Julie=6 Posted April 14, 2007 Posted April 14, 2007 laffnatu said: Woohoo!!! Someone's gonna get lucky! We will see......
dtwdmaty Posted April 14, 2007 Posted April 14, 2007 Found FLY pen notebooks and Cranium games for 1/2 price today. They had both the small and large sizes notebooks - #'s 204040739 & 204040741. The games were in tins - all numbered 087101442. Some of the Wii accessories are 1/2 price, but I'm waiting for 75% since we don't really need them. Oh, and an Epson 8x10 print your own photo book was 75% off, $5 #080040189.
megnsamsgrace Posted April 14, 2007 Posted April 14, 2007 I use coupons all the time. But I limit what I get, my own personal choice. I got 10 of the granola bars, 10 of the chef boyardee, 5 of the Pepsi Jazz and about 7-8 of the M&Ms. I also gave away a bunch of coupons to other shoppers. I feel that by getting 20-30 of an item for free at one shot is drawing attention to these coupons and I know I benefit from saving $ so I dont want Target to squish these coupons. IMHO. Now, if you are perfectly okay with buying so much, so be it. I dont. I did buy a bunch of the lightbulbs with the GC's in them but I bought the lightbulbs, didnt take just the GC out. Now today, I am going back for 10 more packs of M&Ms, the rest of the granola bars (about 10 or 11 packs) and 5 more bottles of Pepsi Jazz before the coupons expire
lovetoshopCA Posted April 14, 2007 Posted April 14, 2007 elena_398 said: Why is it selfish when Im only 31 yrs old and only use pads. I will have a period for at least another 15 years! I NEED those pads. LOL. Besides that I donated 20 packs to the local womens shelter. Selfish- Not. Im also highly involved with our school's PTA and find deals for the yearly carnival (hence candy) and silent auction. I also find the deals for families I adopt at christmas time. so I don't hide behind any donation excuse as was stated. Might I add I also buy at least $300 a month of regular items at Target also. Im probably the least selfish person you would meet. My husband had to laugh at that insinuation. No problem with it from my perspective. I have done it myself, and will do it again. I buy for my family. I buy for friends who know that I shop like this. I buy for my kid's schools, etc. Sometimes I am the lucky one who finds all the goodies. Sometimes someone else beats me to them. It is luck of the draw and as someone else said, the early bird gets the worm. Everyone has their own lines that they draw. Some people hide things, others find that reprehensible. Some people use expired coupons knowing that they are expired, while others find that to be like stealing or lying. I guess we just have to work through the issues individually and move on. That said, Easter is STILL not at 90%! I guess they'll do it tomorrow. Still a handful of things at one of my Target stores that I want, so I will keep checking.
hwolf6330 Posted April 14, 2007 Posted April 14, 2007 My Target is still at 75%. When I came in the front door, I saw a lady with a cart overflowing with stuffed bunnies. I thought for sure they had to be 90%. But they weren't. They were changing all of the aisles that had the Easter stuff into more food stuff. I hope that means there will be sales on them.
hwolf6330 Posted April 14, 2007 Posted April 14, 2007 Sunshyne said: Now, that 69¢ juice, I would buy every one I found, because it would get used around here. I found 5 the other day, and I told my husband if there had been 20, I would have bought them all because we will use them. Either here at the house or taking them to playgroups to share. Everyone knows that I am bringing the juice boxes. lol So that is where the juice boxes are! I'm coming down to York! Just kidding, I don't buy them because my boys would always squeeze them so juice would squirt everywhere, and they are teenagers.
bugsette Posted April 14, 2007 Posted April 14, 2007 I know I thought Target was suppose to go to 90%... that's what the one store told me on Thursday..... I will have to check the holiday schedule.
