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the childern's place spring sale $4.99 ymmv

TAJ mommy

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I just went and got as much as I could grab in 5 minutes in the sizes I needed! :eek: Wow those were some deals! I'm sitting here feeling the need to go to another one!! YIKES! I found some awesome stuff! Even one dress I bought a few days ago for 19.99! Now, they will let you return stuff even after they clearance it right?
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Yep I went yesterday got a 24 month winter coat for $1.99, and girls easter dressy dresses for $4.99. Tops and bottoms for $1.99 Awesome sale!

Just went today and got a few things. I don't think I saw anything for $1.99, wow, great deal.

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I went into the store the day I found out about the sale, My daughters birthday is next Tuesday, I spent about 70 bucks and got her so many outfits and dresses, I even got her a jacket, some tights and a pair of shoes! Awesome sale! I went back the next day and all they had left was whatever didnt sell the day before so I asked the sales lady and she said whatevers out is out.....wish they were restocking but oh well Im just glad to have gotten what I did!:D
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