jarerice Posted December 21, 2008 Posted December 21, 2008 South Alabama, warm and rainly. I think it may be a bit cooler for Christmas, but not much.
elena_398 Posted December 21, 2008 Posted December 21, 2008 Ohio... COLD and windy today. Some snow left from last night but husband just got back and roads are fine...
vsa3janes Posted December 21, 2008 Posted December 21, 2008 I'm 20 miles South of St. Louis Missouri Friday - low 50's Saturday - 30's Sunday - 8 degrees wind chill -7 There is a saying here is you don't like the weather today wait until tomorrow and it will change. It is so true!
Gray04 Posted December 21, 2008 Posted December 21, 2008 Western foot hills of Maine. -4 this morning but 7+ now! Right now it is just milky white out. They are calling for 2 feet of snow today/tonight. 4 more winters and Florida here we come!
Gloey Posted December 21, 2008 Posted December 21, 2008 Illinois..the state where governors make license plates and home of the infamous Drew Peterson who lives in the same town as me! The weather is cold, snowy and brutal.
tokanm Posted December 21, 2008 Posted December 21, 2008 13 inches of snow on Friday...6 more today tomorrow freezing cold..wind chill below O Christmas day may reach into the low 40's The roads here are horrible...not plowed very well..I think they are trying to save money as this is predicted to be a bad winter BTW Massachusetts...a few minutes from Gillette Stadium (they are playing today at 1pm against Arizona..those poor buggers will freeze to death in todays weather)
sdigman6 Posted December 21, 2008 Posted December 21, 2008 Snowed in with the blizzard last night. the wind chill is -32 this morning. To cold to even snow blow outside. We decided its a stay home watch movies, wrap gifts, and watch football. tomorrow its suppose to be 8 and sunny....but then dip down and crappy weather all over again!
leefamily23 Posted December 21, 2008 Posted December 21, 2008 It's 29, but very windy and snowy. We got hit w/ a storm Friday morning/early afternoon that dropped about 6 inches of snow in a short timeframe. Then woke up this morning, and near white out conditions and snowing heavily again. I guess we have a snow warning until 7am Monday morning. We have snow in the forecast everyday this week. I'm outside Buffalo NY.
racerfan Posted December 21, 2008 Posted December 21, 2008 I am in Milford, PA. It is snowing again here. We got over 10inches on Friday, snow flurries all day Saturday and now we are getting another 4 - 7 inches today. HOpefully the kids can go to school tomorrow. Another snow storm is expected Christmas Eve.
speeddiva Posted December 21, 2008 Posted December 21, 2008 ritaillinois said: NW Ohio. Bitterly cold with wind gusts up to 40mph. but with ice everywhere!
Cnstrz Posted December 21, 2008 Posted December 21, 2008 speeddiva said: but with ice everywhere!Central Ohio here... but same thing... COLD>.. yuck!
bugsette Posted December 21, 2008 Posted December 21, 2008 northeast ohio and very cold about 15 out.... and my husband ans son braved the Browns game.... they are nuts
beccas302 Posted December 21, 2008 Posted December 21, 2008 It's cold (in the upper teens/low 20s) and foggy in Anchorage AK. Doesn't look like we're getting much snow except for an inch or so tomorrow. Hopefully it won't be enough to keep us from flying out!!
patandjenny Posted December 22, 2008 Posted December 22, 2008 Up in northern Illinois we are freezing with a windchill of 31 below and a high of neg 1 today. Fun fun! It is very windy with blizzard-like conditions and they keep warning everyone to stay inside.
