in years.
  21. Went today and did not see much. I found 2 things but they were not enough to stand in line for 30 minutes for.
  22. That should be a reminder for all of us what this season is really about and how much we have to be thankful for. Thank u for sharing.
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