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Everything posted by vsa3janes

  1. http://www.hammacher.com/Product/77670?promo=Special-Values-Travel&catid=822 The Red Light Camera Detector. Was $199.95 NOW $129.95 http://a248.e.akamai.net/f/248/9086/1h/s7diod-isorigin.scene7.com/is/image/Hammacher/77670?wid=200&op_sharpen=0&qlt=85,1
  2. We had this for my granddaughter and after a water/sand mess we put water in both sides. She played with it for hours at a time.
  3. http://www.walmart.com/ip/Step2-Play-Up-Adjustable-Sand-Water-Table/13070212 $59.97 Was: $69.97 Rollback|New Step2 Play Up Adjustable Sand & Water Table http://i.walmartimages.com/i/p/00/73/35/38/80/0073353880039_215X215.jpg
  4. I tried it from here at work and didn't have any problem. Although I did notice when I opened the search box it jumped to the middle of the page. Hmmmmmm! Will try the Ctrl-V later from home.
  5. Here are a few sites that I tried examples from these linked pages just before replying to this thread; http://www1.macys.com/catalog/product/index.ognc?ID=41556&CategoryID=39171 http://www.diamondshark.com/ http://www.aeropostale.com/family/index.jsp?categoryId=4055270&cp=3534618.3534619.3534626.3595055 I copy the title of the item, click on the search box for the forum and when I right click to paste the search box closes. I have tried the OnLine forum, this forum and the Retail List contest forum and the same think happens, no matter the retailer I am copying from or forum. If I have time I will try from my work computer tomorrow and see if the same thing happens. They are running Windows XP and use Internet Explorer.
  6. While using the same systems as mentioned above and I am having this search problem, too. I am copying an item from a retailer page, opening the search box (in the OnLine Deal forum) trying to paste the copied item and the search box closes without pasting any info. In the past this is always how I searched for deals before starting new threads. Other than this problem I have been able to post deals as I normally would.
  7. My daughter ordered skins for my cousin's kids for Christmas and they loved them. Several places sell them online and a couple places at our local malls sell them.
  8. http://www4.jcpenney.com/jcp/X6.aspx?DeptID=72403&CatID=72667&GrpTyp=PRD&ItemID=16e8a7e&attrtype=&attrvalue=&CMID=72403|72664&Fltr=&Srt=&QL=F&IND=13&cmVirtualCat=&CmCatId=72403|72664|72667 Sale $9.99 Original $39.99 http://zoom.jcpenney.com/is/image/0900631b817561b1M.tif?wid=180&hei=180&op_usm=1.5,.8,0,0&resmode=sharp
  9. http://www.verabradley.com/product/Category/Sale/FOFL/10862/defaultColor/Imperial%20Toile/pc/638/p/10862/pageSize/15/sc/729/c/0/currentIndex/60.uts was $12.00 is $9.00 http://s7d2.scene7.com/is/image/VeraBradley/10862034?wid=110&hei=96&op_sharpen=1
  10. http://www.nyandcompany.com/nyco/browse/subcategory.jsp?categoryId=cat720024&FLCat=cat60162&addFacet=1002%3Acat720024 https7ondemand7.scene7.com/is/image/NewYorkCompany/08137902_006?$cat$ http://s7ondemand7.scene7.com/is/image/NewYorkCompany/08136802_006?$cat$ http://s7ondemand7.scene7.com/is/image/NewYorkCompany/08127946_006?$cat$ and more
  11. http://www.verabradley.com/product/Category/Sale/Super-Tote/154804/defaultColor/Raspberry%20Fizz/pc/638/p/154804/sc/729/c/0.uts was $85.00 is $50.00 http://s7d2.scene7.com/is/image/VeraBradley/10382003?wid=110&hei=96&op_sharpen=1
  12. I just used this code for $10 off $25.....4NX29L
  13. http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_00623877000P Reg Price: $999.99 Savings: $400.00 Price $599.99 http://s.sears.com/is/image/Sears/00623877000?op_sharpen=1&qlt=75
  14. Did you register on their website? My dd, my mom and I all registered when my grandson was born last year. We get mail with packets of info, coupons and checks. He has stopped formula so if I receive any more I'll let you know.
  15. have them delivered by your local Avon rep and shipping is free...you can find a rep on the site
  16. My cousin turned her daughter's twin bed into a "couch" for her room by removing the headboard turning it horizontal against the wall and putting large pillows against the wall then she put two of these in front of it to prop their feet on...looks so cute. Makes it great for friends to hang out in there.
  17. http://shop.avon.com/shop/product.aspx?src_page=product_list.aspx&level1_id=300&level2_id=615&pdept_id=625&dept_id=&pf_id=35990 sale! Princess Sit & Store Ottoman SAVE 40% While Supplies Last Was $24.99 Is $14.99 http://shop.avon.com/shop/assets/images/prod/PROD_1076680_SM.gif http://shop.avon.com/shop/product.aspx?src_page=product_list.aspx&level1_id=300&level2_id=615&pdept_id=625&dept_id=&pf_id=35049 Sit and Store Ottoman - Hannah Montana SAVE 40% While Supplies Last $24.99 $14.99 http://shop.avon.com/shop/assets/images/prod/PROD_1070454_SM.gif
  18. http://www.officedepot.com/a/products/300287275/Total-Source-Solutions-Total-Source-Solutions/ Your Price $0.99 http://static.www.odcdn.com/pictures/us/od/sk/lg/287275_sk_lg.jpg
  19. http://www2.jcpenney.com/jcp/X6.aspx?DeptID=62371&CatID=64234&GrpTyp=PRD&ItemID=13277ad&attrtype=&attrvalue=&CMID=62371|62928|64239&Fltr=&Srt=&QL=F&IND=4&cmVirtualCat=&CmCatId=62371|62928|64234 Outlet $89.99 Original $199.99 http://zoom.jcpenney.com/is/image/0900631b813d4f41M.tif?wid=180&hei=180&op_usm=1.5,.8,0,0&resmode=sharp
  20. Here is the link to the product sassyME mentioned but the item is on backorder; http://www.ebgames.com/Catalog/ProductDetails.aspx?product_id=62252# It does say GameStop carries this item and you can search for it in your area by zip code. Comes in pink, also.
  21. Check out http://www.dealextreme.com/search.dx/search.dsi - great low prices & free shipping. I have ordered many things from them for my granddaughter and cousin's kids ds & dsi. They have items I didn't even know one could purchase. Another GD shopped gave me the link to this site when I was looking for a carrier for my dgd's ds.
  22. Son in Law - giant container of cheese ball puffs (he was hugging he container) Daughter - pocket video camera Granddaughter - dsi, digital camera, Taylor Swift cd Grandson - M&Ms, this was the only items he got really excited about (he is 18 months old)
  23. thanks OP I ordered a pair of denim capris and 5 sets of totes for $11.37 shipped.
  24. I just bought a cookie for my grandson's stocking....I am home and not leaving or looking for online deals - I am finished for Christmas 2009. I have however purchased some gifts for Christmas 2010 already.
  25. Waiting for Deal Extreme order to arrive. 1 of 2 pkgs arrived but of course #2 hold the important items.
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