new2thisnow Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 After our turkey dinner, we drove by Best Buy at 7pm and there were 25 people in line already. We went by 3 other BB stores and there were more at every one.... up to 100+ even at one. CC has about 25 people in line now at 10pm. No one is at line at one Walmart and about 7 in line at 10pm at another. What we were looking to buy was at BB and since the ads say minimum 10, being 25th in line and freezing in Michigan wasn't going to be worth it this time because we wouldn't be guaranteed what we wanted.
elena_398 Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 I went by my Best Buy at around 7:45pm and there was literally 100++ people in line. Went passed Circuit City on my way home and only 8 people in line there
Gurnee Al Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 At 7:45 pm there were about 25 people in line at my BB. That should take care of the "big" BF items there. Anyone who lines up now will be shooting for the 2nd tier items. Pretty darn long wait for 2nd tier items!!
lucia Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 we went by a BB on our way home and we saw atleast 10 people there. it is pouring out and at this bb they have a parking garage to protect them from the rain.
Vickia Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 Passed our local BB in Levitown, NY at 9:30pm on the way back from the CompUSA sale (missed out on the SATA drives). About 45 people with umbrellas and tents in a steady rain.
vgb16 Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 Excluding TVs that can't be shipped thru Circuit City, I just bought a DVD.VCR player, got free shipping and don't have to deal with the crowds. Perhaps some tvs can be bought online and pick up in store?
David Thompson Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 We are in Fairfax, VA The first Best Buy we went to it was 8:45pm. We were 42 in line. We figured that the good deals would be gone at that position in the line. We ran to another BB. Just as bad. Went to another and that was worse. From there we went to a Walmart. We were second in line. But there was nothing we wanted. Our plan is now to go back to BB at 5 am and see what we can get. Bummer, Dave T
neile457 Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 passed a couple of stores at about 9 pm here BB had a line around the building - 50+ people CC had 5 people WM had no line
Josher5513 Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 I have a feeling this years BF is going to be a disaster... The deals weren't as good as years before, but there are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many people already waiting in line everywhere... I love the crowds, but I have a feeling tomorrow is just going to be rediculous compared to the past... The whole publicity BF has been getting this year has really worked for the retailers, I guess.
QuantumSlip Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 i think part of it has to be because they're getting restocks of ps3 and wii's. so u might not want to give up so easily just yet
jinxiejada Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 The best buy by my house (Suburbs North of Detroit) had at least 200 people in line at 1 am. At 11 there was maybe a quarter of that! CC, Microcenter and CompUSA were all lined up too. Needless to say, I'm staying home.
RossMAN Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 11:00 PM BB had 100+ people in line CC had around 8
bsutton1 Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 I got to Best Buy in Greenville, NC at 9:45pm. I became #52 in line. I wasn't after a big ticket item.. more of a 2nd tier item... Toshiba DVD Recorder. I know seems rediculous to wait a long time in line for it, I really wanted it. First person got there around 11am. I guess they didn't have no TG meal to go to. By 5am, their were probably about 200-250 in line. Our Best Buy handled things nicely. The passed out vouchers at 4am and took in groups of 20 at 5am.
medic776 Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 BB did a fantastic job in Madison, WI east side store. My wife stood in line since 02:30, was about 200th in line, got the panasonic plasma, 2 samsung 19" monitors and a Mag 17" monitor. They let 50 people in at a time and she was done by 05:12 am. No Laptop though. Oh Well. BB Rocks!!!
bigjimslade Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 BB in Texas had around 1500 people in it by 12 midnight.
disneytati Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 BB in Ft Lauderdale, FL had 10 people in line at 2PM yesterday. My aunt was the 10th. She said that by 9PM there were more than 100 people!!!!!
redguard Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 Did anybody else go to Circuit City? By far the worst BF experience ever. Waited in line for 2 and a half hours. I wanted this projector but apparently they only had one in the store but failed to mention it in the ad. So I got my shopping done within 10 minutes, then had to spend TWO HOURS in line!!!!! They only opened 3 registers I thought WTF. Customers from Best Buy were coming in after they got checked out within 20 minutes...needless to say I am not going there next year if they don't fix the way things are run...
