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Used Cellphone At&t--dh Burned His Thanks To Dd

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ATT is a network.


I recommend Nokia. I have ATT also. Someone said those pay as you go phones will work with the SIM cards and plans from ATT, for $20, its probably worth the effort to ask about it.

i was going to say the same thing but i think his sim card got burned too

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You should be able to get a replacement SIM from ATT. Not sure how much they cost, but it shouldn't be too expensive. That can then be used with just about any phone.


Also, check to see if your home owners insurance will cover it. They just may...

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according to several users, they've bought a pay as you go phone and took the sim card out of the phone from their ATT contract phone and it's worked fine. i have no experience with this because i use verizon...


no idea how much that simcard is, but your DH is going to have a LOT of fun replacing those numbers since everything was stored on the simcard. call ATT and ask.


you can't just go to ATT and buy a simcard. you do have to purchase the service, whether through a contract or through the pay as you go service.

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If you already have service through AT&T you should be able to get a replacement sim card for free, just call customer service. Very rarely do they charge for them(You have to be a real butt to the person you're talking to), but if they do it's $25.


Yes, the GoPhones will work fine with a regular sim card. I've done this a couple times.


Although what you might want to try, not saying this works everytime, but if you get a nice CSR they will usually help you out........Call CS and tell them what happened and ask for an exception upgrade......basically they move your upgrade date to now so you can go get a new phone at the discounted price. I've done this twice so far, only been told no once and that was by a real pita CSR.


With 5 lines on our family plan and 3 of those phones with teenagers, we go through A LOT of phones. I think if one more goes through the wash I win a prize!


Good luck

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ok, thanks to everyones help. i purchsed a pay as you go phone for $9.99 shipped from ATT. now when i get the phone and change the sim card, is that all i have to do? do i have to call ATT and do something? since the original sim burned up, how will the phone know the same number with the new phone. i must be cellphone idiot.
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you still have to call ATT to get a new sim card for the phone number for the phone that burned up. the new phone doesn't know otherwise what phone number to use.


unfortunately, i don't think ATT backs up the data on the sim card... you'd have to reprogram all the phone numbers.

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A friend of my daughter recently had her AT&T phone stolen. She is diabetic, and needs to be in touch with her Mom with her testing/insulin numbers. Her mom immediately went to the AT&T store, they got her a new sim card, they sent her next door to W*l M*rt and she got a go phone and her daughter was back in business as soon as it was charged, with the same number. She was extremely greatful for how quickly and easily the AT&T people made the process.
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my daughter had her phone stolen at school and one of our firends has a pay as you go phone and so wwe tried one of our sims card in his to make sure it would work and it worked fine...so we went and got a pay as you go phone and then went to walmart and got a new sims card which cost us 25.00 and then had it programmed to her phone that got stolen and it worked just fine...it is a great way to go if you dont get the discounted prices for upgrades yet...
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