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Going to a halloween party - have to wear costume...want something funny/creative...



we already have done: scrubs(dr)/ghost/cowgirl/gumball machine...




Really dumb idea I used last year, I wore a green shirt and brown pants and taped/glued fake money all over me, even put coins in my hair. I was a money tree :)


Dh went dressed normally and when someone asked what he was, he pulled a toy airplane out of his pocket, held it in his hand and said he was an aircraft carrier, lol.


Told ya they were dumb! But totally cheap and a big hit!


you could do grapes...get some purple balloons and safety pin them on a purple sweatsuit or shirt and pants and then make a little hat or some sort for the vine...


you could do a basket of laundry....get a cheap dollar store laundry basket and cut the bottom out and step through it. Put some towels etc in it and you can safety pin some socks and stuff around you like static cling and also safety pin some dryer sheets to you...

I'm a high school teacher, and last year I printed off a bunch of pictures of chicks (baby chickens). Then I wore a pair of grey pants with a red sweatshirt with all of the pictures attached to it. It took some thinking, but they eventually figured out that I was a chick magnet! :cheesy: The kids all got a kick out of it since they think that no teacher over 30 has a sense of humor and/or a life.

Really big clear trashbag with leg and arm holes cut out. Fill with colored balloons. Gather the open part with a ribbon, and you can go as a bag of jelly beans. (careful sitting down though, your jelly beans may pop) LOL


Edit to add: I also went as a box of popcorn one year too. I'll have to see if I can find that picture.


Other ideas:

Dalmation- Black felt "spots" stuck to a white sweatsuit. Also cut out white felt ears and attach black spots.

Jailbird- Cheap white sweatsuit (or we used one of those white paper "moonsuits" one of the guys at work got for us), spraypaint black stripes

I recently saw in a magazine that you write "go ceilings" on a t-shirt. possibly carry some pom poms and/ or paint your face... you're a "Ceiling Fan".

The 4th grade teachers at DD's elementary school attend the annual Halloween dress up as "SCHOLARS". They wear cap and gown, look great and it's easy.


50's is easy, t-shirt, cardign sweater and a felt poodle skirt--check Joann's for the skirt. Or wear a white t-shirt, jeans with the bottoms turned up and penny loafers....

Check a thrift store or a discount store like Marshals or Ross Dress for Less and pick out an over the top prom or bridesmaid dress (you may even already have the bridesmaid dress) Add a Tiara from the halloween costume area and you could be Prom Queen, Miss America, Miss USA, Miss Universe, or even Carrie! (you'll need some fake blood for that one) Your date can wear a black tuxedo type pants, a white tuxedo shirt and black bow tie (may be able to find shirt and bow tie at Micheals Arts and Crafts) Have him loosen the bow tie, untuck his shirt and carry an empty champagne bottle and he can be your Prom date or the Pageant Judge that you seduced to win the title.;)
  MathGirl said:

Check a thrift store or a discount store like Marshals or Ross Dress for Less and pick out an over the top prom or bridesmaid dress (you may even already have the bridesmaid dress) Add a Tiara from the halloween costume area and you could be Prom Queen, Miss America, Miss USA, Miss Universe, or even Carrie! (you'll need some fake blood for that one) Your date can wear a black tuxedo type pants, a white tuxedo shirt and black bow tie (may be able to find shirt and bow tie at Micheals Arts and Crafts) Have him loosen the bow tie, untuck his shirt and carry an empty champagne bottle and he can be your Prom date or the Pageant Judge that you seduced to win the title.;)

Funny! I like this one as a couple's costume. I thought you were gonna say Bill Clinton tho :) I guess that would require a beret not a tiara. Or maybe that is waaaaayy too outdated... Wear a suit, your hair up and glasses- go as Sarah Palin. I have heard so many women say they are going to use her for their costume this year.

Big Red, Blue, Orange or Green Sweatshirt over matching leggings-- Tape an M to the sweatshirt, add white gloves and go as an M & M....(my husband has the blue m&m tshirt and 2 years ago, I wore that with a blue knit cap and white gloves to work and people loved it and I was comfortable...)

My daughter found this one at Illinois State University.... Take a black or white T Shirt or sweatshirt and matching pants. Go through the garbage at a college dorm building and pick out all the candy wrappers that you can read the name of... or chip packages, cookie packages or ANY kind of snack wrapper. Attach to the front and back of the shirt and pants as far as down as you want. Attach with a stapler (for you really cheapies) or get a glue gun and glue the packages face up randomly all over your shirt and pants. Take a small piece of plain cardboard... about 3 inches X 8 inches. poke 2 holes ... one on each end. Tie a piece of string, yarn or heavy thread through the holes and knot it. Make the length long enough so that it will hang around your neck, but rest on your chest... Take a marker.. write on one side of the sign.. SNACK BAR OPEN... on the other side write.... SNACK BAR CLOSED. You are now a SNACK BAR!!! :eyepoppin:

You can be really cheap like they were and also go to the Good Will store to buy clothes to attach all the wrappers to. They won several contests with this one!! For originality! :cheesy:


I seen this idea in a magazine.


Where comfy sweats and pin dryer sheets, socks, underwear or whatever all over you. Frizz out your hair really bad and go as STATIC CLING.

  mhartel1 said:

my brother wore denim overalls & straw hat & he was a farmer....his wife dressed like a hooker (she was his "hoe"). It was a hit!

LMAO!! :lmao: That is too funny!

  mhartel1 said:

my brother wore denim overalls & straw hat & he was a farmer....his wife dressed like a hooker (she was his "hoe"). It was a hit!

LMAO for about 5 minutes- this is Hilarious!


thanks, EVERYONE- GREAT ideas- so creative!

last year on a spur of themoment i taped up an old cereal box it was empty then i stuck a plastic knife in the middle with nail polish coming from it i let it dry so it looked like blood i put a string around the top and wore it like a necklace i wore a plaid shirt i was a cereal killer
  justprettynpink said:

Cardboard box painted brown- holes cut out for head and arms. Attach a small lamp, alarm clock, and small picture.



One Night Stand

My aunt did this one, but she did beer cans, a condom wrapper, and cigerette box for the whole "one night" idea, otherwise your just a nightstand.

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