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Everything posted by Brad

  1. It shows the same $284.99 price from Amazon both signed in (as a Prime member) and not signed in. I think what it does is show the Amazon offer by default if you are a Prime member (even if it is more $) because of the free shipping, but if you are not a Prime member, it shows 3rd party offers (which don't qualify for Prime) if they are less than Amazon or if Amazon is out of stock. But the Amazon offer is still available under the "More Buying Choices" list on the right. But the Amazon price is always the same. No ripping off anyone.
  2. They have the free one day passes that you can print out online every so often - the last one expired 2/29. I've also heard that if you just go to the store and ask them, sometimes they will give you one for the day. But like Marcster said, you have to pay 10% extra on anything you buy.
  3. I've ordered from Buy.com around 50 times in the last 10 or so years (going way back to when they had $20 off $20 coupons in the late 90s ) and have never had a problem. Sometimes they take a day or two longer to ship that I'd have liked, but no other problems. Highly recommended from me :)
  4. http://www.everydeal.com is a site like that (and is one of my other sites). There are others, but since they are competitors, they cannot be linked here :)
  5. It links many of the affiliate stores (most of the "main" ones) but not all of them. I will be adding more soon. It does however convert any regular links you post to affiliate links (if possible).
  6. http://forums.gottadeal.com/forumdisplay.php?f=31
  7. http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_07190780000P?sid=I0084400010000100600&aff=Y In-store pickup also available in limited areas.
  8. Here is a link for 35% off the Entertainment book & Free Shipping: LINK It has a Buy 1 Get 1 Free Ticket coupon for the football HOF, plus hundreds of other coupons that can save you big $ when you are in the area.
  9. The smilies are built-in to the chat and are not too easy to change. The chat is just an added "fun" feature, and so adding smilies is not very high on the priority list. It works, you can type messages, and that's all that really matters right now :)
  10. I think they only stock the good/popular teams & players, so yes you should be offended
  11. The date the thread was started was never in the old layout either.
  12. I just tried both the original and the code posted by mahyar1 and both worked when I had one sweatshirt in my order.
  13. http://www.finishline.com/store//images/products/lgwhd7mrqgry.jpg FinishLine.com has over 100 Women's NCAA Hoody Sweatshirts (Pullover or Zip) for just $9.99 each. Use coupon code 141705 to bring the price down to $8.99 each plus shipping. Women's NCAA Hoody Sweatshirts (Pullover or Zip) Over 100 Teams - $8.99 @ FinishLine.com
  14. Thanks everyone for your ideas. I am in the process of going through them all and trying to come up with a design that will work. Some notes on your replies: - some of them were a little too "wordy" and commercial-like - good ideas, but probably not for a shirt as someone would have to be relatively close to you for a long time to read it all. They'd be better for some other kind of promotional item most likely. I think for shirts, the simpler they are, the more appeal they will have to the largest possible # of people. - as I said in the OP, I already have an idea (thanks to Marcster) for the BF shirts :) - to reduce the cost of the shirts, I'd prefer to just have them be one-sided. This will also help when it comes to hoodies... more on that below. - as for custom colors (like pink), that will depend on the color I choose for the main shirt. If the ink colors I choose would look fine on a pink shirt, I could order some with no added cost, but if the ink would have to be a different color to work on a pink shirt, then it's like ordering a completely different shirt, and with the small quantities, it woudn't work. And with the site's colors being blue/orange, I don't know how good they'd work on pink shirts, but we'll see. Another option would be a separate pink shirt (maybe with just white printing), but there would have to be a lot of interest because the fewer shirts ordered, the more expensive the shirts. I try to order at minimum 12 dozen shirts. - I am also going to try to come up with a design that will work for both t-shirts and hoodies. That way if there is enough interest to try for the hoodies again, the cost would be reduced because the printer would already have the screens set up for the design. Soon I'll start a new thread with a poll for sizes to get an idea of how many to order for each size.
