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Everything posted by cami_reardon

  1. I plan too *S* I have the normal site bookmarked now! And everyone is so nice and helpful. It's like visiting family when I come here, I like that. So many sites have arguments all the time, it's nice to be somewhere peaceful.
  2. Front: Outta my way Back: So many sales, so little time!
  3. Cool!! Free advertising. Niiiiiiiccccceeee!!
  4. cami_reardon

    Big Lots

    Turkey day hours?! I'm there! We don't have to be at the MIL until after 2 pm because she works!! So I'm going early to Kmart and Big Lots and wherever else I can. I'm so psyched!! :gd_devild :gd_orange :greenappl :g_dance:
  5. Thank you soooooo much! Ya'all are the best! I had help getting the 5/25 for TRU and now the spend 75 get 10 GC at TRU. I cannot tell you how much I truly appreciate your kindness!! :g_dance: :g_dance:
  6. My "Grandma" is my mom. Okay, that sounds really funky when I put it down in writing. She raised me from the time I was 6 weeks old. We go shopping all the time together (wheelchair and all) but not on BF. She can't handle those crowds, I can't handle the wheelchair and my purchases and lifting her in and out all the time. So she just makes her list and sends her money with me. She absolutely WON'T miss the deals, but understands that I cannot physically take her on that day.
  7. Okay, so I started this when the kids were little and now I just have to continue. I have a stocking for everyone, including the dogs, cats, hamsters, frogs. *S* It's fun and I can spoil them all on one day without DH complaining that I spent too much! :cheesy: :cry2:
  8. Okay, so between 6-10 with the time I do at work and at home. SHHHH don't tell DH *L*
  9. I bought an Apex one last year for one of the DS. He's 18 now so not a youngster and took good care of it. It broke about two months ago. I'd like to replace it for him but now I'm gunshy of buying another one. Good luck with your purchase! I hope you do better than I did.
  10. cami_reardon

    Big Lots

    Oh yeah! I forgot all about them. I'd like to see this one.
  11. I desperately need this ad! UGH! Withdrawals :lolrun:
  12. cami_reardon

    Radio Shack

    I got to Radio Shack last year about 10 minutes before opening, grabbed our stuff and was out of there in less than 15 minutes after opening. Then we headed to another store that opened two hours later and waited.
  13. Wish I had a couple of those 10% coupons. I'm facing possibly having mandatory OT on BF now because of this stupid announcement that was made today. I'm fighting it all the way, but I haven't won yet. This could really hurt our Christmas even though the OT is nice.
  14. I do love KB, but that's because we have an outlet less than 10 miles from home. I usually make outl like a bandit there. The ad...well, it's not the best for what I'm needing, but I'm sure someone will have a hayday with it.
  15. Thanks for the heads up. Now I just have to WRITE them out. Still without a printer, but by gosh I'm getting one on BF!!
  16. I hardly ever carry cash, but I do NOT use my credit cards at Christmas. I learned my lesson on that one a long time ago. So I'll use the visa check card. I can't overspend and I won't have a bill that lasts all year.
  17. I don't know if you have a Game Stop or EB Games or Gamers where you are, but they sell the preplayed games around this price all the time. I have only had a problem once and they didn't even balk at exchanging the thing. :gd_not_ri It's well worth it to save all that money. :yelclap:
  18. My 16 year old took me to dinner the other night when I took her to the ballet. It was our mother/daughter outing for the Christmas season. She even took me to a sit down restaurant (not BKing either *L*). It was very nice. 18 year old DS #1 was just this past year 18 year old DS #2 two years ago 29 year old DD about the time she turned 19 and had her first child.
  19. What about making her a nice gift basket of girly things (like lotion and stuff which you can get free with coupons at BBW most of the time) then putting a GC to her favorite store in there?
  20. This is a SUPER idea! We have adopted three children this year (not Toys for Tots - but still a good cause). I have been just adding some extra items to my list so far to give.
  21. See, that mandatory OT is killin me here! :mad: Thanks for the heads up though, might have to send DH.
  22. If anyone had an extra two I could use some. I have a little pphf and I could send some stamps or even some cash if you want. Just email me at this email; [email protected] because I can check it from work. Thanks!!
  23. Golly! I want some Wallflowers!!! I just can't seem to get off work while they are still open We're on mandatory overtime until Thanksgiving, then they "want" all of us who can to "volunteer" to work BF. HMPH!!!! No way! :sidesplit
  24. Might be a good time to run down to our outlet mall! Thanks for the heads up!
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