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What did you buy previous Black Friday's that you regret?

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I bought som of the boys $4 sweatshirts at Walmart last year that came apart after a few washings. Glad we only paid $4! The other clothing I got has lasted great! I'm hoping for great clothing sales, not really for Christmas, just cause my kids will be outgrowing everything again. ;)



  HansieDZ said:

I don't necessarily regret buying my Garmin Nuvi 200W last year BF but I'm sorely disappointed :(

I guess my expectations were too high.I'm severely "directionally challenged" and can get lost with having two separate routes from MapQuest so I thought a GPS was my salvation!

I don't know if it's the brand,version or what,but my GPS is NOT infallible. I really wanted to be able to plug it in,set my destination and then never worry about getting lost or being mislead but that is not the case.

Sometimes it takes a long time to pick up a satellite or just plain completely messes up.

Maybe I should have gotten a more expensive version but I don't need or want a lot of bells and whistles.

Maybe it's just me though.:confused:

we have three of these and love every one of them


Chocolate Fountain my son bought me this and I love it, we don't use it all the time but when I do it is awesome

  mrs.winter said:

I LOVE my NUVI!! The one thing I regret buying is the tag reading system i could never get it to load into my computer and now it just sits!!

Odd. We had no problems loading our TAG and DD5 and DD3 love it!

We've bought the cheapy PJ's at Walmart, and they were TINY! My daughter got to wear them once...eh, at least they were cheap!


Oh, and PIXOS. God, I hate pixos. What a mess.

the nextar doorbuster gps from kohls last year. maps were so out of date that it didn't show anything built in the last ten years. kept it for awhile anyway b/c dh had no speedometer and this did the trick. then it broke after three weeks. exchanged for new unit and the same thing happened again. and again. total p.o.s. and waste of $
Pretty much everything for my kids.LOL.Ive had 3 garage sales in the past year inwhich i have sold most of the toys from last year.Its caused by over buying.They will be in shock this year when they go from 50 presents each to like 12 each.They are getting laptops and flat screens things that can be used.No more JUNK.Pikos and easy bake ovens LOL.
I get way too many DVDs on BF! I have some from last BF and the BF before that (2007) that I have yet to watch. I tend to get into a grab and go mode and rarely think about the titles. This year I'm going to be way more selective.
Dynex DVD-R at bestbuy. Bought 2 100 pack spindles and they were absolute garbage , never got one to burn correctly. after the first 10-15 tries I just threw them all away. Luckily they were only like $5 a spindle
  Deal Grabber said:

Pretty much everything for my kids.LOL.Ive had 3 garage sales in the past year inwhich i have sold most of the toys from last year.Its caused by over buying.They will be in shock this year when they go from 50 presents each to like 12 each.They are getting laptops and flat screens things that can be used.No more JUNK.Pikos and easy bake ovens LOL.

I so agree with this. I brought so many clearence toys and amazon toy deals, they played with once and that is it. I learned my lesson and now I only buy nice electronics that are more expensive but are used by them. I may buy one or two toys and that is it!

I bought the $200 Mini DVD Camcorder last year at Wal-Mart...what a piece of junk! I HATED it! Luckily I found that out that day and went back and they still had the JVC hard drive Camcorder for $250 so I exchanged! ;) I love my new one! Still works great! If anyone needs a camcorder this year get a hard drive! It's SOO worth the extra couple of bucks! :)
  kboyts said:

Dynex DVD-R at bestbuy. Bought 2 100 pack spindles and they were absolute garbage , never got one to burn correctly. after the first 10-15 tries I just threw them all away. Luckily they were only like $5 a spindle

odd. i stocked up on those one year and had few issues. maybe one or two bad out of a spindle.

Bakugan...searched everywhere for these things for my son last year...what a waste!! I have thrown most of them away..this year I know better than to buy either of them little toys like that...what they really love are video games, legos, board games...that's what I plan on sticking to this year!!

Let's see... where do I begin? lol!


My main purchase that I regret is a mini fridge. I think I have used it maybe once since I bought it at WalMart a few years ago. I keep it in the garage and keep some energy drinks in it... but it's just not practical.


Well I only regret half of it lol

Table and chairs from Kmart 2 years, they have it in the ad all the time since then though.


I regret the table, as soon as we started putting it together the top of it was starting to chip of lilttle pieces of fake wood stuff and within a month or two the whole table top was warped and bent. We barely used it to begin with but once that happened we just throw it out.


We still have the chairs though, the are awesome and still in great condition lol

  PentiumMMX said:

The only one I can think of would be the Symphonic VHS\DVD unit my mom bought at Wal-Mart back in 2003. The first one was dead out of the box, and the 2nd lasted a few months before finally giving out. The more expensive Emerson model we exchanged it for still works to this day.