  15. Your best bet is to just pay the $4-5 on eBay: http://cgi.ebay.com/25-off-100-Staples-ONLINE-Instant-Coupon-not-20_W0QQitemZ150217251019QQihZ005QQcategoryZ31411QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem I bought a bunch yesterday for all the great deals they had in the Sunday ad. It's a small price to pay to get the code ASAP.
  16. You can get the $25 off $100 codes on eBay for around $5 each if you hurry.
  17. Click here to opt-in to the adult deals board: http://forums.gottadeal.com/adult.php
  18. yeah it's not meant to be anything more than just a fun extra feature. there aren't many options for a chat system with vBulletin forum integration, and this is clearly the best of the few choices, so it's what we have :)
  19. I know a lot of you have asked for the chat room to come back, so we're going to try it out to see how things go and then decide whether or not to keep it. You can access it by clicking the "FlashChat" link in the top blue menu bar, or on the forum home page, towards the bottom it shows the users currently in the chat room, and you can click on the icon on the left side to go into the room. Or you can just click here: http://forums.gottadeal.com/misc.php?do=flashchat&room=1 If you have any issues with the chat, reply here or send me a PM. Thanks :)
  20. We're starting a new program here on the forum to reward those members who post deals here in the Online Hot Deals forum that end up making it to the main site home page. Here is how it works: If you post a deal here in this forum that I decide is hot enough to also post on the main site, the following will happen: * your thread here on the forum will now have this special "star" post icon: * when the deal is posted on the main site, your forum username will be credited in the deal description, along with a link to your thread * the thread will earn you 3 extra entries for the deal posting contest (in addition to the entry you already earned for posting it) * in the future, we may have other contests for those who post "star" deals There is no limit to the number of "star" deals you can have per day. Be aware that the sole decision as to what qualifies as a "star" deal is my own. Also note that this apples to the actual deals posted on the home page, not the threads shown in the "Hottest Online Deal Forum Threads" listing section of the home page. NOTE: There are some instances where you may have posted a thread for a deal that I later post on the main site and it is not starred. Some of these cases would likely be: * In many cases, deals are sent from stores directly to all affiliates, so you may have seen the deal somewhere else and posted it, and then I saw the e-mail from the store and posted it without ever seeing your thread. * I also occasionally type up deals ahead of time to post later. In this case, you may have posted a deal that I already had typed up and so it would not get credit. * If you posted a more non-specific "sale" or "weekly deals" thread, I may post deal(s) for specific items from that sale without ever seeing that they were a part of your thread. This program is mostly for deals I happen to see when browsing the forum and think to myself, "wow, that's pretty good - I'll post that on the main site". I guarantee that if your thread is where I first find out about a deal, you will get credit :)
  21. It's optimized a little more as far as PHP/MySQL, but not much as it's not too complicated of a site to begin with. With the simplified design I was just able to eliminate quite a bit of code. I checked before/after size for the front page and the new site was about 20% less, so that probably has something to do with it. And as for discarding functionality, I don't think there is anything you could do on the old site that you can't do now. A few things are in different places, but everything is still there.
  22. lol. yeah i decided not to give any advance notice. looks like the last update to the main site was in fall 2006, so it's been a little while. looking back at the old cached versions on archive.org, not much has changed in 4+ years as far as content and features, just a little more clean and streamlined. for those wondering, i have no plans for any big forum update anytime soon. i will likely change the header to match the main site a little bit, but that would be it. now that the main site is done, time to move on to work on the black friday 08 site
  23. Glad you like it :) I'll be adding and tweaking a few things, but I figured it was done enough to make the switch, so there you go. The forum thread listing is collapsible if you don't want to see it, and it *should* remember if it was collapsed or expanded when you go back to the page later. I know there are a lot of visitors who just go to the main site and not the forums too often, so now they can see the great deals be posted by you all here as well (deals that usually don't appear on the main site otherwise) and hopefully stop by the forum more often. Right now it shows threads posted in the last 3-4 days that have been replied to recently, and sorts them by # of views, but I may change the formula in the future to get a better set of results if needed. As always, if anyone has any problems or suggestions, let me know.
  24. I saw the 6 cookies for $12.95 ($2.95 after coupon) but they definitely did not have free shipping.
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