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Everything posted by Marcster

  1. I would do 4 am for Staples or 5:30 am for R/S, maybe even 5:45 for a R/S in a residential location (vs. one that's a mall store).
  2. http://s23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/Marcster2005/Smileypad/Congratulations/999.gif Congrats! Very cool!
  3. So your sister wants a model where she can speak aloud to the unit where she wants to go and then it gives her audio instructions on how to get there? That is a TALL order. The ONLY units that I know that does it is the Magellan Maestro 4050 or the 4250. The Maestro 4000 and 4040 that are on sale for BF do not have this feature. Traffic service with Magellans is an extra cost add on -- $60 a year, IIRC. Maestro 4050 for $363 (free s/h): http://www.amazon.com/Magellan-Maestro-4050-Portable-System/dp/B000NMJJPM/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1195793358&sr=8-1 Maestro 4250 for $499: http://www.macmall.com/macmall/shop/detail.asp?dpno=7299389&Redir=1&description=Magellan-Maestro%204250%20Auto%20Navigation%20System-Radios,%20Pagers%20&%20GPS%20Devices
  4. Aww, shucks. http://s23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/Marcster2005/Smileypad/Non-Smiling/thembarassed.gif Glad to hear that the shirt is in use. :)
  5. Oh, well, in that case, go for the TomTom One LE -- it's a Best Buy exclusive. TomToms come with free map updates -- it's a nice unit.
  6. As of 8 pm, in Allentown, PA, there was 30 people in line for CC (3 in a huge tent) and easily 150+ in line at Best Buy (lots of tents at BB). Tonight's lows will be in the 40s (45 right now) and a WICKED wind! http://s23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/Marcster2005/Smileypad/Weather/28_2_2.gif
  7. If you aren't already in line for CC or BB, you are already too late for a doorbuster. Take a look at my thread: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=87388 and go for a Navigon 2100 or a TomTom One version 3 at Staples.
  8. If your Mom loves you, she wouldn't want you to spend too much and cause you a financial hardship. ESPECIALLY if you both already agreed to a $100 limit. Everybody loves things they can't afford. I'd love to have a Ferrari, but I wouldn't expect my parents to buy me one. KWIM? Just because she says she likes something doesn't mean that she expects you to buy it.
  9. Digital Photo Frame or GPS system? Those are going to be the hottest gifts this year.
  10. Best Buy: 2 - TomTom One LEs 4 - Seagate 320GB hard drives (yes, that's right, 4 drives -- going to build a new tower with RAID 5)
  11. The deal around here for DD is $.99 for a Medium Hot Chocolate or Hot White Chocolate.
  12. Go to Staples and get a TomTom One 3rd ed. or a Navigon 2100.
  13. If you do a fair amount of driving (8K+) you'll probably really enjoy a GPS. Especially if you drive to different places often (you already know where your favorite grocery store is, for instance). I ordered a speaker selector for my home theater from them a few years ago, they were fine. Back in the day (pre-internet), I ordered DJ equipment and they were fine then too. http://s23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/Marcster2005/Smileypad/Music/tha948ef31.gif
  14. Don't forget to check Lowe's and Home Depot.
  15. http://www.p2pconsortium.com/style_emoticons/default/elvis.gif Why thank yah, thaaahnk yah very muuuuuuuuch! http://www.njtruckscene.com/vb/images/smilies2/elvis.gif
  16. http://s23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/Marcster2005/Smileypad/Music/thelvis.gif You'll be doin all right, with your Christmas of white But I'll have a blue, blue blue blue Christmas
  17. Huh, I wasn't aware... I see their ads in the back of Digital Photography all the time.
  18. Only charge for a TomTom would be if you wanted the optional traffic service. Otherwise, there is no ongoing fee besides the initial cost of the unit.
  19. Not really, Newegg is pretty good about having adequate stock on hand.
  20. It's the same thing they did last year.
  21. Office Depot has the Navigon 2100 on sale for $149.99 but the free traffic is a mail-in offer, it's not included in the box. The sale ends tonight, 11/21. www.officedepot.com
  22. How about $124.99 w/free shipping: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16832116135 Newegg is great!
  23. Which model do you have? If it's the 3100, then that's the one that K-Mart will have for $129 during their Thanksgiving sale.
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