lisamag Posted November 8, 2007 Posted November 8, 2007 What do you put in your stocking? stocking stuffers are my biggest problem but last yr we had a thread about this and momof5plus1hubby put a hugh list up. it was great. i saved it to my comp but lost it when i had to reinstall my windows. so i thought since we have so many newbies with us that they might also benifit from this as well, an maybe add some new ideas. heres the link to last yrs thread but feel free to add anything else that you like to put into your stockings.
elena_398 Posted November 8, 2007 Posted November 8, 2007 My daughter will get: Hannah Montana tooth Tunes (Best of Both Worlds) Hannah Montana Stick on nails w/ art christmas goodies (candy and mints) Perfume Jewelry (I found a cute matching set of a necklace and earrings) **thats what I have for her so far minus the candy. Will buy that more towards christmas** My son will get: I-Tunes GiftCard (won a $20 GC so free gift to him lol) Cologne Axe deodorante (snake peel his favorite) GameStop GiftCard ($20) Gold necklace/chain (really nice one I found on sale like 8 months ago!) christmas goodies (candy and mints) So far this is what I have for me too...minus candy. Too far away to buy as yet.
shopping mom Posted November 8, 2007 Posted November 8, 2007 I have been picking up stuff at Target from the dollar spot when it goes to 75% off. I have all sorts of stuff from there probably too much to be honest. I will add favorite treats and 1 or 2 nicer items. I have 9 to do this year so I am glad that they are pretty much done.
kieransmummy Posted November 8, 2007 Posted November 8, 2007 I normally do candy, sock. My girls get lip barm, body spray, other girly bit my boys a DVD, some cars.
lisajonathan00 Posted November 8, 2007 Posted November 8, 2007 I put candy, dvd's, cars for my son. and for the dog she gets a couple new toys and bones. My fiance gets candy, and maybe something small. A dvd or something. This year I will have a new addition for christmas and not sure what to put in there for him yet.
EmmyNavasMom Posted November 8, 2007 Posted November 8, 2007 small flashlight -stickers -lip gloss/chapstick -toy cars -bath fizzies -bath paints/crayons -spin top -play-doh (the little containers!) -Chuck E Cheese tokens -Pez dispenser -Earrings -Paper Airplane/Balsa Airplane -Magnifying glass -Pull- back animals/cars -parachute man -kids music CD -Glitter crayons -Hairbows -small package of animal crackers -small package of goldfish -doll diapers -Barbie clothes -fun socks -fun undies/panties -nail polish -Matchbox cars -punching balloons -DVD/Microwave popcorn tied with a bow -Cool Novelty Pen/Pencil -Lego kit -Snow globe -Bubbles -Slinky -Watercolor paints -Whistle -Character Toothpaste -Cool new toothbrush -Jumprope -Jacks with ball -Novelty Night light -Sunglasses -Squirt gun -Bath toys/sponges -Comb/Brush -Cool Zipper Pulls -Pencil Bag -Sidewalk games (marbles,sidewalk chalk, hoppy-taw) -Disposable camera STOCKING STUFFERS FOR BABIES (born or not)! Many are practical -Teething Tablets -Baby Orajel -A small box of Cheerios -Little People -Headbands/bows -Baby socks -hat -mittens -little rattles -small jar of baby food -small board book -a blanket rolled and tied with a ribbon -Baby Tylenol -Thermometer -Nail clippers -Pacifiers -Pacifier clips/holders -Teething rings -bibs/burp cloths -butt paste
EmmyNavasMom Posted November 8, 2007 Posted November 8, 2007 That top list is Stocking Stuffer ideas for KIDS! :)
hinman Posted November 8, 2007 Posted November 8, 2007 The game stop gift card is a great idea. I wrote that down.
