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Pac Sun free gift with any $25 purchase today only


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Today Pac Sun is offering a free gift in stores with any $25 or more purchase. I don't know what it is but the email implies it has something to do with the pacsun usasa snowboard team.


If anyone does this, please post and let us know.


There is another Pac Sun deal for tomorrow, which I'll post separately.

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Yeah, dummy me. I read the other thread that says tomorrow everything will be 20% off at Pac Sun, so I got there and spent $200 tonight (am I dumb or what?). Anyway, they gave a free t-shirt out. It was pretty ugly, too. The guy behind the counter joked and said, well, you could use it to wax a car or something. Yeah, it was that bad.
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Well darn... wish I'd seen the post about tomorrow's sale BEFORE I went there tonight and made purchases. Did get the "free gift"... and it was indeed the "graphically-challenged" t-shirt. I suppose free is free, huh? Will be an extra gift for my DD's boyfriend I guess.


Now just have to decide if I'm going to revisit Pac Sun to try to get the additional 20%. Anyone know if they will price adjust with receipt only? I just bet I have to take it all back and then re-purchase.

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Well darn... wish I'd seen the post about tomorrow's sale BEFORE I went there tonight and made purchases. Did get the "free gift"... and it was indeed the "graphically-challenged" t-shirt. I suppose free is free, huh? Will be an extra gift for my DD's boyfriend I guess.


Now just have to decide if I'm going to revisit Pac Sun to try to get the additional 20%. Anyone know if they will price adjust with receipt only? I just bet I have to take it all back and then re-purchase.

I don't know if they will or not, but I think I'm going to try. Well, I'm dragging hubby along tomorrow, I'm going to get him to try. :D 20% off 200 will buy me another sweatshirt (or just shy of another one).


They may want the free t-shirt back, though. I'll have mine along, just in case. I remember Toys R Us not giving me a refund one time because they gave me a stupid stuffed animal (that I didn't even want). Just take it along. 20% off is better than that t-shirt. LOL

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Thanks! I'll be sure to have "awesome" t-shirt with me! :)

Time for bed now since I'm still contemplating a possible 5 am visit to Old Navy! At this hour, guess I should just consider staying up for the duration, but just too tired.

I hope you made out as well as I did. I forgot I had gotten 2 sweatshirts on sale yesterday. One I saved $25 alone on. Anyway, I was told that they normally do not price adjust, but they would make an exception today ONLY (yeah right). They didn't want the free shirt back and they gave me 20% off everything I purchased, even items that were on sale yesterday (but are not today). I never expected that at all. I bought my son a pair of DC sneakers for an additional $8.00. I am beyond happy.

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Though I never made it to Old Navy this morning, it did turned out to be a very Good Day at Pac Sun for me!! Got to the mall in the early afternoon to do several things, but realized I'd forgotten to bring my Pac Sun receipt and stuff with me (my brain is totally dead these days). Good thing that I live only a couple of miles away.:) However, before I left to get the Pac Sun stuff, I went by the store to see if it would be worth my while. I asked about price adjusting.... the girl I spoke with called one of the mgrs over to get the answer. The mgr didn't not hesitate in saying that they would do the price adjust even though supposedly the 20% sale had fine print that said it wasn't good on prior purchases. The mgr even said not to worry about bringing all the stuff back - only the receipt was needed. Yea!!! I went home, got the receipt, returned, and promptly received a refund of almost $30.00.


Of course, I then turned around and promptly spent that savings on other items (2 pr jeans & 6 pr of earrings for $52.00) :) The jeans were regularly 39.50 a pair, but were on sale for 2/$55and then an extra 20% off.... Earring were on clearance for an average of 6.99, but also had an additional 30 % off because of clearance, then the additional 20% that was the one-day sale. You just gotta love it!!! :cheesy:

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