I am sooo happy I didn't get this but at the time I was really mad that I didn't get it.


I guess I am lucky or really absent minded - because I can't remember buying anything I later regretted.


However, after reading these posts and remembering the Moon Sand I bought for someone else's kid, I have a feeling they may regret my purchase! Ooops!

Great thread!!! For me it would have to be the Stick Vac last year at Walmart...what a joke..the thing doesnt pick up anything..Topsy Turvy things...didnt work at all...and the Aerogarden..what a joke, I could never get anything to grow in that thing and it was supposed to be sooo simple with just dropping the pods in and watering the base.
honestly the 42 inch Samsung 1080p LCD TV @ 6th ave Electronics we bought LAST YEAR!!! I have no idea WHY but we had to have it repaired 2x's ALREADY!!!!

A set of luggage from Target 2 years ago. It fell apart after using it twice! Although it came with a 5 year warranty, they wouldn't honor it because it was a "specially made for BF" set. I did end up getting my money back from Target - but what a hassle.


And ITA about the DVDs .. I can't count how many sets I have unopened from previous BF purchases!


Oh and a memory card for my PC .. didn't know I bought the wrong kind and it fried my computer! Cost me 3 times the money to fix my computer than the memory card!

  Curvy77Gemini said:

Bakugan...searched everywhere for these things for my son last year...what a waste!! I have thrown most of them away..this year I know better than to buy either of them little toys like that...what they really love are video games, legos, board games...that's what I plan on sticking to this year!!

Omgosh my family wasted so much money on these. Both of their Grandparents bought them some and containers. We lost half before we even made it back to our house.


I regreted a surround sound system I bought at Target in 2005. I ended up taking it back in time for a refund though.


I also gave moonsand as a gift to the cousins I don't like. :P

Although I have pretty specific buys on Black Friday, sometimes I've noticed that prices were better in the two or three weeks BEFORE Black Friday than they were ON BF and throughout the remainder of the xmas shopping season. JCPenney's and Boscov's seemed notorious for this in my mind.

I have learned over the years to not buy things just to have things under the tree,lol. I still occasionally grab BF items for $10 or under like the Nerf guns without thinking ahead though! lol The moon sand was horrible and my kids were only allowed to have it outside. Also, my kids NEVER play on the Littlest Pet Shop site so the VIP Pets were a waste,lol. Magnetix are cool and entertain the kids for a little at a time but they always end up all over my floor and even after yelling several times I find pieces here & there. No more K'nex either.....those pieces are everywhere! DS14 did great with them when he was young but DS5 does not.


I think my all time worst deal was the V-Rocker for $50 from Walmart. DS14 (then 12) never used any of the speaker features and it fell apart (the material split open at the seams) within 6 months!!

I can't think of any items I regret. I may regret having bought too many great deals, lol. The only thing I've hated over the years(slightly off subject) is my wife buying 'little' items under $10 as 'extra' gifts or whatnots. If you add up all of those 'little' gifts, you could have had something nicer with the money spent on those items:tongue1:.
  jeninpa said:

I have learned over the years to not buy things just to have things under the tree,lol. I still occasionally grab BF items for $10 or under like the Nerf guns without thinking ahead though! lol The moon sand was horrible and my kids were only allowed to have it outside. Also, my kids NEVER play on the Littlest Pet Shop site so the VIP Pets were a waste,lol. Magnetix are cool and entertain the kids for a little at a time but they always end up all over my floor and even after yelling several times I find pieces here & there. No more K'nex either.....those pieces are everywhere! DS14 did great with them when he was young but DS5 does not.


I think my all time worst deal was the V-Rocker for $50 from Walmart. DS14 (then 12) never used any of the speaker features and it fell apart (the material split open at the seams) within 6 months!!

I'm with you on not buying things just to have stuff under the tree. Too much junk over the years. I did break down this year and bought 2 "farting" piggy banks as a joke for the boys. They are boys so I'm sure you understand why. My dh thinks they are a scream so I can't wait to see them opened...

That singing star machine or whatever it's called from Fisher Price. Didn't come with an A/C adapter and couldn't find one anywhere that would fit it, even on the fisher price website. It would work completely with fresh batteries for about an hour if that and then things would quit working one by one.
I have regreted buying many things on BF just because they were "cheap", but I can tell you I bought a 42" Digital Lifestyles TV from newegg.com last year for 550.00 shipped and I have had less trouble with it than I did with the 499.00 RCA 52" that Walmart had a few years back. I was a little weary bc it didn't come with a warranty but it has turned out to be a great buy and one of the few I don't regret. (watch now it will break because I said something good about it)
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