christib327 Posted November 8, 2007 Posted November 8, 2007 Wow. I just read through the thread from last year. There are sooo many ideas there! I love stuffing stocking :) Last year I ended up buying my boys the 3ft tall ones from the dollar store and they still didn't hold everything. I really need to save some back for Easter. So far this year this is what I've gotten for my boys (3 years old) -pez dispensers -tooth tunes brushes and toothpaste -assorted candies -matchbox cars -books -coloring books -big bird watch -stuffed penguin -shrek miniatures -cars flashlight -pens/pencils/little notebooks -ornament -little gliders -bath stuff (mitts, gel, etc) -cars lip balm -little animals that grow in the water -train whistle -lite up spring top -toy dinosaur -little puzzles -a lion, a hippo, and a frog sippy bottle -a cookie monster and an elmo electronic game -wind up monkey and frog -mini animal projectors -mini spiderman I'll also add some fruit For hubby -massaging foot scrubber :) -detail brush -Mr. Clean squegee -hand held arcade game -2 computer games -hand held Deal or No Deal game -mini uncle Johns bathroom reader -stainless steel bracelet -stainless steel ring I'm not sure what else I'll be adding to his. Probably candy and a scratch off lottery ticket. For my neice (17) I got lots of bath and body stuff and make-up. Also some hair stuff, an air freshener for her car :), suduko pen, notepads, etc. I'll also get her some candy and probably a gift card. For nephew (20) I got lots of stff to clean his car, a ball cap, and a book. I still need to get him some more filler stuff. I'll probably get him candy and a gift card too. Then I think I'm going to do one for my aunt this year. I can't tell you what I've bought for her because she's on this site all the time! Do you guys do your own stocking or does your husband do them for you? The first year we decided to do one for each other my husband FORGOT!!!!! Last year, he remembered, but he needs a little help :) I just don't want to offend him!
msdarkness Posted November 8, 2007 Posted November 8, 2007 me and dh always do stockings for each other..he always puts in VS panties and bath and body works for me as well as a book that I have been wanting and my favorite candy..although last year he put me a new cell phone in mine..I always give him boxer briefs mechanic gloves his favorite candy and little things like a leather-man or a new knife and one expensive thing like last year it was 2way radios
vsa3janes Posted November 8, 2007 Posted November 8, 2007 For my DGD I have wooden dinasour puzzle (this was from the Best Buy Night at the Museum movie promo sale) Old Maid cards Snap cards pez pen that writes a rainbow of colors by pushing a tab (Target $1 spot) note pad small zipper pouch with beads to make bracelet (Target $1 spot) fun socks little chocolate santas glider airplane kit back brush (she loves her Mom's) Good thing she has a ex-large stocking! For my DD and SIL I usually give them personal items, nail files, clippers, shoe buffer, bath gloves, etc. Assorted candy and one special item. This year it is i-tune gc.
ljvoskuil Posted November 9, 2007 Posted November 9, 2007 Thanks everyone these are some great ideas!!!
sistergldnhair66 Posted November 9, 2007 Posted November 9, 2007 When the kids were younger their stockings BULGED. I remember the year of the Beanie Baby craze and I bought so many for their stockings that I had it overflowing onto the floor. Now as they are older (22, 19, 16), it is getting harder and harder to fill them. Funny, until DH married me, he NEVER had a stocking. I was appalled, as my mother always did them. So that being said, I usually put in: Lots of Lottery scratch off tickets. I start buying a few each week for the five of us, and by christmas I have a TON. Keychains Candy some car gadgets (now that they are all driving) such as air freshners, tire gage, stuff like that. cologne pens last year I bought the boys a gas card. Also bought them each, food cards for like 10.00 each for Mc'd's, bk, taco bell so they can grab food on the run. Harder to fill, and getting more expensive!
conleybunch Posted November 9, 2007 Posted November 9, 2007 Cool ideas, thanks!! I always have a hard time trying to think of things, that are not junk items.
jbdinos Posted November 9, 2007 Posted November 9, 2007 Girls: Makeup Lip Gloss Hair things Stickers Gel Pens Notepads Boys: Markers Art stuff Notepads Both: Socks panties or boxers wallets glow sticks cards or card games deodorant toothbrush cologne/perfume For my DD19 and SIL19, we got some of the above and also went to and got the one restaurant in their area that had 25.00 gift certs that had no minimum purchase required to use them. Got them for 3.00 each and got 2 for each of them as money is tight and that may be the only 4 times of the year they will get to go out to eat. Since I bought and printed 2 weeks ago, they changed it to a minimum of 50.00 purchase but I think they are a small mom and pop place and will honor them without minimum purchase since I bought them that way!
