Ebayordeath Posted November 19, 2007 Posted November 19, 2007 Viewed the ad scan here on the site and I am not too impressed. Looks like I will be going straight to Target.
momto2girls1boy Posted November 19, 2007 Posted November 19, 2007 I am not blown away but there are some things that they have that I want so I will be going there I wish I could go to target but the closest one is a hour away and with no one to shop with me other than my 8mo old son I will be sticking to walmart this year.
lisajonathan00 Posted November 19, 2007 Posted November 19, 2007 There is a few things on there that I would like to get. I can not travel this year as I am ready to have my baby anytime, so it will be me and my almost 3 year old son this year. My little sister may go with me. We'll see. Just hope he stays till after the weekend!
booga12345 Posted November 19, 2007 Posted November 19, 2007 What a joke!! By far their worst bf ad ever!! Why won't anybody take my money this year
blakes_mommy Posted November 19, 2007 Posted November 19, 2007 booga12345 said: What a joke!! By far their worst bf ad ever!! Why won't anybody take my money this year I feel the same way! :)
Poe Posted November 19, 2007 Posted November 19, 2007 The funny thing to me is that I came to this site just to see the Wal-Mart ad early. Since it wasn't allowed to be posted when I registered, I looked at some of the other ads for stores that I don't have in my town to get an idea of what to expect. Since the bulk of my BF purchases are made up of video games and DVDs, particularly TV seasons, I was pleased with what I saw in the Target and Best Buy ads. Now that I have seen the disappointment that it the Wal-Mart ad (the few things in the ad that I even considered are cheaper at other BF sales), I think I am going to just going to make the drive to these stores that I would never have considered shopping at had Wal-Mart allowed their ad to be posted in the first place.
Brad Posted November 19, 2007 Posted November 19, 2007 crmlht00 said: Posted Early, So Mch For Waiting Untill Midnight, EhI figured it was close enough. It's midnight somewhere Plus I didn't want the huge spike of traffic at midnight as it could have taken the servers down if everyone tried to see it at once. This way the number of people viewing it are spaced out over an hour or two.
nbrendal Posted November 19, 2007 Posted November 19, 2007 Thanks Brad! Is there a scan of the ad somewhere? And some of the links to pictures of the products are linking to the wrong image. FYI. I think Wal-Mart is still keeping some of their big deals secret, the ad does say to check the site on T-day for more specials.
FranLandry Posted November 19, 2007 Posted November 19, 2007 Is the scan of the WalMart ad out her on the site yet? If it is, I must be looking past it......or it could be that I am just tired!! Thanks for letting me know where to find it if you can.
ecbasketball360 Posted November 19, 2007 Posted November 19, 2007 I agree with it being so terrible...Walmart must have something up their sleeve or else,well, Im not going,no one will Hope brad get something worth the wait from walmart!
Brad Posted November 19, 2007 Posted November 19, 2007 nbrendal said: And some of the links to pictures of the products are linking to the wrong image. FYI.That should be fixed now. Thanks for catching it :)
duluthsnow Posted November 19, 2007 Posted November 19, 2007 I guess Uncle "Sam" doesn't Want You! Very weak ad on WalMarts part...this was their chance to get a leg up on the competition by creating a stir and they flubbed it.
disneynutangie Posted November 19, 2007 Posted November 19, 2007 Darn it I only care for the cheap DVD's for $2.96. I will check it out last thing since it says they have 60+ titles for sale. To be honest I was not let down by the ad because I had no expectations of any deals for me.
peifgirl Posted November 19, 2007 Posted November 19, 2007 i wouldn't even bother if it was a good ad (which its not)...they just laid off 100 people at my nearest one and i have heard they have like maybe 5 registers going on the weekends and the lines are obnoxious.....so avoid the bloomington IL one if you like the ad
Catrinaf25 Posted November 19, 2007 Posted November 19, 2007 eeek! I needed the $5 carebears they always sale on blackfriday lol looks like I maybe going to toys r us
bgtink Posted November 19, 2007 Posted November 19, 2007 Thanks for posting the ad. With the exception of some DVD's not to much I'm after....... Betty
Princess7915 Posted November 19, 2007 Posted November 19, 2007 I am THRILLED with the Walmart ad!! (do I have your attention now?) All I can say is now I have one less place to go on BF! I was pretty much thinking I wasn't going to Walmart anyway but after seeing that absolute JOKE of an ad the only reason I'd go to Walmart on BF is if I need a potty break - because I bet it won't be very crowded!
aaron636r Posted November 19, 2007 Posted November 19, 2007 Come on guys....lets not get to upset yet. I think they will surprise us come thanksgiving day. I think their hiding some stuff. Hopefully...
8truths Posted November 19, 2007 Posted November 19, 2007 aaron636r said: Come on guys....lets not get to upset yet. I think they will surprise us come thanksgiving day. I think their hiding some stuff. Hopefully...They're going to have to do better than this crap. So far they've achieved the following: 1. Bullying the websites that help them.2. Presuming they're better served if we're less informed. Wow. Make me want to rush right out to Wally. Especially after their total screw up on the HD-DVD special, where they had no HD-DVDs or any of the other crap except a palette of laptops larger than a friggin car.
BGndr Posted November 19, 2007 Posted November 19, 2007 Pretty craptastic. I can't believe the kids 4 piece jammies are $4 more than last year. We were hoping for a Vizio tv to be on sale like last year, but maybe it will be a Secret Item.
JennyWLS Posted November 19, 2007 Posted November 19, 2007 Love the FP Bounce and Spin Zebra in the BF ad at the regular everyday price. That's a way to draw em in.
blackcat93 Posted November 19, 2007 Posted November 19, 2007 :shock:Wow. They must be to think people will stand in line with that ad
Brad Posted November 19, 2007 Posted November 19, 2007 One thing to remember is that Wal-Mart very rarely has "sales" to begin with. Even during the rest of the year, their weekly circulars mostly have "everyday low price" type items and occasional "special buys". The early bird items in the BF ad are the true "sale" items and are mostly below regular prices. The non-early birds are in many cases just regular prices like WM's normal ads. Same thing happened at least the last 2 years with their BF, so it's not a new thing from them.
darianwiccan Posted November 19, 2007 Posted November 19, 2007 Man... that's terrible! No wonder they didn't want their ad leaked early... their cheapest computer is TWICE the price of the cheap one at BB. There are only a couple small things that I would be interested in going to get, but nothing that would make me stand in line for any amount of time.
StefyAndIansMom Posted November 19, 2007 Posted November 19, 2007 I'm sort of happy w/ what they got so far, whole lot better than last year for me. I didnt even go shopping last year! Oh, and can someone help me find the scans. I have no CLUE!????
noehlp Posted November 19, 2007 Posted November 19, 2007 StefyAndIansMom said: I'm sort of happy w/ what they got so far, whole lot better than last year for me. I didnt even go shopping last year! Oh, and can someone help me find the scans. I have no CLUE!????Surely, here you go: HERE
StefyAndIansMom Posted November 19, 2007 Posted November 19, 2007 thx sooo much, would of never thought to look there, lol!!!
mommystiber Posted November 19, 2007 Posted November 19, 2007 Lets just hope for good "Secret Sale Items" posted on Thanksgiving. Otherwise, I am going to be sad on my happiest day of the Year!
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