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Working on Black Friday


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We have a calendar in the break room where we all write down our names on whatever days we need off and 99% of the time we get it off. I always ask off for BF. I work at Hallmark, in a strip mall in a small town, and we don't have any specials for BF. Its never a problem for me to be off that day, thank goodness. The days I can't ask off are Christmas eve, day after Christmas, and the weekend before Christmas. I don't even mind working Christmas eve because we are only open 8 hrs, so we have 2 4 hr. shifts going and I usually get the early shift, so I'm done by 1:00 pm anyway.
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All of the police dispatchers that I know have to work on holidays if they fall on their regular days to work. You have a very good deal going on if you get all holidays off, as the officers surely don't.

Yea I know my hunny is a Police Officer and he's usually working on holidays. This year he's working Thanksgiving, but off on Christmas Eve and Day, so our boys will be thrilled to spend it with their daddy. Although I'm a Police dispatcher, I'm employed by the city and all full time city employees (with the exception of officers )get all paid holidays off. This year we are short though, and if they do ask me to work, I'm calling in sick!! lol Can't miss my BF shopping!!;)

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I too have to work on BF and I am literally the only one in the building, my office is located on the 3rd floor. I stay up all night, do as much shopping as I can before 9am and then I am off to work. I have my daughter drive me cause I am scared I will fall asleep while driving.


Ughhh what a Mom will do to save money for Christmas! I will work 8 hours in an office where no one will call or come by and then have my daughter pick me back up so I can sleep all the way home!:g_zzz:

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I quit my last job because my boss wanted me to work BF.Still not working so i dont have to wry about it.I have 2 kids and dont want to work when they have off from school.

Im the same way. I work FT, however Im able to take Spring & Christmas break with the kids. BF is a part of our Thanksgiving holiday, so I dont worry about that. When they have half days & school closings here & there, I just bring them to work with me :)

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