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Everything posted by dcofsc

  1. Thank you so very much for this information. I think she would definitely like one that she could carry in her purse. You were a great help. Thanks!
  2. Can someone please tell me about a good external hard drive and what a good price would be? I realize this depends on storage size. My daughter wants one to store pictures. Okay, another question, what would be a good size? Thank you for any advice on this.
  3. Does anyone other than me find it ironic that Wal-Mart will tell others to abide by federal regulations when they don't do that themselves? Haven't they been in court for wage discrimination and hiring illegal workers? Hmmmm I proudly say that I do NOT shop at Wal-Mart due to the lack of customer service and incredibly low-quality merchandise. Buying Wal-Mart's merchandise if a waste of my hard-earned money. I really think Sam Walton would turn over in his grave if he saw how his company was being run now.
  4. Our BB checked driver's license last year and you could only get one coupon per item per address. With them doing it this way, it really didn't matter how many people got in line in front of you after the tickets were passed out. Three of us waited in line and only one of us could have gone since they did it this way.
  5. Dearest Santa, I have gotten older and haven’t written to you in a while but I still believe. With age, I am having some problems, which prevent me from writing. I have arthritis in my hands and well……to be honest, my memory just isn’t what it used to be. I lost your address for many years and then when someone wrote it down for me, I forgot where I put it. I have been very good this year and you would be proud of me. I found this Gottadeal.com on the Internet where I learned about all of these Black Friday deals. Last year, when I went to the sales, I didn’t push, shove or hit anyone with my walking cane. I only had to say one “bad” word and that was only because someone hit me in the back. You do understand that, don’t you Santa? Anyway, I will be good again this year as I wait in line for widescreen lcd monitors, HDTV’s, digital photo frames, and a digital camera. I have a list to remember this. Santa, I really want a Logitech io2 Digital Pen Digital Writing System for Christmas. I found this wonderful thing on the Internet at Geeks.com. Have you noticed how I have mastered the Internet? When will you get online Santa? Anyway, this pen will fit my hand with no strain and no pain. That sure helps my arthritis and this pen will store my ideas and even my drawings. I will never lose another note. Then I can transfer my notes to my computer if I have this Digital Pen. I can’t lose my computer like I lose paper notes because my computer is too big. My computer has an AMD Anthlon processor with an operating frequency of 3.2 Ghz. Woooo hooo that baby will fly. Sorry, Santa I got excited thinking about how well that Logitech Digital Pen would work on my computer. Oh and I want a…..well, I forgot but if you get me that Logitech Digital Pen this year, I will have you a really good list for next year.
  6. I don't know if you have a Michael's near you but they have coupons out often for 40% or 50% off one item and that makes the chocolate fountain a much better price. Hope this helps.
  7. I found great deals online and was adding to my cart when it gave me a message that almost everything was no longer available. I had 43 items and it deleted all of them except for 3 so I ordered nothing.
  8. I found a 12 volt battery charger on clearance 75% off for $14.xx. I also found the FAT bungee cords reduced from $9.99 to $2.48. There were tons of flashlights for 74 cents. Some school stuff left but lots and lots of bookbags.
  9. I think if you don't want the item then don't take the ticket. There are people waiting close behind you in line who might want that item and not be able to get it because of someone wanting to make money instead of doing the right thing. Would you like it if you were #11 in line and they ran out of tickets at the person in front of you and then you saw that person selling his/her ticket because they did not even want the item? Would you like the fact that you lost out because of that? Put yourself in the shoes of others who are waiting and then you might think differently. And yes, I saw a couple taken to jail last year for trying to make a few bucks by selling tickets.
  10. School supplies still only 30% off but they are packed in shopping carts now.
  11. I have only been BF shopping about 3 years. Previously, I lived in a tiny town with no where much to shop until I moved. Last year was my first year camping out with the "BF crowd" LOL Wow was that fun!!!!! I can hardly wait until this year!!!!!!!
  12. Has anyone seen the lamp posts that plug in and don't need wiring? I have one and wanted another but can't seem to find any. Thanks!
