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Everything posted by jaymacfla

  1. Pluto is getting better all of the time. There are other apps available like Stirr and XUMO which offer free content as well. Are they available on your device?
  2. Apple is notorious for offering little to no discounts on their products during the Black Friday "Season". This year, they are offering (right now) a free year of Apple TV + if you purchase any of their capable devices which includes all of the apple TV variants, currently three. The normal monthly cost for their flagship service will be $5, saving you $60 per the year of purchase. This seems to be a boon for a company who can potentially gain millions of customers overnight. Prices vary on models but to get 4K and Dolbyvison you still have to fork out at least $179 to get one of the best streamers out there. Right out of the gate, they seem to be hitting a triple and a modest price reduction would make it a grand slam. What are your thoughts and where do you see this as a benefit to your shopping season?
  3. Look for a much larger LED for that price, like the fantastic TCL 75" 6 series with Dolby vision.
  4. My biggest problem with alexa is not actually alexa, it is Google trying to answer alexa questions when the device hears her name on TV and tries to respond. I have scolded the google home assistant and she responded, "My bad, I will try harder next time".
  5. I get asked that all of the time whenever I am camped out at Best Buy. I actually missed the #1 question last year when we shopped Walmart!
  6. Do you own an apple TV device or have a VUDU account?
  7. True! my wife led the great vendor rebellion of 2007 when she discovered that the vendor tried to sell cold boiled peanuts and lukewarm hot cocoa to the customers at Best buy!
  8. 2018 Black Friday. Walmart was the place to shop. Never in a million years would i have said that, but it was true. they offered everything we wanted including the phone deals and TVs galore. "Did you want one or two 65" TVs?" was the catchphrase. I was blown away. We even got the hot toys for our grandson. I am looking forward to not camping out if Walmart brings it again this year!
  9. Thanks for the info. I always liked Toshiba laptops. It is nice that you mention that. I am going through the SYO-501 Security + certification process and we are learning about the causes effects of failures and how to safeguard data.
  10. We can dream! Also sub $200 on a 55" and sub $375 on 65"! Dream big or stay home....wait a minute....now you can. The Fire TVs offerings are going to be good this year. Watch Amazon pull some extremely limited deals on the new 65" for under $600 since they have an alliance with Toshiba and Best Buy.
  11. Kind of a sign in and win scenario with a dash of randomness to it?
  12. I would think that reliability would be the #1concern then price, features, etc. Whenever you see Lenovo ahead of major manufacturers in an article you have to question the legitimacy of the whole article, lol.
  13. There was a rather vicious rumor that a large vendor will be selling a 55 for $128, lol. With that being thrown about, I do believe that we will see a sub $200 55" 4K model pop up. With Wallyworld selling the ONN brand, they can super discount 4K TVs that lack certain features like HDR. 75" is the new 65". The fantastic TCL6 series is already $1300 and has been $1154 already and could hit that mark again for BF.
  14. It looks like it will be rolled out by the end of 2020.
  15. That seems like a large plate for the money. Let me know how it goes! I am hoping to pick up a laptop, TVs. Blurays, and whatever jumps into the buggy.
  16. For the first time since 2003, I skipped Best Buy and went to Walmart. I had a fantastic time and no camping. Best Buy had split the sales and put lackluster products in the front pages. All the Best buy items could be purchased ahead of Black Friday. I will assume the trend will continue this year.
  17. I am looking for a 50 inch 4k TV and a laptop. Everything else is just the usual smalls that add up to one big bill
  18. Considering that I just blew $1300 for a 75 inch series 6 TCL. I would say $700.
  19. Half Price Books 10/1.
  20. Never been a fan of theirs, especially their disdain for the PC gaming community.
  21. Been trying to figure it out. The only thing that makes sense is that the input was changed and they didn't know how to change it back. Beautiful tv.
  22. Best Buy is going to have the new fire TV edition 65" with Dolby vision for $599.99. The only thing that topped that news was finding a 1 year old 4k vizio dolbyvision TV on the side of the road in perfect working order, just missing the power cord and remote.
  23. My Walmart is going to employ....pallets, lol.
  24. No quarter for peasants, arghhh!
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