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Butterscotch Pony $157.49 & FS at Kohls

shopping mom

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Kohls.com has the FurReal Friends™ Butterscotch Ponyorig. $249.99

sale $224.99 with the extra 30% 0ff code and free shipping it should be 157.49


The code is on another thread I think it is OCTGRAND30


I know some of you have mentioned wanting one for your DD hope this helps.

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WOW, thats an awesome deal! My DD would love to have one but we all promised we were going to go ultra cheap for Xmas this year in leu of a Hannah Montana concert, trip to Disneyland and Xmas roadtrip to Seattle to visit Grandpa. My 5 and 7 yo actually said they were willing to trade having lots of Xmas gifts for the trips etc.



But she sure would love Butterscotch.... Oh no, I gotta back away from the computer! LOL

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That's a good deal! Think it will be any lower on BF? The age on this says 4+. I'd like to get one for a 3 year old. Does anyone know if it is too old for a 3yo?


I think its fine for a 3 yr old. I got a good deal on one last yr at Sams Club for a two yr old, but took it back. Just thought she wouldnt really use it and would take up space.

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That's a good deal! Think it will be any lower on BF? The age on this says 4+. I'd like to get one for a 3 year old. Does anyone know if it is too old for a 3yo?


My son was 2 1/2 last year when we got it and he loves it. It is just fine for a three year old. My ds thought it was pretty easy to figure out and he still plays with it quite a bit.

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in my experience Kohls takes much longer to ship than we have come to expect based upon Amazon etc. Kohls recently switched to a new Website and this has added extra delays.


You could always call CS to ask.


Not that I want to alarm you - but in the last 2 months Kohls has cancelled a couple of orders that they were not able to fill. But those orders were in fulfullment status for a good 2 -2.5 weeks before they finally cancelled.


I was able to get CS to get a store to honor the same price that I had purchased on line - but it wasn't automatic.


Good luck...

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I ordered mine on 10.08 and still says In fullfillment. I also ordered some of the Rubiks Revolutions. On sale for $16.09 with 30% code = $11.26 before tax of course.


I have ordered before and not had any problems, but I don't remember it taking this long either. Now I'm starting to worry. I will not be happy if the order is cancelled.

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in my experience Kohls takes much longer to ship than we have come to expect based upon Amazon etc. Kohls recently switched to a new Website and this has added extra delays.


You could always call CS to ask.


Not that I want to alarm you - but in the last 2 months Kohls has cancelled a couple of orders that they were not able to fill. But those orders were in fulfullment status for a good 2 -2.5 weeks before they finally cancelled.


I was able to get CS to get a store to honor the same price that I had purchased on line - but it wasn't automatic.


Good luck...

I have had the same issue with kohls, ordered something, it was in fullfillment for a while and then cancelled

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I ordered mine on Oct 6; recieved shipment notice Oct 13; received box today Oct 17. I called customer service last week too worried that my order would be cancelled and she said that it wouldn't there was just alot of sales from that 30% sale. Kohl's always seems to take forever to ship.


This horse is so cute!! the box came battered and ripped so we had to take it out and put it together to make sure it worked ;) before putting it away for Christmas. Be careful the box has pictures of Buttercup on it so when it gets delivered make sure the kids aren't around ~ hope everyone else gets theirs soon.

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