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How is Circuit City at Mail in Rebates???


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Is Circuit City very good at sending you the rebate money or do you typically have problems with them? The 11" digi frame in their ad today looks like a pretty good deal but I don't want to waste my time if they are a pain about honoring rebates. Please please tell me your CC rebate experience!! Any info would be helpful!!! TIA!!!!
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I've never had an issue with them, but do keep copies of whatever you send them since my experience has been that you'll get your rebate at almost exactly the end of the time they say you will. So if they say 6-8wks for a rebate, you'll more than likely get it at 7wks and 6 days. I haven't ever gotten one, but keeping copies makes me feel better if I had to call and argue with them.
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Last year I bought a bunch of things from them with rebates. I got the checks but some took forever. I had to send in copies for 3 of the items. It is hit or miss with them.


I was also looking at the digital frame but when I wnet online there is no mention of the rebate it says the price is $139.00 after $50 savings. I am going to the store to check it out. IF I can get it with the rebate, then I think I will p/u 2 one for me and one for my sister.

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I have never had a prob w/ their rebates. Three years ago I bought a whole bunch of items from them on BF that required rebates and got them all. You can also go to their site and check the status of your rebate, at least you used to be able to. I do agree, they usually come at the end of the time period.
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Between 4 of us we had a terrible time with CC's BF rebates. We didn't end up getting them until May and only after I started sending e-mails. Some we never did get. We had over 16 different rebates and they all ended up comming on the same day after CC said they had no record of them.
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This thread makes me feel better cause we are doing our first CC rebate ever (for the 22" Acer monitor we bought on BF) and I've really been worrying about it.


I've never had a problem with grocery rebates, but I've had several problems with electronic items. Still waiting on the rebate for that RCA EZ101 camcorder from Overstock that I bought back in June, and from what I read, everyone else who bought it is too.

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I did rebates on 5 CC items last year (several hundred $$). EVERYONE of them was return with the exact same post card, item was not purchased in the right time frame. I kept copies of each.


I called, and magically there was not a problem. They "fixed" it and I had them within a week. That is a week, after waiting 3 months, and making a phone call. It was just really suspicious that they all came back with the same rejection, yet when I called, there was no problem at all. In my opinion, you will get your money, if you follow up, but they are the worst of the worst and you better make sure you have copies!

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