lynn421 Posted April 14, 2007 Posted April 14, 2007 I didn't get to go out this morning to Target, I went to the Indians game today (froze my butt off) I hope so, then I can go !! (Like I need more stuff! )
jbdinos Posted April 14, 2007 Posted April 14, 2007 elena_398 said: amyj0_99 said: Personally, I find this excessive and selfish...... and I do think buying like this is going to end the great target deals sooner than we'd all like! JMO Why is it selfish when Im only 31 yrs old and only use pads. I will have a period for at least another 15 years! I NEED those pads. LOL. Besides that I donated 20 packs to the local womens shelter. Selfish- Not. Im also highly involved with our school's PTA and find deals for the yearly carnival (hence candy) and silent auction. I also find the deals for families I adopt at christmas time. so I don't hide behind any donation excuse as was stated. Might I add I also buy at least $300 a month of regular items at Target also. Im probably the least selfish person you would meet. My husband had to laugh at that insinuation. I also have children. Cereal is expensive. Im not selling these items. My family is going to use them. I don't profit from the free deals I get. It supliments what I have to pay for usually. Sorry you feel this way. People do have their opinions. I don't find it selfish at all. I would have done the same thing. My closest target is nearly an hour drive. My sister and I went there today, solely to try to do the same thing. Now, I just can't bring myself to use the expired coupons. I specifically wrote to target and their reponse didn't indicate either way if I could do that or not. It seemed they were avoiding the answer. But I did get 5 of the granola bars today and I didn't feel badly to do that simply because my kids are going to eat them. I got several boxes of the Target brand tampons. But I know that I am young enough that not only will they not go to waste, but I have two daughters, a granddaughter and someday I will have three daughter in laws. That isn't counting the neices, sister, etc. that I have. My husband and I got married and we have 5 children (none belong to both of us biologically) and we are totally supporting them all. Do you know what it costs to feed 5 kids with no child support and neither of us have a college education? It's expensive. So if I save a lot of money on toothpaste, tampons, etc. well then I shouldn't feel guilty and neither should anyone else. The only potential abuse I see is the expired coupons, but if they get tired of it they could train their employees to check the coupons. I think I had a great day when I buy a 1.38 tube of clearance toothpaste and use a 1.50 coupon on it. They don't adjust the price, but the coupon manufacturer is going to give them 1.50, not ask what the selling price was. That is not cheating anyone. Those that find the deals adn stock up... go for it..... there were no kotex or lightbulbs or Easter at the store I went to... I didn't whine about it... I was "oh well, someone beat me to it".... I did finally find one pack of the MM juice for 69 cents too. That was my major excitement for the day... On another story, which reminds me of a poster a while back that talked about a nightmare she had about security following her. Well me, my sister, and three of my kids were shopping. We'd stop at clearance, look through coupons, decide value as well as nutritional facts on food (both on diets) and then move to the next clearance endcap. This guy that worked there was following us from H&B to grocery to automotive to electronics. We finally made him speak to us to show him we weren't shoplifters and even then he just kept it up. We'd ask where things were and he wasn't being discreet. We nearly called management. My purse was open but I had a ziploc bag full of coupon envelopes in the bag and kept referring to those envelopes with each purchase. The kids would scan items and bring them back to tell us the prices and from there they went in the cart or back where they came from, no ditching them or anything. It was a horrible experience to know that because we were doing the coupons/clearance thing that we were "suspect". Does this happen to anyone else when they are shopping in their target?
baseballmom16 Posted April 14, 2007 Posted April 14, 2007 I was with my 10 year old son and 2 year old daughter about 2 weeks ago. I keep a photo box for my coupons. We were walking down the food aisles, comparing coupons with prices and a guy stocking shelves followed me down 2 aisles. He left and as I turn the aisle, he's talking to 2 other people pointing towards us. He followed me all over the store, the went into the security office as I checked out. It was really weird, I should have called the manager, but I was embarrased enough. I was waiting for someone to come out, of course , they could have gone through my box and found, GASP! COUPONS!!! Geez, you think they could be a little discreet!!!
Ragsmeow Posted April 14, 2007 Posted April 14, 2007 Wow, can't say I've ever had anyone following me around. I have an envelope sized coupon organizer that I keep in my purse. But now that I think about it, a cashier at Wal-Mart did try to scan it a while back! Weird. Maybe the store(s) you all are talking about have had lots of theft?
s.paige Posted April 14, 2007 Posted April 14, 2007 WOW!!!! I can't believe that. I think I would have had to say something. That is just crazy.
amyers12345 Posted April 14, 2007 Posted April 14, 2007 roobear61 said: My little boy really REALLY wanted the dog shaped easter basket and I just couldn't get it before Easter and I just got my car back last night so we went up there today...they had plenty of the monkeys, shreks, even a few elmo baskets and a purple ball basket with a dog on the side, but no dog shaped baskets He cried and I felt awful (and believe me, I checked EVERYWHERE and even in people's carts and if someone had one I would have tried to make them an offer...nada) i went this morning and was disappointted to see Easter was still 75% off. i asked the lady at the checkout and she said that sometimes they will go 90% off in the middle of the day. Has anyone heard of that? My trip was saved by the fact that I found one of the dog shaped Easter baskets to send to your son, however. I would be glad to ship it to you at my expense. Just need to know if I can get your address, somehow. Let me know. How kind of you to do that for another poster! You can PM the original poster to get her address, I'm sure you are making her son a very happy boy.
