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Are you Decorating Outside yet?


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:holiday08 Well I have done it... I got the OUTSIDE decorations out from the attic :holiday07


I have put out 90% of the outdoor decorations today! It is cool and snowing lightly and I just HAD to begin :holiday14


WEEEEEEEEE! :holiday01 Can't wait to see my kid's faces when they get off the school bus.


Now for the looks I will get from the bah-humbugs in the neighborhood...:holiday03

Do you have those?

When will you begin decorating? :holiday15


Does your spouse/partner/friends help? Alot ? Not at All?


I'd love to hear your decorating stories...

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We'll do the outside lights this week since the weather will be half-way decent, but won't turn them on until Thanksgiving night. The inside decorations won't go up until after Thanksgiving day since I'm having 17 people over for dinner and if I put up the tree and decorations, I won't have room for all the people.
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I just had a problem--getting out one of my last items and I discovered that my pooh won't light up. :no: I changed bulbs, wiggled plug, etc. The problem is definitely the socket thing.


Does anyone know if they sell the lightbulb socket that is attached to like a circle that you screw into the decoration? Where might I find it.

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I did all the outside decorations yesterday. It was windy outside, but it's better than trying to hang lights up with frozen fingers. I won't turn them on until the 1st week of Dec. I will probably put up the tree this weekend, but won't decorate it until Thanksgiving weekend because my DS18 will be home from college. I can't wait. I'm just like a kid.
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My hubby did the outside decorations last Sunday when the weather was still nice. We don't light up until Thanksgiving night, but they're up! The only thing we'll have to pull out are the reindeer and the snowflakes that line our front sidewalk!


As for bah-humbug neighbors, we have a few ourselves. But I get my revenge by watching them freeze their butts off on their ladders in a blizzard putting up lights in December while I'm in my warm house drinking a hot cup of coffee, lol!

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We will be putting up our indoor and outdoor decorations and the tree on Sat(right after BF). My DH helps me with the outside stuff and our tree, but usually leaves inside to me(unless I need him to hang something up for me).


A few of our neighbors have their Christmas decorations up and lit up at night. So far I haven't heard any neighbors complain about it. I love seeing it.

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As for bah-humbug neighbors, we have a few ourselves. But I get my revenge by watching them freeze their butts off on their ladders in a blizzard putting up lights in December while I'm in my warm house drinking a hot cup of coffee, lol!

It is fun....knowing they are freezing :yup:


A few of our neighbors have their Christmas decorations up and lit up at night. So far I haven't heard any neighbors complain about it. I love seeing it.

I love seeing it too, I don't mind if it is early. Infact I'd rather see X-mas lights Nov. 1 then see them still up in March.
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usually try to have them done by thanks giving as we light the house on that night. we just packed up all the holloween inside and now we need to pack the out side up .. we took it down jsut have ot pack it away. we go a bit crazy here for that holiday. takes us like month and half to decorate for holloween. xmass not so much. but hubby hurt his back packing up in fl on sat to come home. so he is not moving so well see when and if i get it done. i might drag the tree up tomorrow when i start to bring the decorations down from holloween. we usally have it done by now but im on bed rest and could not do it .. and they were in fl all wk. wiht out me waaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... i need to go get lights for my tree.. i had a pre lit tree but i got mad at it last yr and took every light off it lol .. so now i have to do it like they did it so it looks nice lol
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We were going to do it yesterday, but it was just too nasty out.


Anyhow, this weekend is the game plan. We plan on doing both the inside and outside. Honestly, I couldn't believe dh agreed to do the inside this weekend too. We've ALWAYS done it Thanksgiving weekend. I used the arguement that last year Thanksgiving was on 11/22 and that is this Saturday, so it's the normal time to put it up. I can't help it that Thanksgiving is so late this year. Guess it helps alittle that my birthday is this weekend and dh wants to make me happy. ;)

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Whew, all done!... I am tired. :tired: I really did most of it, which is ok because last year DH did most of outside. Boy I used muscles I don't normally use.:holiday16

When hubby came home he helped "connect" figuring out the extension cord game plan so it doesn't look like snakes all over the yard :tongue1:

I was so happy :gdkiss3: he was really cooperative. I expected to hear him tell me "It's too early to decorate"


I had 2 light sets go out--that had worked prior to me putting them outdoors, as I check all the lights before taking them out. Can't figure out what happened there... :confused:


Still don't know what to do about finding a light socket for poor Pooh. :(

My snowflake shimmering lights look nice on the fence :D


I think it all looks :holiday16 really good--and I could probably do more, but I don't have a huge house and I like it to look tasteful, so I will stop.

Other years (most) we do icicle lights on the house. I love them...but I told DH to skip it this year, we are supposed to have a bad winter, and when it is very windy they fly up in the gutter and we are constantly fixing them...so we'll have a different look this Christmas, nothing wrong with variety.

For some reason it seemed to go fast. :D


My youngest son was so very happy! But he kept saying "Where is Frosty" and I told him that his daddy needed to get Frosty, because it is to high for me to reach.

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Where are you in PA that it's snowing?? We're in Delaware County and my son was praying for snow today. I told him probably not, he's bummed.


We don't put up our decorations till after Thanksgiving. I would do it earlier but I need my husband's help and he's not as eager as I am, lol!! I love seeing decorations out early! :D

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Where are you in PA that it's snowing?? We're in Delaware County and my son was praying for snow today. I told him probably not, he's bummed.


We don't put up our decorations till after Thanksgiving. I would do it earlier but I need my husband's help and he's not as eager as I am, lol!! I love seeing decorations out early! :D

Pittsburgh :D If you can believe it several schools were delayed this a.m. because of the ICY situations --not alot of snow. But the grass was all a blanket of white when I woke up -beautiful. I like snow---a little at a time.

Hope your son gets some snow soon. ;)


I usually don't turn on decorations until T-giving day. I just want them on early, as it is usually sunny/warmer when putting them up.

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Pittsburgh :D If you can believe it several schools were delayed this a.m. because of the ICY situations --not alot of snow. But the grass was all a blanket of white when I woke up -beautiful. I like snow---a little at a time.

Hope your son gets some snow soon. ;)


I usually don't turn on decorations until T-giving day. I just want them on early, as it is usually sunny/warmer when putting them up.


I'm 15 min south of Pittsburgh, and we got to enjoy some beautiful snow today too! My son was so excited! No delays, but a decent amount. My road was ICE this morning though on my way to work!

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I'm 15 min south of Pittsburgh, and we got to enjoy some beautiful snow today too! My son was so excited! No delays, but a decent amount. My road was ICE this morning though on my way to work!

Well howdy neighbor :fluffy: My son's schools weren't delayed but other ones in the more rural areas were. It was about 800 a.m. and suddenly all these delays came across the bottom of the screen, I was surprised.


*Oh don't know if you saw, WTAE mentioned Gottadeal on noon news, saying they are a good site to check out BF ads, before BF--yeah NO KIDDING :D LOL

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Tonight my husband stated Christmas comes down from the attic, I will be glad because I can not for the life of me rememeber what I have for the outside and what still works and what dosn't, That is the part my husband hates and then I complain because he wont work on them.


I refuse to buy new when some are not that old

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