Scanner420 Posted December 22, 2008 Posted December 22, 2008 dealluvr said: new jersey southern area cold probably35-40it rained earlierWhat this person said. Now it's getting colder and the wet stuff is re-freezing outside.
smorebore Posted December 22, 2008 Posted December 22, 2008 onecutemoocow said: western pennsylvania. Got a little snow overnight not even an inch and maybe a little more today. Christmas eve its suppose to hit 49 (the high) so no snow on christmas Its just crazy and the low the next couple of nights are 8 and 12 degrees. I wanted a big snow for christmas but I guess im not going to get my wish Me, either. Here in Ohio NOTHIN'. I remember Christmases where snow was measured in feet!!!!!!
love a deal Posted December 22, 2008 Posted December 22, 2008 Arkansas-and it's cold tonight. Supposed to get down to the teens. Two days ago you would have thought it was spring. It got up in the high 60's. That's Arkansas for ya:)
alisha3296 Posted December 22, 2008 Posted December 22, 2008 From West Virginia. It is very very windy right now like 30-40 mph and it is very cold 22. Suppose to drop to teens and then tomorrow the high is 24.....dec 26th the weather is suppose to be high of 63....What is up with this crazy weather?
ashemgra Posted December 22, 2008 Posted December 22, 2008 I am in northern Maine and tonight it is windy, gusts up to 55 mph, I am in the 18-24 inches of snow, with a blizzard warning for the area. I live 2 blocks from my kids school I can't see it! I can see my neighbors house and after that nothing but white swirling snow! It is some cold with the wind chill, not sure how cold but darn cold....I shoveled my steps and my legs are 'thawing' out they hurt!!! BUT I wouldn't change a thing! Love it here! Just moved back last year from FL, might head down that way again after the kids are grown but for now this is a perfect area to raise my girls!
gr8girls Posted December 22, 2008 Posted December 22, 2008 I'm in PA...north of Pittsburgh. 35 mph winds..cccoollddd 3 degrees now...wind chill -19. Tomorrow snow flurries and high of 9 where I am.
mgmckny Posted December 22, 2008 Posted December 22, 2008 We had a cool down last night, this am is in the 30's with brisk winds to make it feel like we're up north.... Highs maybe in the 60s but will feel cooler. They say it won't last until Christmas though. Happy Florida!
BF in Iowa Posted December 22, 2008 Posted December 22, 2008 Iowa - wind chill warning here (about -20 degrees F with the wind factored in); another 5-10" expected over Tuesday and Wednesday...it's not fit outside for humans or animals. The ice and the wind have left a crispy "crust" on top of the snow, which makes shoveling all the more difficult.
debacon Posted December 22, 2008 Posted December 22, 2008 I am in Jacksonville too.. This morning my car said 39 on the way to work. But I am sure it has warmed up a little.. Supposed to be in the 70's on Christmas!!!!
Gray04 Posted December 23, 2008 Posted December 23, 2008 21 inches of snow fell in our yard last night. Now it is 10+ out with blowing and drifting snow. In four years we move to Florida!
onecutemoocow Posted December 23, 2008 Posted December 23, 2008 gr8girls said: I'm in PA...north of Pittsburgh. 35 mph winds..cccoollddd 3 degrees now...wind chill -19. Tomorrow snow flurries and high of 9 where I am. Same here. I am guessing that we are pretty close we are a little north of pittsburgh also!!
doublehsmom Posted December 23, 2008 Posted December 23, 2008 wisconsin has been snow everyday...and we have 3-6 today 2-6 tomorrow and then sleet of the 26th..we are running out of places to put the snow..and the wind has been horrible like 32 below with the wind chill...
dmmiller Posted December 23, 2008 Posted December 23, 2008 well, here in Virginia, we got nuthin. No snow. Its just cold, I think it hit near 0 overnight. And its suppose to rain tomorrow.. "let it rain, let it rain, let it rain..." eh, Just doesnt sound right.
Kandy Posted December 23, 2008 Posted December 23, 2008 Alabama, it has been in the high 70's till this past Sunday it rained now its in the 50's
onecutemoocow Posted December 23, 2008 Posted December 23, 2008 Been between 12-16 degrees here the last couple of days (that the high) and tomorrow its going to get up to 50
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