lovetoshopCA Posted April 14, 2007 Posted April 14, 2007 jbdinos said: On another story, which reminds me of a poster a while back that talked about a nightmare she had about security following her. Well me, my sister, and three of my kids were shopping. We'd stop at clearance, look through coupons, decide value as well as nutritional facts on food (both on diets) and then move to the next clearance endcap. This guy that worked there was following us from H&B to grocery to automotive to electronics. We finally made him speak to us to show him we weren't shoplifters and even then he just kept it up. We'd ask where things were and he wasn't being discreet. We nearly called management. My purse was open but I had a ziploc bag full of coupon envelopes in the bag and kept referring to those envelopes with each purchase. The kids would scan items and bring them back to tell us the prices and from there they went in the cart or back where they came from, no ditching them or anything. It was a horrible experience to know that because we were doing the coupons/clearance thing that we were "suspect". Does this happen to anyone else when they are shopping in their target?I have. I was going through an end cap in toys and ended up rearranging them all as I was trying to see what was there and if anything was stuck in behind the other toys. This nasty security guy, not a uniformed one, came along and rearranged it after I was done. He told me he didn't trust me because I was always doing this and that he would personally follow me around the store! He hasn't done it, but he sure was ridiculously nasty. Really pretty bizarre. If I were you, I would probably have confronted the guy and asked him why he was following me around and didn't he have something better to do with his time. It is so weird what they decide to obsess about with regard to shoppers.
sandwish Posted April 14, 2007 Posted April 14, 2007 I just got back from our Target, which just opened a month ago. I checked out the phone aisle and found very few phones. It was just bare shelves with clearance tags. I thought it seemed odd considering the store is new. I also saw that many boomboxes/sound systems were clearanced as well. The only great deal I bought was 2 packs of the MM juice!!!! I also had a Target coupon for $5.00 off of $25.00 grocery purchase, so I got some extra stuff to have around while this Nor'easter hits! Editing to ask...how do you know they are security people? Are they plain clothes or identifable?
bamaeagle Posted April 15, 2007 Posted April 15, 2007 I can't believe they would do that. I am somewhat of regular at my Target. I gave it up for Lent and when I returned at 8 am Monday they were like you're back and they had a #1 ready for me at the popcorn counter. Anyway I would so say something if they did that to me and a lot of places honor out of date coupons all the time. If it was that important you would think it would not scan properly. I have accidently used a coupon when it was for 2 of something instead of 1 so they could encrypt that on the scan if they were that concerned.
mistral Posted April 15, 2007 Posted April 15, 2007 baseballmom16 said: I was with my 10 year old son and 2 year old daughter about 2 weeks ago. I keep a photo box for my coupons. We were walking down the food aisles, comparing coupons with prices and a guy stocking shelves followed me down 2 aisles. He left and as I turn the aisle, he's talking to 2 other people pointing towards us. He followed me all over the store, the went into the security office as I checked out. It was really weird, I should have called the manager, but I was embarrased enough. I was waiting for someone to come out, of course , they could have gone through my box and found, GASP! COUPONS!!! Geez, you think they could be a little discreet!!!I get that alot, especailly if I have my little ones with me. I've asked before on this board why security follows moms with strollers. And been told "because alot of moms steal with strollers",so because of that the honest ones that don't steal and are looking for deals here and there get followed. because of this profiling,I gave up the stroller.Which didn't work. The worst place I get followed is always Kmart, no matter which one I go to I'm always followed in Kmart. I not only think because I have my little ones, but it may also be my shopping techique. I'm always thinking I missed something so I go back to recheck and plus I'm not really sure on where things are in each Kmart so I get lost. Which probly looks to a security gaurd that I'm looking to steal. So I always get follwed by one. I keep wanting to turn around and pull out my cc and say I'm not stealing so go away. But they always disappear so quickly, rascals. So I'm trying to change my shopping techique, I figure I just go from row to row check everything out and not go back to see if I forgot something or missed something. Maybe that will stop the invasion. I don't care if they watch me because I'm not stealing its just the fact that someone is following me. Hate it. Maybe if someone can invent some smart as- signs to put on the back of moms, maybe that would at least stop the following.Linda
jdflores Posted April 15, 2007 Posted April 15, 2007 bamaeagle said: Anyway I would so say something if they did that to me and a lot of places honor out of date coupons all the time. If it was that important you would think it would not scan properly. I have accidently used a coupon when it was for 2 of something instead of 1 so they could encrypt that on the scan if they were that concerned.I don't think that it's the place that's honoring expired coupons. It's up to the employee to verify this information (both date and product). The coupon codes basically tell the computer the product family and the amount off you get. And at that, many times at my local grocery store, it'll beep to say the product was not found when I have the exact product indicated. It would probably take a lot of money to "upgrade" the coupons to include another barcode for the date and upgrade the computer system at the checkouts.
