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Everything posted by Brad

  1. As the sale has started, let's keep all the discussion in the main thread here: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?274919-Amazon-com-Black-Friday-Sale-Sale-Started
  2. Lorax DVD for anyone interested in it: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005LAIH4A
  3. To keep all the discussion from being in many different threads, now that the sale has started let's try to keep the discussion in the main thread in the Online BF Shopping forum. Here is that thread: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?274919-Amazon-com-Black-Friday-Sale-Sale-Started Post the deals you find, the deals you've ordered, rumors of upcoming deals, whatever Thanks
  4. Scans: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/BlackFridayScans/GuitarCenter Scan (PDF): http://i.gottadeal.com/blackfriday/scans/GottaDeal-GuitarCenter-BF2012.pdf
  5. When I talked to a few Kohls.com reps a few weeks ago, they pledged to have much more inventory for online orders this year so that most deals should last for several days. Take that for what it's worth.
  6. Once the sale starts tomorrow I'll put a link to it in the forum header for the week to remind you all to check what's on sale every so often while you're browsing the forum
  7. For 2007 I only have scans for 33 stores. This year we're approaching 80.
  8. TVs and cheap DVDs. Guess not much has changed in 5 years http://i.gottadeal.com/main/images/wm2007.jpg http://i.gottadeal.com/main/images/bb2007.jpg
  9. The 5 winners are: gdulaney rockpzazz happyfrog samisma tinkrbel I will contact you all next year to get your addresses and shirt sizes. Congrats
  10. Go to the Black Friday site: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/ and in the upper right, search for Under Armour to see all the Under Armour items on sale in the ads.
  11. Low 50's and partly cloudy here. Too bad I can't leave the house
  12. There weren't webcasts scheduled for those nights. Here is the full schedule: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?267059-Black-Friday-Webcast-Thread-Details-Schedule-amp-More Most people will either be shopping in stores those nights or will be waiting for the online sales to start, and there will be plenty of chatting going on here on the forum when that happens.
  13. It's meant to be used on your touchscreen devices - phone, tablet, or you could even use it on your glasses. When you are done using it, either stick it back to the card and put it in your wallet or just stick it on the back of your phone/tablet and it'll stay there for whenever you need it.
  14. You'll have to contact them about the early upgrade. I have no idea about if these exact deals will be online. I'm sure their site will have deals, but I'm guessing they'll be different from these (and likely not as good). They probably want to get you in the stores so they can upsell
  15. I know someone was looking for this one in the chat last night. Scans: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/BlackFridayScans/Verizon Scan (PDF): http://i.gottadeal.com/blackfriday/scans/GottaDeal-Verizon-BF2012.pdf
  16. If we get it, we'll post it. Our Walmart reps have changed since last year and they are not as communicative...
  17. It could be, but don't get your hopes up. I'm guessing they'll need most if not all of the quantity they have for stores.
  18. This has been the packaging they've used since the very first Kindle I believe.
  19. Our own bpr (Brian) put this together: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/blurays.html It shows the Blu-ray titles on sale this week with prices and where you can get them so you can compare prices among retailers.
  20. Heard we might be giving away some 2013 Black Friday t-shirts in the webcast tonight... also heard that you must have a GD forum account to win
  21. Brad


    OK, I have kklracing's scans on the site (and the PDF link in the main thread). That one has 28 pages (I'm guessing 14 actual pages, 2 scans per page) Here is another PDF with different scans and the pages split up even more (48 total "pages"): http://i.gottadeal.com/blackfriday/scans/GottaDeal-Menards2-BF2012.pdf Denise's pics are OK, but I don't think you can see any details in those that you can't see from the other 2 sets of scans, so we'll go with these 2 for now. Thanks to all 4,394 of you who sent in scans Where were you 2 weeks ago?
  22. Brad


    I got the ad from like 4 people at once. Here is the new main thread: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?274972-Menards-Black-Friday-Ad-Posted I'll see what scans are the best and eventually replace the ones that are up if I need to.
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