stationchief Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 I'd have to say BB was the hands-down winner for the most insanely long lines this year. Dunno exactly what happened. Perhaps people were more well informed this year. Or maybe it's just that BB had the best deals ever. The line at the local BB I went to was crazy long by the time the doors opened. When I first got there I chatted for a moment with the guy camped out at the front of the line. He said he, #2 in line, and the other guy, very first to go in, both got there wednesday evening mostly for the special BF PS3 shipment. YIKES! Over 24 hours waiting in line!? These guys reaked of eBay. I may be crazy, but I'm not stupid.
dean4125 Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 I went buy BB this morning. Decided not to bother even waiting in line. Because there were 300 people already standing line already at 4am. So went to compusa instead and Target
bigtedrx Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 Josher5513 said: I have a feeling this years BF is going to be a disaster... The deals weren't as good as years before, but there are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many people already waiting in line everywhere... I love the crowds, but I have a feeling tomorrow is just going to be rediculous compared to the past... The whole publicity BF has been getting this year has really worked for the retailers, I guess.Everything I was interested in I got online. Love that internet! Hate those line!
AlpineMMM Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 Got to BB in Cerritos, California at midnight and waited for an hour, thinking about the panny 42" plasma. Left at 1AM thinking that no way I was gonna get one if there were 5 minimum per store. Went back at 6:30AM and all sold out.
AlpineMMM Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 Best Buy Circuit City, CA Check out the tents at 1AM!!!
malachitecat Posted November 25, 2006 Posted November 25, 2006 we got to best buy at 4:30am. The line was around three sides of the building at that time and there were still a lot of people that showed up after we did. Although we didn't get there till right before opening we still got what we went in for, the 19" widescreen samsung.
dmmiller Posted November 25, 2006 Posted November 25, 2006 redguard said: Did anybody else go to Circuit City? By far the worst BF experience ever. Waited in line for 2 and a half hours. I wanted this projector but apparently they only had one in the store but failed to mention it in the ad. So I got my shopping done within 10 minutes, then had to spend TWO HOURS in line!!!!! They only opened 3 registers I thought WTF. Customers from Best Buy were coming in after they got checked out within 20 minutes...needless to say I am not going there next year if they don't fix the way things are run...Yes, My DH and I went to CC and got there at 10:30 the night before.. was about 10th & 11th in line. And buzzed around CC for 10 min, only to spend 2+ hours in line. With register computers breaking down left and right, printers wouldnt print the rebate forms.. etc.Nightmare experience. Dont think I'm doing CC next year.. I'll try my hand at BB and not have to worry about that rebates, I'm sure that'll make up for any wait in line.
Snoodles Posted November 25, 2006 Posted November 25, 2006 CC....ARG!! I too spent over 2.5 hours in line after shopping for all of 5 mins! We kept being told the computers couldn't handle all the transactions at once and were on the verge of crashing. They also said they had been preparing for weeks for Black Friday...not so sure what they did to prepare but it didn't work. I won't be shopping at CC again on BF.
studintx Posted November 26, 2006 Posted November 26, 2006 I camped out for the HP $379.99 got there about 6:30pm there was already 15 people there but fortunately I checked with them and most of them were either getting the HDTV's or the cheaper laptop from Toshiba, so I decided to stay, most of the rush came about 8pm when people saw the line was at about 20 people. The cops came by about a total of 4 times, not to patrol but because people kept calling them over because some people were place-holding for others and it just because quite a scene, I was glad to be towards the front where we were acting civil. at about 4 am they came out with the tickets, they only had 12 of the HP which I knew ahead of time because I had a friend who works at BB scan the SKU the night before Thanksgiving. I got the 8th laptop out of 12, and also the 1 gig mp3 player. I spoke to some of the people around they stated that at one of the Best Buys they were not letting anyone camp out until 2am. The line wrapped around the building. They let quite a few people in at a time and fortunately since I was getting the computer, I grabbed the rest of my stuff first then checked out at the Geek Squad Center where they were ringing them up which was a lot quicker than waiting at the ridiculously long line to checkout...
sherrinfred Posted November 26, 2006 Posted November 26, 2006 My Walmart was crowded. I got there at 3:15 (I was 15 minutes later than usual) and there was probably 100 people already in line. Any other year I would be one of the first 20. Was very surprised after seeing the ad. I guess that 52' tv worked for them in Northern KY.
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