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Everything posted by Marcster

  1. I hate to tell you, but what you bought was the previous generation. It will not play videos (if that matters to you) and it's a clunkier shape. Also, the current generation (3rd gen) have dropped in price. Amazon.com has them brand-new for $179 w/ free ship (and the standard 1 year warranty): http://www.amazon.com/b/ref=amb_link_1472472_4?ie=UTF8&node=15761351&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-4&pf_rd_r=0JH5CJ5K1MCZVKCNP34E&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=318983901&pf_rd_i=13660271 So, for $30 less (each) your Nano won't play videos and won't be compatible with some of the next generation's accessories. But, you'll have an extra year of warranty... You can probably cancel your Apple order if you need to. Depends on if it matters to you...
  2. http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=90359
  3. For anyone thinking about getting a TomTom One XL-S (the one at Office Depot for $259.99): Frys.com has it for $259.95 (plus shipping, would be $6.93 to ship to my zip). http://shop2.outpost.com/product/5435089?site=sr:SEARCH:MAIN_RSLT_PG
  4. The deal is good for existing customers only. You would have to start all new lines under your husband and everyone switches phone numbers....
  5. Thanks, Sandie... Guess I'll knock the dust off of this smiley: http://s23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/Marcster2005/Smileypad/Happy/irock.gif
  6. DigiCombos.com has it for $425, plus about $29 shipping/handling (which varies depending on where you live). Black or Silver is the same price. Free shipping upgrade if you use Google Checkout. DigiCombos has 6 different combos for the D40, some include more lenses. http://www.digicombos.com/category_s/44.htm
  7. LOL! NBC10 specifically wanted someone local so they could do the interview in the studio. But, hey, if you were willing to drive to Philly, you should've told Brad.
  8. You're welcome! I didn't look at this aspect exactly, but I believe that most, if not all units will let you program a trip in ahead of time. Set it up at night and then in the morning, you just turn it on and go... TomToms and Mios have the ability to program an itinerary with a different starting address then where the unit currently is. This is handy for setting up an itinerary from your arrival airport to your hotel, for instance, while you are killing time waiting for your plane to board... You can also use that to help a lost friend get to where they're going over the phone. TomTom One Version 3 units cannot set up multi-stop itineraries though. For instance, from home to your son's house, to Dodger's stadium, to TGI Fridays and back to your son's and home. A TomTom One Version 3 would need you to set up each leg of the "route" when you finished the one prior. The TomTom One is a great starter unit, and practically disposable like you said. For the prices these things are this year, I can't wait to see what there will be to choose from next year. GPS navigation has come so far already! The $100ish units would make great hand-me-downs to a friend or other driver in your household if there is a great "gotta have it" feature next year -- you won't be investing too much money in a unit that a year of your usage will seem too short for the cost, if you know what I mean.
  9. 9 am Thursday. Otherwise you'll miss out. Go here if you think I'm wrong: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=82672
  10. Thanks for all the positive feedback, guys. If I had looked into how to upload videos to YouTube sooner, I could've posted this a long time ago.
  11. Every GPS unit will have a cigarette-lighter-style power adapter. This will provide power ti the unit and recharge the battery. The only time you'd really use battery power is if you wanted to set up your trip's itinerary from inside your house or if you wanted to listen to MP3s and such that the more expensive units have.
  12. Oh, I was fully prepped. Brad and I exchanged many PMs and Ross and I talked over the phone extensively including a call from the parking lot of NBC10 moments before I walked in.
  13. He's probably posting right now using his cell phone!
  14. The Mini-DVDs will play in any drawer-fed DVD player. Those fancy slot-fed players probably won't play them correctly. You'll need to finalize the DVDs but that will be covered in the manual.
  15. Cool! One more thing you'll need: http://www.backcountrygear.com/images/ggoutbackkitchensink.jpg (A camp sink, so you can wash your hands afterward) ------------- And if you really wanna go all out, how about a camp shower: http://www.ourcampsite.com/images/01086large.jpg Model not included, you'll have to find one in line. http://s23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/Marcster2005/Smileypad/Wink/howyoudoin.gif
  16. I can only recommend Linksys. D-Link and Netgear are both garbage in my opinion. I never had a Belkin.
  17. I can just see you saying: "Have a dump on me!" http://s23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/Marcster2005/Smileypad/Mil-Laughter/lmaosmiley.gif
  18. It should... I read about people using them on Amazon's reviews: http://www.amazon.com/review/product/B000W6EUOE/ref=dp_top_cm_cr_acr_txt?%5Fencoding=UTF8&showViewpoints=1
  19. Just call your local store today and ask.
  20. Don't tase me, Bro! http://s23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/Marcster2005/Smileypad/Surprise/shocking.gif
  21. It does, actually based on these owners: http://www.gpsreview.net/forums/viewtopic.php?p=10768
  22. That Garmin is two years old and may very well have two-year old maps (that's bad). Map updates from Garmin are like $70 when you update (they update their maps once a year, but no one forces you to buy the update). TomToms all have completely free map updates. You buy a TomTom and that's all you need to buy, ever. The fact that Wal-Mart threatened sites like Gottadeal didn't help. No one knew what units W-M was going to have, so no one talked about it. Now, if you are just starting to read this thread, it can seem like most of the people want the TomTom.
  23. Yes, all of the specials I am listing are for Black Friday. If you don't want to go out, look at this thread: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=90484
  24. GPS Lodge just published their list of recommendations. Very similar conclusions to mine: http://www.gpslodge.com/archives/014753.php
  25. The TomTom One LE at Best Buy can do multi-stop itineraries. The TomTom One Version 3 can only do one destination at a time, so you'll have to enter a new trip for every segment. There are more subtle differences: http://www.gpslodge.com/archives/014773.php Not a huge deal. I certainly wouldn't go stand in line at BB for 20+ hours...
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