  13. This is coming up $159 for me and I have clicked the link several times.
  14. Would someone mind explaining the saver book to me? Do you have to have a Walgreen's card or something? I apologize for sounding so dumb but I don't know anything about how this program works. Thank you!
  15. For the people interested in the Graco passage travel system, you might want to check Kmart also. I posted this in the Kmart thread but I got the Graco Passage travel system in the Sage Crossing pattern for $17.99 and with the additional discount I paid $12.59 for the entire system. Hope this helps someone who can't find it at Target.
  16. Count yourself fortunate. I was yelled at and publically embarrassed for using 4 coupons at my local Target. I could have understood this if I was using 50 or 100 coupons but 4???? I did call customer relations and they even put me on the phone with a senior representative. I got NOTHING!!!! They apparently select who does and does not receive anything for treating some of us like criminals. I will have to say that I and several of my friends don't shop there nearly as often as we used to because of this episode.
  17. I went today and got: 2 hams 2 roasted turkey breasts 2 packs of ribs 2 broccoli salad 2 potato salad 2 chicken salad 2 honey mustard total $120.xx I stocked my freezer. The manager told me that ALL corporate owned stores in all states were honoring this. The only stores not honoring this are franchises.
  18. I would call and ask. I live in South Carolina and it is not listed but they told me on the phone that they were participating and were even nice enough to tell me the hours each day. I thanked the clerk and she even stated that she hoped to see me tomorrow. You bet they will
  19. I just called my local Honeybaked Ham and they are having the half price sale tomorrow and Saturday. I am so excited I can hardly wait!!!!!!!!!!!! My family loves their hams but we usually only get them for holidays since they are kinda expensive. Thanks for posting this.
  20. Target today had marked patio furniture to 50% off but the other items like planters and window boxes were still 30% off....go figure. Also childrens gardening stuff was 30%. Tons of toys were down but only 15 to 30% off so left it there. Dollar spot was back up to $1.00 here also...even the 4th of July things. I don't understand why they did that because I bought that same stuff on Saturday for half price.
  21. I went to Target today and patio stuff is still 30% off. There was a good bit left but most of it was in boxes. The dollar spot had everything 50% off and the rack was full so I got lots of that stuff. The baseball stuff was 75% off and there was one Wilson football regularly $19.98 for $4.xx. I didn't need the baseball or football stuff because there are only girls in my family but it was a good deal for anyone who needs it.
  22. Thank you for sharing the coupons. It worked wonderfully! I used three and no questions were asked. I used two at one store by dividing my order and one at another store.
  23. I had a pretty good day at Target. The Happy Summer was 75% off but was moved to an endcap near housewares. There were lots of flip flops, margarita sets, pitchers, sets of plastic cups, placemant, and table cloths. I also found a junior 20 questions game marked down from $14.99 to 6.98 but got it for 3.74 and a double pack of Bratz dolls marked down from $9.99 to 6.98 but got it for 4.49. I also noticed something different tonight. When I scanned the game and the Bratz dolls, they came up 0.00 and when I got to the register, they rang up at 0.00 but the cashier saw that and pressed another button and the last clearance price came up. I have never seen that happen before. Always before when something rang up 0.00, they had to call a manager over for a price but tonight the register did it and it rang up at the last clearance price. Has anyone else seen this happen before?
  24. This is a very good deal! I bought two of these earlier and was so excited. Neither one of the drills would work and I had to return them both. We charged the batteries as stated and everything. One drill worked for about 10 minutes then quit. My DH was heartbroken because he wanted one so badly. I hope you have better luck with your drill working than I did.
  25. I didn't find too much on clearance. Everything is sort of picked over. I did find 3 roll packs of Scotch tape for $1.04 and 16 bulb packs of 100 watt light bulbs for $2.24. I also bought two necklaces that were $99.99 each for $12.00 each. They were marked 75% off but rang up at $12.00. I paid a few cents less for both necklaces than one would have been with the 75% off discount. With Mother's Day coming up, I thought they would make good gifts.
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