pmdemey Posted November 9, 2007 Posted November 9, 2007 apple orange body glitter maurices lotion perfume flavored chapsticks cds candy gift card to maurices and this year a pre-paid gas card
cwife Posted November 9, 2007 Posted November 9, 2007 I usually wait until after black friday to do stockings. This year for the boys I plan on putting in books,mechanical pencils,boxer briefs,toothbrush,body spray or cologne,candy,GI joes and each a new dvd. I usually end up buying more than the stocking will hold so some things end up as small wrapped gifts for under the tree:)
Iliveforblckfri Posted November 9, 2007 Posted November 9, 2007 My sister put canned cheese in her children's stocking for a long time to help them believe in Santa. They knew that she hated the stuff, so there was no way she could be santa. I loved getting together with other people and ordering stuff from Oriental Trading Company when my kids were young. I would have enough people that we had 12 kids among us. We would all agree on what small toys to put into the stockings and split the bill. This was a lot cheaper than buying from the store. Always had to have an orange, coloring book, and chocolate.
pmdemey Posted November 9, 2007 Posted November 9, 2007 My grandmother had the apple and orange tradition. I think the apple was for the deer but I can`t remember what the orange was for.
four_riderz Posted November 9, 2007 Posted November 9, 2007 what is it about the orange? Growing up, we always had one in the very bottom of our stockings, and we are passing that tradition on to our kids too.
hinman Posted November 9, 2007 Posted November 9, 2007 I always buy my kids a christmas ornament so that when they are older they can dig them out and hopefully put them on their Christmas tree. Any whoo I put the ornament int heir stocking with some other things.
BoulderChick Posted November 10, 2007 Posted November 10, 2007 I buy stocking stuffers for my Husband, our Puppy, Mom, Dad and their Puppy, and my Brother. Some stocking stuffers I've given in the past have been; Favorite Candy Mini Books Pens Notepads WD-40 Pen (the boys) Tide to go Pen Nail Polish $5 Starbucks GC Toys Lip Balm Scratch off Lotto Tickets Deck of Cards Post it Notes(in fun styles and colors) This year I found Notepads with our Favorite College Football teams(Go BUFFS!!!) logo on them and picked them up @ 90% (school supply clearence Office Depot) Typically $8.00 for the big note pads and $3.00 for the small ones.
momofahn Posted November 12, 2007 Posted November 12, 2007 For the men: flashlight gloves sunglasses bungie cords
doublehsmom Posted November 12, 2007 Posted November 12, 2007 We always have an orange or an apple in our stocking from st nick but I dont' think that we did as a stocking stuffer from santa..
sneakers1234 Posted November 12, 2007 Posted November 12, 2007 And... how much of that stocking stuff do you find later in the year and never used?? I buy the same type that's been mentioned but frequently find it rolling around the house.... funny no one is buying the candy yet-- do you think it'll be more fresh closer to Christmas or is it to keep you from eating it??? Cause I bet christmas candy was made in JULY. It's been in the stores since Halloween!!!
jarerice Posted November 12, 2007 Posted November 12, 2007 sneakers1234 said: And... how much of that stocking stuff do you find later in the year and never used?? I buy the same type that's been mentioned but frequently find it rolling around the house.... funny no one is buying the candy yet-- do you think it'll be more fresh closer to Christmas or is it to keep you from eating it??? Cause I bet christmas candy was made in JULY. It's been in the stores since Halloween!!!LOL:eyepoppin
RaineeDay1 Posted November 13, 2007 Posted November 13, 2007 batteries.. I always give batteries. and all the normal stuff.. my mother goes a bit over board still and gets all us kids and grandkids things.. one year we had buckets full.. LOL..
BGndr Posted November 13, 2007 Posted November 13, 2007 My mom always said she put the orange in the toe of the stocking to help fill up space.
jax81772 Posted November 13, 2007 Posted November 13, 2007 We do post it notes.. I collect them through the year... and give the kids funny ones. Its a communication tool here.... We always do their deo, soap, body stuff, razors... all that hygenie stuff... and my mom... throws in the kids favorite weird thing they like to eat... dd14 jar of cherries, ds12 can of mandarin oranges, dd10 can of olives, and ds 4 can of bean dip. They know its strange but wouldnt change it for anything, sometimes I think they look forward to the stocking part more than the gifts.
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