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How many people do you give gifts to?

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DH-- though we may exchange New Year's Eve instead this year (long story)

My son

My parents

Neice (1) & Nephew (1)

My MIL and her BF

MIL's BF's son

2 adult exchange gifts for DH's family

3 kid's gifts for dh's family

Grandfather & Grandfather- inlaw

1 work exchange gift

4 bosse's gift's (these were joint contributions, but I bought and wrapped)

1 exchange gift for my family)



So, in total 22 people. Now the budget that's a bit different.


this year:



my parents

my brother

DD's Nana

my aunt & uncle

my cousin & his wife

one friend

'secret sister'

DD's godmother

my godson




14 people, and then i try to get at least 2 gifts for charity.


I'm sure as DD gets older it'll get more ridiculous (teachers, bus drivers etc). It should be 15 people, but since the newspaper man keeps delivering the paper to my next door neighbor's (who were murdered) front stoop.... I hate even thinking about that house, let alone going up the driveway every morning to get the paper.


ok I am going to have to write this out to figure it out

upstiars neighbors

her 2 boys

my hubby

my ds 3


building manager


aunt hubby

14 year old cousin

22 year old cousin




dc 24


dcs 5

dcs 3 months

long time childhood friend





chfs who is going to be 2 and is finally cancer free WaHooo

ok and two people I have never met but they are going to be at parties I am at so girt cards are what I am thinking

so I think that is 24

and that is not including my sons teachers or theripist or classmates


mom & stepdad- give them lots of stuff- mom is my bf


aunt&uncle (aunt also my boss!)




niece, nephew, SIL

other bf, her husband, and their daughter


hubbys friend

2 dogs

2 birds

1 tortoise

aunt out of state


toys for tots too- toy run in october and 5 bags of stuffed animals to christmas unlimited this year


seems like I am forgetting something....



DD 11

DS 7 & 3

Mom & Dad

2 Brothers



4 Cousins

Friends DD 3

DD best friend


16 total and my church is running a toy drive so I bought for that also. The amazon thread surely helped with the shopping.


this year:


It should be 15 people, but since the newspaper man keeps delivering the paper to my next door neighbor's (who were murdered) front stoop.... I hate even thinking about that house, let alone going up the driveway every morning to get the paper.

That is so horrible. I don't know how you do it but I would have been asking my DH to move.:(


ok let me see how many i buy for cause i never thought about it..


3 kids

sister 1

sister 2

bil 1

sister enlaw 2


his mom

his dad

his neighbor like a mom

friends two kids

his friends daughter xmass and birthday 1

his friends daughter xmass and birthday 2

my god child in the back and

her sister

family friend like a brother

my neice 1

my neice 2

my kids god mom

my kids god dad

his aunt and uncle

my old little neighbor she is so cute

my mailman


wow not to bad 26 people.. now the most important person .. me.. hahahah i love to buy for everyone incl myself.. now if you saw my tree and saw what was under it u would be like omg that is more then your list .. lol

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