Ragsmeow Posted April 15, 2007 Posted April 15, 2007 bamaeagle said: I can't believe they would do that. I am somewhat of regular at my Target. I gave it up for Lent and when I returned at 8 am Monday they were like you're back and they had a #1 ready for me at the popcorn counter. Anyway I would so say something if they did that to me and a lot of places honor out of date coupons all the time. If it was that important you would think it would not scan properly. I have accidently used a coupon when it was for 2 of something instead of 1 so they could encrypt that on the scan if they were that concerned.OK, that is just hilarious that you gave up Target for Lent! That would have been a good one for me as well. It would be tough, though! How did you cope, lol.?
jbdinos Posted April 15, 2007 Posted April 15, 2007 mistral said: I get that alot, especailly if I have my little ones with me. I've asked before on this board why security follows moms with strollers. And been told "because alot of moms steal with strollers",so because of that the honest ones that don't steal and are looking for deals here and there get followed. because of this profiling,I gave up the stroller.Which didn't work. The worst place I get followed is always Kmart, no matter which one I go to I'm always followed in Kmart. I not only think because I have my little ones, but it may also be my shopping techique. I'm always thinking I missed something so I go back to recheck and plus I'm not really sure on where things are in each Kmart so I get lost. Which probly looks to a security gaurd that I'm looking to steal. So I always get follwed by one. I keep wanting to turn around and pull out my cc and say I'm not stealing so go away. But they always disappear so quickly, rascals. If I had a stroller or a baby seat I would have understood. I have worked retail and I know a lot of people that brought empty car seat covered in blankets and used them to steal. But the kids with me were 10, 11, and 13. Definitely walking on their own.. lol I tried saying to him "We don't need any assistance, we are just shopping." But he seemed to find that humorous so I sent my 10 year old to ask him if they sold Bibles thinking he would get the hint. I even mentioned to my sister that you would think he could be more discreet and pretend to be straightening the endcaps or aisles or something... so he went and got a hand scanner and checked all the prices where we were at constantly. LOL... at least we gave him something to do. But the more I think about it the more that I think I may call the corporate office... I mean, you never know, employee or not he could have been trying to take something out of my purse when I was turning my back to the shelving units..... one just never knows these days.
Sunshyne Posted April 15, 2007 Posted April 15, 2007 hwolf6330 said: So that is where the juice boxes are! I'm coming down to York! Just kidding, I don't buy them because my boys would always squeeze them so juice would squirt everywhere, and they are teenagers. Actually, I have never found any of them at the Galleria store, and I look every time I am in there and I go to that store about 4 times a week. I find them at the West York one, and the 5 in one day, I found in Cockeysville, MD. I was down that way for a doctor's appointment. My son is 5, and he knows the drill. He was down looking on the bottom shelf for 'ones that don't say 15 on them'. lol I always buy that brand anyway, so the 69¢ just makes it that much better. Easter was still 75% off today (mid-afternoon). They told me maybe tomorrow it would be 90%. I found the Gerber Graduates items on clearance finally. No puffs, but plenty of veggie crackers and other things little ds likes. I bought all but 2 of most of the stuff for toddlers. I missed those nice blankets going 75% off though. They only had two white ones left for $4.98. I wanted either the light or dark blue as I don't buy white anything for the kids. Thursday, they had a ton left at 50% off. I'll probably go to the other store in town to look for them tomorrow, but they were still 30% there the other day.
droolbug2 Posted April 15, 2007 Posted April 15, 2007 Ragsmeow said: OK, that is just hilarious that you gave up Target for Lent! That would have been a good one for me as well. It would be tough, though! How did you cope, lol.?too funny! Really would have been a good one for me too! I haven't been in a while anyway because we haven't had the money for me to peruse for clearance. I do believe Im going through withdraws.
