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Everything posted by Brad

  1. I'm sure there we'll be. On the main GottaDeal.com site: http://www.gottadeal.com/Deals/Category/digitalframe we've posted deals for 5.6" frames for $29 and 7" frames for $35-39 in the last few months, so you can expect similar prices in the ads. Of course with digital frames you usually get what you pay for, so if you go cheap, you might not get as good picture quality or other features as if you spent a little more.
  2. Story: http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/chi-fri-notebook-toys-oct24,0,334884.story
  3. Toys R Us CEO says this will be biggest Black Friday in history http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/chi-fri-notebook-toys-oct24,0,334884.story
  4. none currently, sorry. they have reached their redemption limit earlier this morning. if new codes are released, i'll be sure to post the details.
  5. There will definitely be more "real world" contests for t-shirts :)
  6. wow, very close. since i'm such a nice guy, i'll give t-shirts to both of you. check your PMs in a few minutes :)
  7. LOL. Not that easy. Don't worry - I still have plenty of shirts to give away during the next month :)
  8. And for the record, Half Price Books intentionally sent us this information themselves :) (and I'm working on them trying to get a GC or something to give away here on the site too...)
  9. A quick contest that makes the winner do a little work.... Here is what you have to do: 1. Print out the first page of this thread 2. Go to a store that usually has a BF sale (not somewhere like a gas station) 3. Take a picture of the printed thread somewhere inside the store that shows what store you are in. 4. Come back and post the picture in this thread The first person to do that wins a Black Friday t-shirt :) Obviously no photoshopped pics or anything like that. If I have any doubts about the validity of the pic, you won't win. I may ask for the original photo to be sent to me. Easy enough? Just be the first and you win - no random drawings or anything - first one wins http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/images/bfshirt.jpg
  10. It's an acutal store - locations in 15 states: http://www.halfpricebooks.com/find_a_store.html
  11. I'm going to start posting notices of new Black Friday ads in this forum as well, just in case some of you don't check out the individual store sub-forums that often. You can find the link to the ad and discussion thread here: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=122832
  12. Very good idea. And as I've posted before, if anyone helps us get an ad before anyone else, you'll get one of our Black Friday t-shirts
  13. Half Price Books (if you have this in your area) has sent us their BF specials: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/BlackFridaySales/Store/HalfPriceBooks
  14. http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/BlackFridaySales/Store/HalfPriceBooks
  15. http://img.toysrus.com/toys_us/images/TRU_20081023_RotoReminder_V1/102308_2DaySaleEmail4A_04.gif
  16. It's been OOS - you can still order though and they'll ship when they get them back in. Already posted: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=122725
  17. bump for a very good deal. $169 shipped (+ tax) for an xbox 360 and extra game is very hard to beat.
  18. you guys can guess all you want, but i can't respond to any of the guesses. and there is no guarantee that this retailers will go through with it, so...
  19. Oh definitely. I already told them that if they send the ad to me I'll definitely stress that they were the ones who leaked it because they recognize how a site like this can help them (and hopefully it would influence others to follow suit).
  20. FWIW, one national retailer has recently contacted me about intentionally leaking their BF ad to us to generate some buzz. Nothing confirmed yet and I can't say what retailer, but just thought I'd throw that out there.
  21. Last year on 10/23 we had ads from.... Ace Hardware and Harbor Freight This year on 10/23 we have ads from.... Ace Hardware and Harbor Freight Plus Black Friday is 5 days later this year (11/28 vs 11/23 last year), so stores might be pushing back when ads are completed/printed. Most will aim to have them ready X weeks/months before BF, so that could factor in as well. If you want more ads, talk to people who might have them and tell them to send them to us. We can only post what we (or other sites) receive from people with the ads.
  22. Also don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/GottaDeal You can also add us as a YouTube friend as well (and comment on our videos and rate them 5 stars!)
  23. http://enstxzrnsprxt.6hops.net/Candi,_The_USB_Pole_Dancer8maStandard.jpg there, happy now?
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