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Everything posted by RossMAN

  1. Please post your question in the Walmart laptop thread.
  2. Thanks for the reminder (and I created that poll, LOL) thread locked.
  3. Not unless it's for necessities like food, clothing, etc.
  4. Glad you found it :) Ross
  5. Actually that is already possible and you can do it right now: You'll need the awesome web browser FireFox and install the reload every extension.
  6. There are a few other Oregonians but none are as active
  7. Normally I would call you a stalker but you're right, her light is on
  8. LOL I can only imagine her inbox full of BF shoppers asking "Where's the beef?"
  9. Is it worth waiting in line for hours just for a Sears $10 GC? How much is your time worth?
  10. You don't need AOL dialup, just download AIM for free :)
  11. http://forums.gottadeal.com/showpost.php?p=125432&postcount=4
  12. Do any of you feel like contacting them via AIM or Yahoo! Messenger? http://forums.gottadeal.com/member.php?u=7125 My AIM is GottaDealRossMAN
  13. That thought crossed my mind, it could have been a joke, troll or competitor. Or it could be legit, we'll wait and see.
  14. LOL There are 20 other people browsing this thread who probably feel the same way.
  15. Correct. There is no set schedule and you'll see more ads when they are leaked to us
  16. Please visit our Black Friday site to submit an ad
  17. Not likely, however it is something to consider for BF 06 though :)
  18. Yep repost, locking thread.
  19. When you find a Hot Deal like $100 off retail, let us know :)
  20. Probably not. They retail for $249 http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0007TFLLC/ Although it has been slightly cheaper http://www.gottadeal.com/DirectDeal/12432
  21. [hiding from Brad] Paying for satellite radio? Pfffft! [/running from Brad]
  22. Thank you Captain Obvious
  23. I would probably use mine 99.99% in the car so external powered isn't that much of an issue. For me it boils down to which is more functional, has better software and the most comprehensive maps.
  24. Well that was hot while it lasted. Congratulations to the few who got in on this. I wonder if any orders will be cancelled?
  25. Thank you, we greatly appreciate your support :) I hope you and your family members will become active members in our friendly community. Please remember we are here after BF is over, we're open 24/7/365 finding great deals all the time!
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