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How about a bit of Christmas Trivia - Now over Thank you for playing

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Round 16


1. In what century was the banning of Christmas in England repealed ?


2. In sweden what Christmas animal is Julbrock?


3. What was the name of Rudolph's sweetheart in Rudolph the red nose Reindeer ?


4. What tongue twister is contained in " All I want for Christmas?


5. What diminutive Irish actor portrayed Father Fitzgibbons in Going My Way?


6. According to Clement C. Moore, visions of what danced in their heads ?


Good luck all


Round 17


1. What two Gospels tell the most complete bibical Christmas Story?


2. On what date does the Christmas season end in Sweden?


3 What does Yogi Bear always do that causes him to miss Christmas ?


4. When we go over the the river and through the woods what stings the toes and bites the nose ?


5. What French city was Kevin's family going to visit in Home Alone?


6. In what Irish city was The Messiah first performed ?


Round 17


1. What two Gospels tell the most complete bibical Christmas Story?


2. On what date does the Christmas season end in Sweden?


3 What does Yogi Bear always do that causes him to miss Christmas ?


4. When we go over the the river and through the woods what stings the toes and bites the nose ?


5. What French city was Kevin's family going to visit in Home Alone?


6. In what Irish city was The Messiah first performed ?

1. Matthew and Luke

2. Jan 8th(?)

3. hibernate

4. The wind

5. Paris

6. Dublin


Round 19


1. Does Santa's sleigh have wheels ?


2 What happens to a swede who finds an almond in the rice pudding ?


3. In Frosty the Snowman what child's winter toy does Frosty behave like ?


4. If you want. What will Suzy Snowflake help you make?


5. Where was Mary Steenburgen when she sang "Stop in the name of Love" in one magic Christmas ?


6. What children's book details Adfdie Mills confrontation with her father over a Christmas tree?


Good Luck


Round 20


1. What pole did explore Rober Scott set out for on Christmas Day 1911?


2. In France what is a Creche?


3. What wizard of OZ star played the stern Miss Scugg in the 1959 version of Once Upon a Christmas Time?


4. What brothers recorded " sing a song of Santa Claus" in 1952 ?


5. What upscale department store are Cornelia's chocolate chips from in the Santa Claus the movie?


6. Visions of what dance through the children's heads ?


Good luck

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