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As of now, how much do you plan on spending this holiday?


As of now, how much do you plan on spending this holiday?  

371 members have voted

  1. 1. As of now, how much do you plan on spending this holiday?

    • approximately the same as previous years
    • slightly less than previous years
    • significantly less than previous years
    • slightly more than previous years
    • significantly more than previous years

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Realizing that BF is 20 weeks away, compared to previous years, how much do you plan on spending for the holidays this year?


Feel free to reply with any comments as well. The results we get for polls like this will be used when making our official BF predictions and possibly for media interviews as well, so your comments could appear in a news story :D

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In the past, I've usually only spent a couple of hundred on BF, but this year I will be spending a little more. Not too much, but at least $100-$200 more.


The reason is - I've started saving earlier. Like last year, I didn't even start thinking of BF until sometime in October, which didn't give me much time to save. lol Then BF came and I wished I had a little more money!

But, this year I've been putting a little money away each month, and 20 weeks is still plenty of time. so, I planned ahead this year. :D

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I voted for around the same.


I always say I'm not going to go crazy and I always end up spending around 1000 on Madison (dd) and then between dh and I we spend another 500-1000. Then nieces and nephews (total of 12) plus my parents, inlaws.


Total all in all we spend around 2500 or so on Christmas. (eek! LOL)

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I've already done a lot of my shopping, so it'll be slightly less this year. last year i got quite a few big ticket items. i'm going to be getting two big items this year though (hopefully, if there is a good deal on what I want) so I've been saving for them.


I also already have two holiday jobs lined up in addition to my normal one so I'll have extra shopping money.

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I have a lot finished already, leaving only my boys to shop for. One wants a plane ticket home, the other 2 want new desktop computers( for their new loft beds that just came). My budget is already screwed because I will be throwing a baby shower for my daughter in December, a wedding later this fall, and a trip to Disneyland for my boys in October. I am spending more than ever, but it might not be under the tree.
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I said slightly more as we are going to Disney World on January 1. I'm including the costs associated with the trip as Christmas expenses.

Oh how I wish!! I would take the kids on a Disney Cruise every year for Christmas if I didn't still have 2 that believed in Santa!! Every 2yrs just isn't enough,lmao.




I voted slightly more because DH's Christmas Bonus goes up every year by around $500 and that is what I use.....although I went way overboard last year and didn't even attempt to add up what I bought. After getting one laptop for $300 I HAD to get the other 2 older kids one and I didn't get a deal on theirs.....they were $419 & $459. I need to shop earlier this year,lol.

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I voted the same as last year. Last year all 3 boys got new Nintendo DS's and a bunch of games. They got a ton of Wii games as well. This year 2 of them will get laptops and not as many games. I was going to get DS13 an ipod touch but he just used hisown money that he saved up and bought one. Who knows.
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I voted the same as last year. Im not going overboard this year as Ive done before, well at least Im gonna try...:tongue1: My dd7 is to the point where she's more vocal and specific about what she wants; so far this year that is a DS, so thats #1 on my list for her right now. And then I have a dd1, who will be easy to shop for. Sooooo, I'll be spending about $800-$900 on BF this year.
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I voted for about the same. Although, if I find a lot in the ads it will definitely be more. I'm sure my friend I shop with will spend more. She recently adopted a 2 year old boy and I know she will want to spoil him!
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