alimfp Posted October 4, 2007 Posted October 4, 2007 Finally.. this year, we are not even five minutes from Best Buy, Circuit City, Walmart, etc. And only 7-8 minutes from Toys R Us, Kohl's, Target.. FINALLY. Before we were over an hour away from some of those stores.
H_Hancock Posted October 4, 2007 Posted October 4, 2007 We do have a Wal-Mart about 15-20 min. from our house...but I shall NEVER, EVER set foot in another WM on BF ever again...made that mistake about 10 years ago and I'll never repeat that. BB, CC, and the rest of the big box stores are a minimum of 70 minutes away if we go to Savannah, but the stores in Savannah have yet to learn about crowd control. So we go to Augusta.....and takes us 90 min. or more to get to them. But compared to other stores....the Augusta stores are a pleasure to shop in on BF, so the extra travel time is well worth it.
twodogs Posted October 28, 2007 Posted October 28, 2007 Since I'll be at mom and dad's for T' town over for Wally World then closest real stores at least a half hour. BB & CC etc. an HOUR plus! My bro always goes for BF at ungodly hours; my husband and I may hit a few places in the afternoon. I'm looking for a DSLR and a satellite radio rx'r....anyone hear of any deals yet??
auntsister Posted October 28, 2007 Posted October 28, 2007 My town has what is supposed to be the smallest Wal Mart built and a Dollar General. I look at the BF WM ads and have sent my DD to get my items when she gets hers. I really think that this year I will take the day and drive an hour to the sales at the closest Target and mall. I am a little peeved at WM for their little ad banning! Really, I got my best deals from the comfort of my home last year thanks to GottaDeal and other sites like it! ( but GD is my favorite, always the best deals!).
Iliveforblckfri Posted October 28, 2007 Posted October 28, 2007 marcimomof4 said: We are about 100 miles away from a major city. I will go and spend the night with my sister and go.I live on the east coast of Alaska. I will be flying(no roads to get out of town.) 400 miles to Anchorage to spend the week with my SiL to have Thanksgiving and more importantly to me, BF. I bought my dh a plane in March so that it will be cheaper for him to come and get me rather than me take a commercial flight each time. Darla
risngsun24 Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 happysunshine28 said: Our town has a Dollar General so yes I drive but not as far as you do. Next town doesnt have a target or best buy but hopefully one day they will it is growing like crazy.Same here. Next town only has WM, Kmart & JCP. 40 miles to Target and takes me 90 min. to get to the town with TRU, BB, CC, etc.
rstnce2002 Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 I do!! The only retail store our town has is a Wal-Mart. There's a town about 30 minutes away with a JC Penny's, Kmart, etc. but we don't go there. We drive about an hour into St. Louis to get to Bass Pro Shop, Target & a mall.
erh12275 Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 poofu02 said: Does anyone else have to drive far to get to the closest retail store?? Is it worth it to drive for you?We have a Kmart here. And an Ace. Nothing else. Next closest town is an hour and a half away(about 90 mins). And yes we drive it for BF. Definately worth the drive to get the bargains we have gotten. Even if I added on the price of gas(trip takes about $20 if that) the tv I got back in '05 alone made up for the gas and then some....not to mention everything else I bought.
pogiporkchop Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 Only 20-30 minutes in either direction for me since we moved last year, but it's not a big deal since we make that drive just about every weekend.
tjredsox4 Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 We have a Walmart in our city, but we don't have any other big stores, so my sister and I go to Hadley because they have a mall with Target, BB, CC, etc and Walmart is across the street. The other thing is that when we went to Chicopee after it opened a couple of years ago, they ran out of most of the doorbusters but we went to Hadley after and they had everything we were looking for so that is where we are going if we go to Walmart this year. We don't like the Holyoke Mall on BF, we would rather go to the Hampshire Mall, it is less crowded. Kmart is in Holyoke, on the way to mall but we haven't gone there on BF in a few years, but I am going this weekend to put on a layaway with the My first Craftsman tool bench $39 in flyer and coupon for 50% off and layaway fee is $1 for up to $200 layaway.
jlapez Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 I don't drive far but will you believe, for the last two years we have lived in MD and my DW wanted to go home to TN for Thanksgiving just to go BF shopping with her cousins. That includes getting up at 2-3am to drive over an hour to Cool Springs Galleria. This year we live in Jax, FL and she still wants to go to TN to do the same. Now that's what I call far!
Christi Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 Rockfordmom said: I'm lucky - I'm maybe 5 minutes away (if you hit all red lights) from a Walgreens and CVS in one direction; the Mall (Sears, JCPenney, Macys, Bergners), Menards, Toys-r-us, MC Sports in the other direction; just a couple more minutes away from Kohls, Michaels, Target, Kmart, Joannes Fabrics, Old Navy, Radio Shack; and maybe 10 minutes from Wallyworld, Sams Club, Best Buy, Circuit City, Lowes, and Home Depot.We pretty much have every store close by.I drive about an hour to get to your town. Luckily once we are there everything is close by.
lovebears65 Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 Yes. I go to my moms every year for thanksgiving . I have to shop in Pensacola and she lives near Crestview almost an hour drive But hey its only once a year and I get to see my same shopping buddies every year:smart:
tsa Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 We live in rural Minnesota. I have to go 2 hours thru cornfields and snow in order to get to the good deals. And I wouldn't miss it for anything. It is sooooo much fun and it is the pursuit of the deal that makes it worth it.
immortaljackwest Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 last year I had to drive about 20 miles for WM and then another 15 to more stores... this year I move into a large city so I don't have far to go to get what I want (Unless I decide to drive to Fry's , which is 40 miles away)
jonnysgirl_7 Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 We live in a small town and drive about 20 minutes to the closest stores-nothing compared to 80 miles-whew! We try to take an SUV-we pack it full!
conleybunch Posted October 31, 2007 Posted October 31, 2007 We drive about 20 minutes and take a vehicle with plenty of cargo room
jw109 Posted October 31, 2007 Posted October 31, 2007 I have to drive about 30 minutes to hit my favorite stores: Kohls, Target, Macy's, Sears....JcPenney's. We have a Walmart in my town but I refuse to visit Walmart on BF so I choose to travel!
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