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Looking for a personalized Promise Ring w/ genuine gemstones and at least 1 diamond.

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Hello. My girlfriend and I might be giving each other a promise ring for Valentine's Day. I've been looking around and like the personalized rings with both our names on them. I found two that were really nice:


Ring 1

Ring 2


I like the whole birthstones of the couple concept but I want one that includes a diamond or two, ya know? Anyone know of a pritty white gold, personalized, duo birthstone, real gemstones, promise ring in white gold. Ya, I know I may be a little picky. I just want her first Valentine's Day with me to be a rilly good one.



- Metallica_Band

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I have to vote for ring 1 too. I actually have one just like that (yellow gold) that I got as a gift when my husband and I had been together just about a year. I love it and I still wear it. Also, it came from Wal-mart. It is the EXACT same and no where close to $200. I'm thinking it was closer to $100.

Unless she specifically mentioned diamonds, it's not really necessary. I'm sure she'll think anything you get her that is personalized like that will be really special.

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I don't know where you can buy one but I just wanted to say that it sounds like such an adorable idea. She's a lucky girl to have someone that cares enough to put himself into the hunt. Many men, including mine, just handed me a credit card and said "get whatever you want". No matter how much you spend, your ring will be worth a zillion times more than mine.
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