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BF and the Economy - Are you finding alot of things on sale already?


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Watching prices rise on food and fuel, and seeing stores adjust their sales outlook lower, I wonder what the impact on BF will be. Intuitively, I expect this news to pressure prices and that's good for consumers who can afford to take advantage. If retailers panic, we could enjoy a good holiday shopping season.


At the same time, I see a downside. First, people who have never turned out for BF may jump in this year to stretch their budgets. Second, I am concerned that retailers may underestimate demand, stock less, and drive prices higher.


What do you think?


I divide my shopping season into three phases. I've already started shopping for must have items without much concern for price. If I run into a deal on one of these, I'll pricematch or return/rebuy. Next month, I'll begin shopping for commodity gifts. As the holiday nears, and after it passes, I'll make purchases of opportunity -- stuff that is just too cheap to leave on the shelves.


Last year, the POOs were slim pickings as the retailers did a great job of anticipating demand. I wonder what this year will bring...

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Either way, GD visitors win - you get advance information on the ads to plan ahead, and as always we'll show you deals that are cheaper online compared to BF prices to save even more money :)


Also see this article which mentions GD and talks about the upcoming holiday sales forecasts:



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Either way, GD visitors win - you get advance information on the ads to plan ahead, and as always we'll show you deals that are cheaper online compared to BF prices to save even more money :)


Also see this article which mentions GD and talks about the upcoming holiday sales forecasts:



Brad.....Dont forget about the hard working community members that post deals after BF into the regular forums though out the holiday season and beyond it. GD community members win year around. BF to me is just the super bowl for this site.



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What I noticed in the past 12 years, when the economy started going down hill there were more good deals on BF. This was due to the large inventory and slow sales. When the economy remained weak for another year or two, there was much less good deals. Interestingly, when the economy started catching up, the good deals came again. So I think this year, it will not be as many good deals as in the last couple years.
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This morning on the Today show they had an MSNBC analyst talking about how toys and such are starting to go on sale now because they are anticipating a slower holiday season due to financial conditions of a poor housing market, unemployment and high gas prices.


They cited Walmart as an example but I am really thinking that the problem stems with Walmart.



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I'm inclined to agree with the self proclaimed economists on this thread. Supply and demand make pricing key. If you've been watching the stock market, retailers (other than WM) are losing money every month. It would be nice for WM to lose money this month, and come in below forcast, so that they can start to lower their prices in anticipation for the BF buying season. Other retailers watch what they do and imitate in some form or fashion.


I think retailers are going to look for the lower margin profits for the holidays, based on quantitiy, rather than higher market pricing. Even though retailers are lowering prices now, they will lower them even further. Just need to watch out for the falling dollar and lead paint.


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I was listening to the news on the radio yesterday, and it was stated that this September was the worst September in five years for JC Penney's. They've dropped their financial forecasts for the year because of it. It really makes me wonder what this poor economy is going to do for our bf shopping experience.
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I was listening to the news on the radio yesterday, and it was stated that this September was the worst September in five years for JC Penney's. They've dropped their financial forecasts for the year because of it. It really makes me wonder what this poor economy is going to do for our bf shopping experience.

I don't know about the poor economy part of the forecast, but it was FREAKING hot here, so not many people were out buying the fall clothes/stuff. It's only just turning cool here now, so maybe shopping will increase.

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I always buy a toy if its on sale at a good price. though I wish every toy my kids wanted would be on sale on BF you can't depend on it. Hence why Im 95% done christmas shopping. Nowadays it seems stores rely on electronic sales to boost their profits. Toys have taken a step behind.

thankfully people find great deals on Gottadeal and thats why I buy throughout the year.

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I am not really looking now for anything right now. It seems to early to think about Christmas. I usually wait until at least the middle of November to start. Plus, I love going out the weeks before Christmas (like Dec 10-24) because it actually feels like Christmas time.


I never really buy much for others on BF anyway. Usually CDs, DVDs, and small items like clothes and computer accessories for myself. Last year I actually found better deals the week after Thanksgiving. I went to King of Prussia mall in Pennsylvania, and got three nice angora sweaters for about $10 each because I had a coupon and the salespeople gave me additional coupons after my first sweater purchase.


Also, I don't like to buy big ticket items because they always have non-name brand items. You never even see these brands in the store any other time of the year. For me its best to stick to trusted brands and wait until after Christmas instead of killing myself with thousands of other people to get one of two knock off HDTVs or Laptop computers that will probably come out of the box broken

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The stores KNOW we will spend our money no matter what. We will just spend more wisely. The better the deal the more I have to spend on OTHER items in that store. WM gets a bum wrap but as i see it they have the idea. Make some things lower to get us in the store then some things higher because we saved the money on the one item we wanted most. WM may be the only retailer making a profit but why do you think that is? They know how to play the game. NOW that being said BF last year was NOT a huge hit for WM. This year I expect better because they got SO burned last year. JMO
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Being a REALTOR my ears perk up when they mention housing market. They were reporting retail will be down because people are concerned with down payments and credit history. Will this effect your BF experience, I know it won`t mine. That is what the rest of the year is for. BF is my addiction!
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I almost feel guilty turning my boss and loan person onto BF. More competition on game day. But how do you not want to help save them money. This site helps us in the economical mess and I thank you all helping get those ads and getting info from stores.
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Will only be a problem if you're one of those folks in a mortgage you should never have taken cause you really can't afford it. When that mortgage rate jumps you're screwed and if you have a crappy job you will be struggling.


Hopefully, GDers are much smarter than that! I bet the avg GDer has a smaller or no mortgage than the rest of the country!! LOL.... we are cheap! ha.

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you started this thread just to set yourself up to post about that didn't you? :curse::D

Actually no, this does bother me. Granted I am happy with my situation this year, we have stuggled for so long. I was just curious on how other people are handling the economic crunch, either trying to save for a house or splurging on x-mas.:confused:

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Actually no, this does bother me. Granted I am happy with my situation this year, we have stuggled for so long. I was just curious on how other people are handling the economic crunch, either trying to save for a house or splurging on x-mas.:confused:

yea I hear ya, I was joking. ;)


thankfully we did not go for any adjustable rates and bought our house just before the craziness happened (2003). though we are far from paying it off and we'll sell it before that day comes.

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