zoemariesmamma Posted August 12, 2008 Posted August 12, 2008 way too early for me too..i need to get my little girl in kindergarten and her birthday party out of the way (which takes about as much planning as black friday!) she has a mid september birthday and after that I am ready to go!!
ChristmasShopping Posted August 18, 2008 Posted August 18, 2008 It is never too soon! I have already started my list from the Ace ad! Thanks again for a great site!!!!!
KristeeMom2OneGirl Posted August 19, 2008 Posted August 19, 2008 a little too soon...it almost has me skeptical if they are real. i don't remember them coming out this early before (since i've been BF shopping).
hhockman Posted August 22, 2008 Posted August 22, 2008 I think it's awesome. I just came over to see when the BF forum would be open, and here it is. Woo Hoo. Now to start list-making!
arci122 Posted August 23, 2008 Posted August 23, 2008 I am counting the days down already! I told my kids they have to wait to start their list until the 60 days or less left.
len_mullen Posted August 23, 2008 Posted August 23, 2008 Early is good. Once the flyers hit the streets we -- and the Big Boxers -- can begin to work on the pre-BF sales.
lisamag Posted August 23, 2008 Posted August 23, 2008 Brad said: anyone else think these ads are coming out too soon? i wanted to enjoy the rest of the summer without having to think about BF until late September, lol. what used to be 6 weeks of craziness has turned into 16 weeks i'm with you, it's to early. i just got done celerbating my dd birthday i usually don't start looking at BF ads till after my birthday next month. i still have back to school to take care of, so the last thing i want to think about is BF.
mojaxs34 Posted August 27, 2008 Posted August 27, 2008 never to early to receive ads.. makes planning in advance alot easier
chrisjuvers Posted August 30, 2008 Posted August 30, 2008 Ace had to order their BF items in Jan of 08 for black friday. Talk about ordering in advance, I bet they wish they ordered less now because of the economy. I need $129.94 worth of items from their so I will be helping them out!
Kaarak Posted August 31, 2008 Posted August 31, 2008 Never to early. I'm going to be traveling out of the country this year for BF. Some people will be helping with my shopping. The earlier the information is out the earlier I can get things organized for them!
sbwolfer Posted September 1, 2008 Posted September 1, 2008 I've been so excited waiting for BF. Fall is coming so I start getting really excited and dying waiting for the ads!
mamapenguin Posted September 14, 2008 Posted September 14, 2008 I went to look at the ad and it says removed?
bigjimslade Posted September 14, 2008 Posted September 14, 2008 mamapenguin said: I went to look at the ad and it says removed?Yes it was. You can read about it at the link below. It is always best to save the ads to your local hard drive when it comes out as there is always a risk of it being taken down. http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=117908
wx4svr Posted September 14, 2008 Posted September 14, 2008 Too early?!? HECK NO! It's never too early to get in the holiday spirit! *Goes to put on Christmas Music*
sigrist_2000 Posted September 15, 2008 Posted September 15, 2008 nope! i like it early...lol..more i can see what i need to get and where and how much i can spend my money on and where and...wow i love shopping...:)
Princess7915 Posted September 18, 2008 Posted September 18, 2008 I get on the site to deal shop all year, but honestly I don't really want to start thinking about Christmas until the first part of November. The way the stores push through the holidays just ruin it for me. Let me enjoy my fall and all the seasons! It's barely 4th of July before we get started with Halloween and then they push Christmas before Thanksgiving so they can start selling you crap! Makes me sick all the over marketing!!! I LOVE the shopping-- but I want to enjoy it not have it shoved down my throat by some sales team.
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