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What are your top 5 "Black Friday Wish List Items"


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1. A repeat of the entire post-BF Christmas season from last year. While BF largely sucked, the ongoing sales at places like Aeropostale were insane. I've never seen so many 50% off sales before Christmas.


2. A respectable, affordable netbook.


3. Could go for a well-priced laptop.


That's it. Except for the netbook, I'm not married to anything except good sales. I got my DSLR and lenses last year. I've built two desktops in the last year.


Just not a lot left to buy.

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do liquor store normally have BF specials?

I hope not! Can you imagine: a week's worth of T-day preperation, followed by spending an exhausting day with family which encourages the drinking of a couple more glasses of wine than you normally would, followed by a sleepless night of deal-planning, online shopping, and/or camping out in the cold, combined with forgetting to eat in the BF excitement, followed by the comsumption of some spirits purchased at a liquor store door buster sale? Exhaustion, hunger, and alcohol - it sounds like a nightmare to everyone anywhere nearby from friday night till monday morning!


As for my top 5:

1. Keyboard

2. $5 (or less) 2GB (or more) SD cards

3. MP3 player, 4gb or more, preferably with and FM tuner

4. Cute, 20-24" baby dolls and accessories

4. A low-priced sturdy bed frame for me.

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Hmm.. well I have 2 different lists....

There is the top 5 I hope to buy--as gifts to make others happy......and then

the top 5 I would want to receive/scurry & buy for ME :D


For others:

1- blu ray dvd player from Walmart

2- $7 bubble reversible jacket Walmart

3- $20 bucks of clothes from Old Navy, whatever I can find, fleece tops, jeans & thermals and

get the FREE LEGO ROCKBAND :cheesy:

4- $18-20 Electric blanket (more than 1 store has this)

5- Infamous game Lowest possible price....


For me, seriously what I want (but I know I won't be getting most of these)

1- 12 MP camera

2- BIG TV 40 inch 1080

3- BBWorks body cream

4- waring pro waffle maker

5- new cell phone

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