myervin2001 Posted April 15, 2007 Posted April 15, 2007 I am in awe of you elena I wish i could save that kind of money being a mother of 3 kids who gets no child support and trying to make it. The one time i had problems using multiple coupons I called corporate and was told as long as I used an amount of coupons that was "normal" for my family size that she didnt consider that excessive. generally I only use about 6 coupons per item, ie 6 egg coupons when they were on sale for .50 and the cashiers never really blink an eye. But I buy 6 of everything I have coupons for, tonight I bought 6 poptarts used 6 coupons, 6 ravioli 6 coupons etc... I just go to several stores and use 6 coupons... In the last 2 days I have bought 24 poptarts, 24 m&m's, 24 cokes, etc... at 3 different stores. I have several stores very close to me. As for my coupons I have one of the binders and I put it in the seat opened and I see people looking at me like I'm crazy but so far no one has ever followed me around the store. If I have the guts to use 60 coupons at one time I would do it in a heart beat...
ljvoskuil Posted April 15, 2007 Posted April 15, 2007 I went to Target yesterday and tried to use cupons for the first time. I will never try that again!! First of all where on the cereal cupons does it say a size? I had the single serve ones for Kellogs and General Mills, but they said they are only good for the big boxes. They would not let me use a cupon if the item cost less than the cupon, so I could not use them on the Quaker granola bars (which were on clearance). I also could not use them on the oreo cookies. I always loved shopping at Target, but after such an upsetting day yesterday I am not sure I will go again any time soon.
bripoe Posted April 15, 2007 Posted April 15, 2007 I found the following when I went: Stage 2 Babyfood 2 pk for 48cents: Fruit Melody Banana/Apple Dessert Stage 3 baby food jars for 36 cents Applesauce Vegetable Turkey Dinner Orajel Beginners Toothbrush/Toothpaste for 1.73 I believe it was a box of OFF Wipes 12ct for 96 cents
megnsamsgrace Posted April 15, 2007 Posted April 15, 2007 ljbvoskuil, I would have fought them, I have done it before too (on the granola bars) because the coupon specifically does not say a size. Call corporate and tell them you tried to use coupons that did not state a size and they refused to take them. I got a $3 coupon because of trouble using coupons at a store before. I havent tried the oreo ones (although those are expired anyway) but I did use teh granola ones and the cereal ones, its all in what store you go to or which cashier you get. I went and got 10 granola bar packages with no problem with the cashier. I then found some more after and went to a different cashier, she refused to take them. All in 10 minutes time, one took all 10 no ?s asked, another wouldnt take the 5 I had. Cereal ones, I had no problem with those. BUT, those are a split bar code, so if they didnt scan and thats why she wouldnt take them, she should have covered the second half. Mine didnt go through at first and when I saw the coupon, I told him to cover the 2nd half and he did and all 5 went through just fine :) And an FYI, I had 32 M&M coupons (greedy okay... but there were about 100 more bags on the shelf!), 2 OJ, 5 Pepsi Jazz coupons, 5 cereal coupons and after the cashier scanned them all, they all went into the garbage! Weird!
bamaeagle Posted April 15, 2007 Posted April 15, 2007 It was hard but Lent is about sacrifice and that was the biggest one for me. Ironically when I was deciding what to give up, I went through the usual,chocolate,fried foods,etc.It was my DH that suggested Target. I think he had an alterior motive. I had to admit that would be a huge sacrifice for me.I tried going to Walmart,just not the same they're clearance is terrible.I was there for 2 hours monday and went back Thursday for 75%. I am back in the swing of things. Boy, did I miss the Bullseye!
myervin2001 Posted April 15, 2007 Posted April 15, 2007 I found the Gerber puffs (cherry) for .93 ea I bought 4 and used 2 .75 off 2 mfc so I got them for like .55 ea. I also found the Gerber Graduate soups for .53 ea and used a $1 off 2 mfc so I got them for .3 ea. That coupon was expired, didnt realize it until I got to looking at the other one I had after i got home but it scanned so they took it. Was going to get more of the soups but didnt want to press my luck with the expired coupons. I used the granola coupons on the regular sized boxes, figured $1.09 was a good deal for the regular sized boxes since the Target brand granola bars are more expensive than that. I did find one of the lighbulbs with a $5 giftcaard in it. So they paid me $2.50 to take the light bulbs lol. Plus hubby got his own Target card so we used the 10% off shopping pass.
jcarr492 Posted April 15, 2007 Posted April 15, 2007 Found the girls their dance leotards and some dance pants to wear when the weather gets cold so they can cover up their legs going from car to building at 75% off..got them for 4.98 each.
lynn421 Posted April 15, 2007 Posted April 15, 2007 I went to the Bedford, OH and Macedonia, OH stores this morning, but I got a late start. lol. Easter was 90%, I found a hot wheels set, for $.49 !!! tons of candy, baskets, egg coloring kits, etc. was left. There was a lady leaving the store with 2 cart fulls of candy..loaded to the top !
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