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So I got my awesome Wii deal and now I need some games to supplement it. I'm specifically interested in the High School Musical Karaoke and Guitar Legends/Masters/Whatev pack. Problem is I can't find them under $65 each! Are they really so high? I don't even know where a good starting point is.


Also, any good Mario recc's? Or fun games that your kids (and husbands... and wives ;) ) liked?


Guitar Hero III you won't find it under that price. High School musical is 59.99 @ Best Buy here.


Our favorite family games are Mario Olympics (Bejing 2008),,,just gotit last night and it'sawesome.


The kids and hubby love The Bigs and Madden '08


We bought Carnival Games...haven't played it yet but looks really fun


Wii Play is fun lots of different things to do on that one


Dance dDance Revolution Hot house Party is also alot of fun for everyone


That Yahoo! link is fabulous, thanks!


And thank you also for suggesting rentals. There are some good online renting stations that I think would be good before I shell out money for them. Thanks so much!


we have:


- wii play (good for the extra controller mostly, but we spent a LOT of time playing pool.)

- carnival games (another good bunch of people game. i wish though they let you win the toys in competition mode)

- mario & sonic at the olympic games. LOVE this game - i can only play video games for about an hour max a day before i go crazy, so we play one quick circuit for about 15 mins at night. running is fun, the field events are sooo much fun, and the mario/sonic characters are REALLY cute.


i would consider super mario galaxy if you have patience. i remember playing "super mario world" as a kid and it took us forever.


We love MP8, I'm 46 my and I have 2 DDs 16 and 13. We love playing it together.


They are getting Wario Moves for Christmas. We rented it and it is a fun and hysterically funny game!


They also want Big Brain Academy. I'm thinking that I saw that someone would have that one on sale on BF.


Check out the Target Offline thread for when Target clearances out their Wii games.


Also, I'd suggest checking how many players the game has before you buy it. We all 3 play together, so we try and get games that support at least 2 players. I mean, how much fun is it to play by yourself?


GH3 is awesome. Best price I could find was $89 at Toys'r'us and I got a $10 gift card with the spend $75 get a $10 gift card.


The sports game that comes with the Wii is awesome and I play that the most so far.


I also just bought Mario Galaxy last night, but didn't get a chance to play yet. At Toys'r'us if you can get one you pay $50 and get a $25 gift card. There is also a rumor that next week TRU will have B2G1 Wii games...


I just got my Wii recently and I will be renting some games too. Blockbuster has a deal for about $20 you can rent games for a month. If your blockbuster has good titles in stock and is close to your house - this is a better deal than gamefly or such b/c you don't have to wait for the shipping turnover time.

My kids like Wii sports, esp. bowling. My ds17 really enjoys the Zelda game. We bought the old Super Mario and Galaga (remember those?), dh really likes playing those (games he knows how to play and understands! lol)
Go to a K-Mart that has a pharmacy. Look for the "HERE to HELP" brochure. Inside you will find 2 20% off coupons in the center. The top one expires on 11/17/07. The bottom one is valid 11/18/07 ~ 11/21/07. They are valid on Wii games and accessories. I went tonight and made 2 separate transactions. I bought the Wii play and a charge station.
The renting before you buy is definitely a good idea. I just got my Wii today (yeah!) for my boys, but we've had a Gamecube for awhile. I shop Gamestop here in S.C. for used games. My DS7 is so rough on them anyway I feel better when I know it's just a $15 game disk laying in the floor instead of a $65 one! You can usually find even the newest games used because someone bought it before they played it and didn't like the game! Have fun!
i recommend used games. try craigslist and your local gamestop/eb games. also i have gamepass at blockbuster. DH and I are both gamers and so we decided to do that. no contract, two games out at a time with no due dates-$38/mo. I get to play all the new games without paying full price. then when they get old we buy them used or new for cheap. This has saved us so much trouble. sometimes games look great but then you spend the fifty or $60 and get it home and its terrible and theres nothing you can do except trade it in for a lot less than you spent. this also helps cut down on spending money on games that only get played for a month

My son just got the Guitar Hero 3. Though, not under the amount you have quoted.. but he has not put it down once yet, nor his friends...


We got it for $89 including shipping, with freebies: guitar strap, gig bag and key chain...


If you can rent this game/guitar, I hear from the kids it is a blast...

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