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Everything posted by RossMAN

  1. Well said and I'm in total agreement
  2. How is he on long car trips? I still think the GameCube would be a good idea and with additional controllers his sister and/or parents can play along. If you decide to go with a GameCube, look for a holiday bundle like this (note: that deal is from 2004).
  3. I was thinking along those same lines. Also you can have multiple players. Not as easy to lose, break or get stolen as a portable Nintendo GBA is.
  4. How old?
  5. Do you know the differences between the two models?
  6. Like Brad said, download the ads before it's too late.
  7. Budget? I like the Garmin StreetPilot series.
  8. This is normally $29.99 at Target, Best Buy, etc. BUY BUY BUY!
  9. Marc, I bought a 1905FP for my sister and last I heard she loves it. It's a great LCD and offers a nice 3 year warranty.
  10. That's exactly what we are. We all love to shop, save money and have fun at the same time! Thank you for the kind words
  11. and thank you for joining :)
  12. Welcome to the forums Please search before creating a new thread. The answer is we won't know until we see all the BF ads. Remember the BB, CC, Target and CompUSA ads haven't been released yet. So who knows what deals may be lurking. http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=17076 http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=16707 http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=17129
  13. $#@! I paid $119 for my 1GB SODIMM. Does this work in the Dell Inspiron 700m?
  14. Yep there is already a search feature at the top right. You can search the entire forum or the forum you're currently viewing.
  15. LOL I love this thread, great topic :)
  16. Someone laptops (such as the HP for $398) offer an internal wireless card already built-in. For this Dell you would need to add the following option: Dell Wireless 1350 External Wireless (802.11 b/g, 54Mbps) [add $39 or $1/month2] Now you only need a wireless router which is sometimes on sale for $19.99 - $39.99 after rebate. Check your local Circuit City, Best Buy, or CompUSA store. Or you can buy online.
  17. Nope but I heard it's an event you'll never forget
  18. Which one? http://gottadeal.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php/masterid=11836876 http://gottadeal.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php/masterid=2825510 http://gottadeal.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php/masterid=8479696
  19. I bought a Toshiba SD-H400 through PriceGrabber.com and had a good experience. I bought this hard to find DVR since it offers FREE TIVO with no monthly or lifetime fees. It seems PriceGrabber.com no longer sells that model.
  20. You can find all Dell coupon codes here: http://dell.gottadeal.com Unfortunately there are currently no coupon codes for digital cameras
  21. Please see the original post date of 10/6, this was posted almost 1 month ago. Dell coupons usually last 2-3 days on average. Even at $169 it's a good deal. My Canon A520 just arrived the other day, I haven't opened the box yet.
  22. That depends on what items you're shopping for, each has their own unique benefits. We don't have a Sam's Club around here but I love CostCo.
  23. Thanks OP! BTW OP = original poster :)
  24. Dell has moved to generic rebate forms, so you might be ok. It's important that your rebate offer is on your shipping notice. Login to your Dell.com account and look at your invoice, do you see a rebate offer #?
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