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Everything posted by jaymacfla

  1. Some of you may recall their smug attitude toward customers last year. They really thought that their marketing strategy was a good one. Well, it flopped big time. I used to shop there on Black friday, and after last year's rebate laden offering, i will be cautiously "less than optimistic" that they have learned their lesson.
  2. I heard that they are bringing out three Garth Brooks sets this year, as they are redistributing unsold stock from the last two years, and adding them to the new album special that he is producing in conjunction with walmart. This trilogy will be aptly titled, "Sam and Garth, The final Insult":razz:
  3. http://money.cnn.com/2007/10/19/news/companies/samsclub_blackfriday/index.htm?section=money_topstories Odd, How this story popped up right after Walmart invested their time infuriating customers. According to CNN, starting at 5AM, they will be offering a continental breakfast to all shoppers, continuing until 9AM. I can just imagine shoppers getting pummeled, donuts getting trampled, juice, coffee flying, people slipping, tripping. All because they didn't time the thing right, and pass out the goodies before the store opened!
  4. Crikey! A jag fan! It wasn't me, Brad! Tell him to stay at Walmart. I am owning Best buy again this year.
  5. http://walmartwatch.com/blog/archives/wal_marts_holiday_prices_get_leaked_company_flips_out/ Brad, check out this site, they even use the old adscan for eye candy!
  6. But then you couldn't cook the food with all of that cheap chinese dye they use, to save money!
  7. So who might be the Queen of black friday?
  8. The 22 inchers were a doorbuster last year. They let in 50 people in at a time. you get timed intervals between groups. With the crowd wrapped around the building, it is easy to see that you will wait about 45 minutes to an hour, depending upon the turnout. Just because the doorbusters are ticketed, does not neccessarily mean that the other items will be there for the grabbing. many of us get them as well. It depends upon the popularity of the item. Another advantage of standing in line, is that the add-ons for some items, such as Targus bag and mice combos(laptop), can be a great deal that are offered only to those who wait. I would wait for the ad to plan or re-think your strategy. Last year's 22 inch was $300 off of retail!
  9. That is because Gottadeal helped to make you an informed consumer, someone those "where's waldo world bozos":homer: certainly don't want! To increase their "zero profit margin".
  10. Sounds like a Gotta-divorce is a brewin' Nooooooooooo! Death by pricematch only!!!!!
  11. You have to get there earlier to get the good stuff. I was #5 in line, and I heard this kind of thing all night. Most of the complainers were around the corner, and it coincided with the line flexing with jumpers and cutters, some being family members. They tried to blame us, but to no avail. You have to keep it tight with your line mates. Get to know them and share some comeraderie and a cup of hot cocoa or coffee. It works!
  12. Heck, you need Rosie to scream it out loud! It might make her feel impotant and needed again.
  13. We brought a portable heater/grill, whatever you call it, and kept warm in Jacksonville, outside of Bestbuy.
  14. Not hurting by that comment!
  15. It says that the actual list is not copyrighted! (just the scan) The ad can be leaked and we can still enjoy the typed goodness therein! I am happy with a re-typed list. You may just have to say that it is "rumored" instead of confirmed, because it may imply that you were a knowing party to a leaked ad. I have given them my two cents worth, and threatened them with legal action if they attempt another Garth Brooks stunt, like last year!:gdenough: BigLots! Oh great, now I have to shop in France! Way to go, Walmart! give the coupon ladies the news to spread, and give out a gottadeal shirt or points to the most prolific people! Brad, It is time to recap what a bad "secret 8" is made of! Anyone got the list handy? Castro? Now i am getting the picture! It all makes sense now!
  16. Sounds to me that your decisions were sound ones. Have you heard of Dave Ramsey? He has a syndicated radio show, and can help get you back on track, now that you have the foundation set! You can find his financial seminars and info on the web also. :)
  17. The question is, Was it a restful sleep?
  18. Holy Cow! That can be costly. I hope it was a crt monitor!
  19. Compusa can no longer compete, being heavily reliant upon rebates, which were sometimes problematic to process. Compusa used to be my favorite stop, but their change in tactics toward the customer last year proved to be their undoing. I had items ordered during the black friday rush period that were canceled. Others were delayed. this was primarily from online retailers like Buy.com, and Amazon.
  20. Sounds like with that kind of dedication, you still have time to work things out!
  21. We had a guy who tried to preach to us, and tried to make us feel bad about being there, as if it was wrong, and selfish. My friends were with us, and took it all in without saying a word. When the guy was finished, he asked my friend why he was here, and my friend said that he was the Pastor of our church, and was here to save money on some LCD screens for the same church! The guy then abruptly walked away. Later in the morning, he was seen around the corner, in line to buy as well! Real intent, divide and conquer? not!
  22. One couple tried to sell cold boiled peanuts! An insult to all southerners! Still laughing at #4:D
  23. Surprising, since they cannot sell their own baked goods! I guess liquids aren't on the restricted list yet!
  24. Hey, What town are you in?
  25. True, most would just appreciate the upgrade from analog!
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